Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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U.N. ambassador inal Batu:<br />

Turkey seeking review<br />

Turkish Daily News .<br />

ANKARA- Turkey's pennanent representatl~e to<br />

the United Nations Inal Batu confinned on Fnday<br />

that Turkey was seeking a review of the embarg,o<br />

imposed on Iraq after the Gulf war, the Anatolia<br />

news agency reported from New york. "<br />

"The embargo does not serve ItS purpose, Batu<br />

told a ,groupof Turki~h report~rs in New '( ork. "It<br />

is pUnishing the Turkish, Iraqi and Jordanian peol<br />

"<br />

P Be said al<strong>et</strong>ter from TurkishForeign ~ini~ter<br />

Hikm<strong>et</strong> ç <strong>et</strong>in, asking for a review of sanctIOns 1m.<br />

posed on Baghdad, had been forwar<strong>de</strong>d to the U.N.<br />

Sanctions Committee. .. .<br />

"We shall press on with initiativep for the review<br />

of the embargo, and the compensation of the Turk-<br />

of embargo on Iraq<br />

ish people for their rosses," Batu ad<strong>de</strong>d: ":turkisn m.e<strong>et</strong>ing.The foreign r.ninistersof ~rour.ô.40 co~n-<br />

Prime Minister Tansu çiller and o.therTur~~shoffi- •tnes hav~ requested b.llateral me<strong>et</strong>mgs wIth çe~m,<br />

cials attachgreat importance to thiS matter. On the he ~xplame~. B~tu s~ld that Turkey. was lobbymg<br />

.Cyprus issue, Batu reported t~at U.N. Se,cr<strong>et</strong>ary-' Latm Amencan, Afncan and IslamIc Conference<br />

General Boutros Boutros-Ghah had m<strong>et</strong> with Gus- member countries on behalf of Professor Dr.<br />

tave Feissel'the U.N. special representative for Cy- Hüseyin PazarcI, whose name has been shortlisted<br />

prus, and was close to compl<strong>et</strong>ing a report, that as one of the possible candidates to judge a war<br />

would be presented to the Secunty Council on crimes tribunal. Twenty-two. candidates are con-<br />

Sept. 15. "This has to be an interim report," he tending to be one .of the Il judges.in the tribunal<br />

said "because the negotiation process has had to be (hat will be s<strong>et</strong> up m the Hague. Votmg for the canslo~ed<br />

down because of the elections." The Turk- didates will take place in the U.N, General Assemish<br />

Republic of Northern Cyprus, currently in the bly. .. .<br />

throes of a political crisis, is to hold parliamentary Pazarci is chief legal adv!sor at the Turkish Forelections<br />

on Nov.28. Batu also told reporters that eign Ministry. His candidacy re~eived the most<br />

the foreign minister was scheduled to anive in New backing from U.N. member ~ou~tnes out ~f the 41<br />

York on Sept.27 for the U.N. General Assembly initial names forwar<strong>de</strong>d to adjudicate the tnbunal.<br />

FRA0209 4 I 0264 ALG /AFP-IC10<br />

Allemagne-Kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

Plus <strong>de</strong> 30.000K~r<strong>de</strong>s .pour un festival culturel <strong>et</strong> politique A Francfort<br />

FRANCFORT (Allemagne), 4 sept (AFP) - Plus <strong>de</strong> 30.000 personnes se sont<br />

rassemblée5 samedi en début d'après-midi dans le sta<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Francfort (sud).A<br />

l'occasion d'un festival international du Kurdistan, pour entendre <strong>de</strong>s groupes<br />

musicaux <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s discours polit.iques, a-t-on appris <strong>de</strong> source policière.<br />

Les participants sont venus d'Allemagne, <strong>de</strong> France <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong>s Pays-Bas, A<br />

l'appel <strong>de</strong> la Fédération <strong>de</strong>s associations patriotiques <strong>de</strong> travailleurs <strong>et</strong><br />

culturelles du Kurdistan.<br />

Selon les organisateurs, une dizaine <strong>de</strong> personnalités impliquées dans la<br />

défense <strong>de</strong>s droits <strong>de</strong> l'homme <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> la cause kur<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>vaient prendre la parole,<br />

dont quatre députés <strong>de</strong>s parlements britannique, suisse, turc <strong>et</strong> grec.<br />

De source kur<strong>de</strong> en Allemagne proche <strong>de</strong>s mouvements séparatistes,on<br />

indiquait par ailleurs qu'un festival parallèle A celui <strong>de</strong> Francfort aurait dû<br />

avoir lieu A Diyarbakir, dans le sud~est <strong>de</strong> la Turquie. Les autorités turques<br />

ont interdit ce festival <strong>et</strong> interpellé plusieurs organisateurs, affirme-t-on<br />

<strong>de</strong> même SOI.lt"'ce.<br />

Certains Kur<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> France qui souhaitaient participer au festival ont été<br />

bloqués en début <strong>de</strong> matinée A la frontière franco-alleman<strong>de</strong> A Sarrebruck par<br />

les douaniers allemands. Selon le ministèr. fédéral <strong>de</strong> l'Intérieur, les<br />

quelque mille personnes qui se sont présentées A la frontière n'avaient pas<br />

les papiers nécessaires pour la franchir.<br />

Ils ont finalement été autorisés A passer en vertu d'une autorisation<br />

exceptionnelle, a précisé le ministère.<br />

cpb/uh/mfo<br />

AFP 041457 SEP 93<br />


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