Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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But he complained that the Huwaiza marshes were now<br />

too dangerous for his people to take theirwater buffaloes to..<br />

"It takes thnebels two hours to reach the land. They use<br />

mötor boats which cancarry as many as 12 armed men,!' he<br />

said. Part of Huweiza was drained dry by Iraq to fend off repeated<br />

Iranian offensives during the 1980~1988 Iraq-Iran<br />

war. Across the dry land were empty tank bunkers, ditches,<br />

watch towers and fong earth embankments -- leftovers from<br />

the eight-year war.<br />

"They even attack the highway; plun<strong>de</strong>ring travelers and<br />

taking people hostage," he said.<br />

Jabbar Sgheir Swadi said he had six buffaloes, but can no<br />

120<br />

• It's the first time a high-ranking PKK rep. has been<br />

arrested in Europe, Turkish officials applaud Italians<br />

• The arrest marks a new stage in the hostage affair<br />

TDN wilh wire dispatches<br />

ROME/ANKARA- A high~rankil1g<br />

representative of the outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK) was arrested<br />

in Rome on Thursday after holding a<br />

news conference there, Italian' pohce<br />

said. Officers arrested Ali Sapan, spokesman<br />

for the Brussels-based National<br />

Liberation Front of Kurdistan<br />

(ERNK), the so-called political wing of<br />

the PKK, after he held a press conference<br />

at the foreign press club in cent"<br />

rai Rome, a pohce spokesman' said.<br />

The press conference was about the <strong>de</strong>-<br />

!TIan~sbeing ma<strong>de</strong> by the PKK before<br />

It WIll release seven Western tourists<br />

its militants abducted in eastern Turkey<br />

last month. One hostage is Italian and<br />

one has dual Italian-Swiss citizenship.<br />

There are also two Swiss, two Germans<br />

and one New Zealan<strong>de</strong>r being<br />

held by the PKK. The ..Italian news<br />

ag~ncy ANSA reported Sapan, i9, was.<br />

belOg held on an international warrant'<br />

issued on April13, 1993, by a court in<br />

Adana, Turkey, charging hIm. with belOg<br />

a member of a terroristorganization.<br />

. The Interpol <strong>de</strong>sk of the Turkish 1'0hce<br />

told TON that they asked the Italian<br />

police whe~er they arrested any other<br />

people WIth Sapan L after reports<br />

that three inore ERNK members were<br />

arrested at the same time.<br />

I~lial}. Ambassad~~ to Ankara Luigi<br />

Mana-Fontana GUICI told TON that<br />

only Sapan was arrested, as far ils it<br />

was reported to him from Rome.<br />

The German-based pro-PKK Kurd-<br />

Ha news agency told TON that one Other<br />

person, who was reporting for the<br />

agency, was also <strong>de</strong>taine9 by the Italian<br />

l'pli ce but then released. A spokesman<br />

for the agencysaid that the PKK<br />

was not pleased by' the attitu<strong>de</strong> of the<br />

Italian government.<br />

Pointmg out that this is the first time<br />

a high-ranking representative of the<br />

PKK was arrested 10 Europe, a spokesman<br />

for theTurkish police told TON<br />

that Turkey "<strong>de</strong>eply appreciated" the<br />

longer take them to the swampy land for fear of the "infiltrators."<br />

. "Som<strong>et</strong>imes we.send women to gui<strong>de</strong> the animals into the<br />

marshes. They do not attack women," he said. "We go tothe<br />

Hur (~arshes) but stay on the fringe~ and.hav~.to.~ .back ~Y.<br />

noon. Mohammed Hussein, with about 20 buffaloes;. the<br />

largest herd in the village, said numbers of the animal, the<br />

mamstay of the Marsh Arabs were <strong>de</strong>creasing atan alarming<br />

rate. "They need the marsh water for food and to escape the<br />

scorching heat but we cannot have them there as long as<br />

they want," Hussein said.<br />

Italy arrests PKK spokesman<br />

action of the Italian police in arresting<br />

Sapan. The source ad<strong>de</strong>d that Turkey<br />

.expected the sa~e from. the Belgian<br />

and German pohce, who said, however,<br />

Sapan could not be arrested only<br />

because he carried false i<strong>de</strong>ntity docu-.<br />

ments.<br />

. App!ITently,Turkish Interpol warned.<br />

Its Itahan counterparts inadvance that<br />

~apan would holda press conference<br />

10 ltaly. The Turkish police also said<br />

that an official applicatIOn to Italy.through<br />

diploIuaticchannels for the extradition of Sapan to Turkey<br />

will be ma<strong>de</strong> within 40 days. In the meantime, Sapan is<br />

belOg held in a Rome jail, Italian officials said.<br />

New stage in hostage alTair<br />

Before his arrest, Sapan said the hostageswould only be<br />

freed if Western governments <strong>de</strong>alt directly with the PKK-som<strong>et</strong>hing<br />

the countries concerned have refused to do.<br />

Sapan also said he was trying to contact Italy's political<br />

parties to negotiate the release of two Italian tounsts; one<br />

has dual Swiss citizenship.<br />

"I have an appointment with the POS (Democratic Party<br />

of the Left), but I am ready to see anyone. We want to be<br />

partners," he said at the news conference. The POS, heir to<br />

the former Communist Party, is Italy's main opposition<br />

party.<br />

"Our movement wants to s<strong>et</strong> these people free, but it is<br />

fundamental that Western governments <strong>de</strong>al directly with.<br />

us," he said. "We are the pomt of contact, not Ankara." The<br />

PKK has kidnapped 16 foreigners in Turkey in the last two .<br />

months, but has released nine.<br />

Sapan told the news conference the Italian government<br />

has ma<strong>de</strong> no moves to communicate with the PKK.<br />

Denying reports that Italy's Izmir Consulate was trying to<br />

make mdirect contact with the PKK, Italian Ambassador to<br />

Turkey Guici told TON that neither direct nor indirect con"<br />

tact had been ma<strong>de</strong> by any official of the Italian government<br />

for the release of the hostages.<br />

On Thursday, a high-ranking PKK official blamed Western<br />

governments for tl)e plight of Western tourists held hostage<br />

10 eastern Turkey. "Às long as these governments send<br />

tourists to Turkey and support the war there, our attitu<strong>de</strong> toward<br />

tourists will not change," Cemil BaYlk, military comman<strong>de</strong>r<br />

of the PKK told the Kurd.Ha news agency.<br />

Observers believe that the arrest marks a new stage in the<br />

hostage affair. .They believe the PKK, which wants direct<br />

negotIation with the governmen.ts concerned'in r<strong>et</strong>urn for the<br />

. release of the hostages, now has to <strong>de</strong>al with the release of<br />

one of its own. The observers also point out that the PKK<br />

has already lost ground by trying to affect the release of the<br />

hostages. . .<br />

Seeking to carve an i~<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt Kurdish state o.utof Turkey;<br />

Iran, Iraq and Syna, the PKK has been wagmg an' armed<br />

campaign since 1984, in which more than 1,000 people<br />

in Turkey have been killed so far. (Reuters) .

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