Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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As for the DEP and pro-Kurdish activists<br />

in Turkey, they too maintain the<br />

attack is a heightened. form of the ~arassment<br />

directed agaInst them dunng<br />

the past two years and suspect local ~ecunty<br />

forces, at the least, may be Involved,<br />

Kaya has turned down possible<br />

scenarios that Iran or even Armema<br />

may be behind the attack, saying these<br />

"lacked seriousness."<br />

"The responsibility for finding the<br />

mur<strong>de</strong>rers is up to the state and the go~<br />

vernment," he said. .<br />

For months now, Ankara's senior officials<br />

have been warning that anyone<br />

who sympathizes with the PKK or supports<br />

this bloody organization is to be<br />

regar<strong>de</strong>d as the enemy. '<br />

ln. a recent briefing to newspaper<br />

owners and executives auhe ChIef of<br />

General Staff office in Ankara, a similar<br />

message was given, According to<br />

such offiCiais, the DEP is but a part of<br />

the PKK master-plan.. acting as a legal<br />

• platform for separatist <strong>de</strong>mands. The<br />

. latest warning, against supporting th.e<br />

PKK or sympathizing with this organIzation,<br />

came from Demirel. "The fjrst<br />

attack," re,calleçl the pro,-Kur~ishO z~<br />

gür Gün<strong>de</strong>m In a story titled Step by<br />

Step Toward the Mur<strong>de</strong>r" on Sunday,<br />

took place against the. HEP during th.e<br />

oath ceremony in ParlIament for parlIamentai'ians<br />

elected in the Oct. 20,<br />

1991, general elections. .<br />

HEP <strong>de</strong>puties were verbally attacked<br />

by other parliamentarians and one w~s<br />

physically forced off the bench. Hatlp<br />

Dicle was or<strong>de</strong>red to step down. after<br />

announcing he was reading the oath<br />

"un<strong>de</strong>r constitutional pressure" while<br />

his colleague, Leyla Zana, was or<strong>de</strong>red<br />

off the bench after <strong>de</strong>claring -- in Kurdish<br />

-- that she had "read the oath for<br />

126<br />

.the brotherhood of the Kurdish and<br />

Turkish people." .<br />

Attacks on the.HEP grew along with<br />

attacks by the PKK on Turkish milir<br />

tary and Kurdish civilian targ<strong>et</strong>s in th,e<br />

region. First, there were <strong>de</strong>monstratIons<br />

in major cities <strong>de</strong>manding that "the<br />

mur<strong>de</strong>rers" be thrown out of Parliament.<br />

Later, these turned into <strong>de</strong>monstrations<br />

-- and som<strong>et</strong>imes attacks ~- of<br />

anti-Kurdish nature.<br />

Many Kurdish MPs, with Zana at<br />

top of the list, have been threatened<br />

with <strong>de</strong>ath.<br />

In the last month, a total of 15 pro-<br />

Kurdish people have been killed in<br />

Batman by uni<strong>de</strong>niified gunmen. Se".<br />

ven others have been woun<strong>de</strong>d. Four<br />

others have been killed in DiyarbakIr,<br />

again un<strong>de</strong>r suspicious circumstances.<br />

turned to the refinery city of Batman, where most unS?h.'~dmur,<strong>de</strong>rsh.a"<br />

ve taken place since ,1991. The .parliamentary commISSIOn,whIch con"<br />

dïîcted an on-the-spot investigation in Batman, reported that there was a<br />

.ven<strong>de</strong>tta b<strong>et</strong>ween the local Hezbollah and the PKK, but noted that the<br />

original Iranian-supported Hezboll~h had actuallx halted all its actions<br />

in accordance with the agreement SIgnedb<strong>et</strong>ween It and the PKK.<br />

.. The co~mission's rep,ort.empha~ize~ that, apa.rt from.the PKK, the~e<br />

is another Illegal orgamzatlOn, whIch ISpromotIng radIcal pro-IslamIc.<br />

opinions in the region. .<br />

"The members of the said organization, who are agaInst the PKK and<br />

call themselves mujahe<strong>de</strong>ens (fighters) of Isla~, have been ~II~ Hezbollahcilar<br />

(pro-Hezbollah people) by the publIc: At the b~gInmng th~<br />

organization in the region was un<strong>de</strong>r the le~<strong>de</strong>r~hlp of Meil! Abd~nah,<br />

the report said. It also ad<strong>de</strong>d that the,orgamzatlOn had contm~ed ItSactivities<br />

tog<strong>et</strong>her with the PKK up u~tli the,<strong>de</strong>ath of Abdull~ In the Beka<br />

valley, After the PKK killed an Imam In t~e Idll towns~l~ of ~1f!1ak<br />

province, the organization started to engage In armed actiVIty agaIn.st<br />

the PKK, the report said. The report stated that the Hezbollahçllar In<br />

Batman have organized themselves against the PKK and have bee.n r~taliating<br />

for PKK attacks. It als? stressed that the Hez?ollah orgamzatl-<br />

. on that is supporte~ by Iran slgne~ ~ agr~e,?~nt wI~h the PKK fi~e .<br />

months ago and <strong>de</strong>cI<strong>de</strong>d to conduct Jomt activIties agamst the RepublIc<br />

. ofTurkey. . . , , h "<br />

The allegations that the Hezbollahcilar have a connectIOnWIt coun-<br />

. terguerrillas" could not be proved, the report ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

Italy said s<strong>et</strong> to release PKK spokesman<br />

Reuter<br />

news conference on his efforts to negotiate the release of<br />

ROME-Italy's justice minister has requested the release of . two Italian tourists currently in the hands of Kurdish separa-<br />

a representative of the secessionist Kurdistan Workers Party tists. His <strong>de</strong>tention, three days after he entered Italy, has ca-<br />

(PKK) held in a Rome pris9n since Thursday, state radio reused controversy.<br />

ported on Sunday. . .<br />

Foreign Mimster Beniamino Andreatta said he was not<br />

Justice Minister Giovanni Consohas asked Rome's Appe- . properly informed and Interior Minister Nicola Mancino,<br />

al Court to revoke the <strong>de</strong>tention of Ali Sapan. a spokesman responsible for the police, said a judge had or<strong>de</strong>red Sapan<br />

in Europe for'the PKK, outlawed by Turkey it said.<br />

picked up, .<br />

Conso ma<strong>de</strong> the request after recei ving fresh documenta- The PKK has kidnapped 16 foreigners in Turkey in the<br />

. tion from the Turkish authorites showing the alleged offen- last two months, It is still holding seven of them -- two Ger,<br />

ces for which Sapan were being held were regar<strong>de</strong>d as ha- mans, two Swiss and a New Zealan<strong>de</strong>r plus the two Itali~<br />

ving lapsed un<strong>de</strong>r Italian law,' the radio ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

ans. ' , .<br />

The Turkish authorities have said they wanted Sapan ext- More than 7,000 people have been killed in Turkey since<br />

radited on charges of subversion.' .<br />

the PKK vegan its armed campaign in or<strong>de</strong>r to carve out an<br />

Sapan was <strong>de</strong>tained in central Rome on Thursday after le- in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Kurdish state from. Turkey --and from' Iran,<br />

aving the city's foreign press club where he had given a Iraq and Syria-- in ]984. .

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