Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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4 Turkish Probe August 31, 1993<br />

Kurdish Violence Shifts<br />

to the Northeast<br />

The outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)<br />

has been shifting its nine-year old armed<br />

campaign in the southeast of Turkey further<br />

north since late this spring.<br />

To be more precise, the Bingöl attack on May 24<br />

in which more than 30 unarmed soldiers and 5 civilians<br />

were killed can be regar<strong>de</strong>d as a milestone in<br />

that campaign. The attack had brought an end to<br />

the unilateral ceasefire which had been announced<br />

by the PKK lea<strong>de</strong>rship in March 1993. The lea<strong>de</strong>rship<br />

in Syria had <strong>de</strong>nied any knowledge of the attack<br />

when they first heard, but later had to claim responsibility<br />

for it. The attack had been carried out by the<br />

"Amed" region comman<strong>de</strong>r of the PKK, $emdin Saklk,<br />

who is known for his autonomous intentions regarding<br />

the Central Committee of the organization.<br />

Amed region, which covers parts of the provinces<br />

of Diyarbakir, Mu~ and Bingöl, was later supported<br />

by "Dersim," Tunceli, parts of Erzincan, Erzurum<br />

and "Serhat: parts of Erzurum, Kars, I~dlr, AOn,<br />

Van regions. The combined activity started to spread<br />

in an area so as to draw an arch beginning from<br />

Turkey's bor<strong>de</strong>r with Iran and Armenia at DoOubeyazit,<br />

largely surrounding the Lake Van from its<br />

north then bending south to Diyarbakir.<br />

One characteristic of the region is that it has almost<br />

no physical contact with PKK bases in northern<br />

Iraq. The groups here are believed to have logistical<br />

contact with their bases in Iran and Armenia.<br />

Another characteristic of this region is its rather<br />

mixed <strong>de</strong>mographic structure with respect to<br />

the more homogeneous Kurdish southeast.<br />

A third characteristic of the region is its mixed religious<br />

structure. Kurds, Arabs and Turks living in the<br />

southeast are mostly Sunni Moslems. But in the<br />

arch there are Shiite Azeris, Shiite Turks, Sunni<br />

Turks, Alawite Turks, Alawite Kurds and Sunni<br />

Kurds. Moreover, Erzurum is one of the provinces<br />

in Turkey where Turkish nationalism is strongest.<br />

When all those factors come tog<strong>et</strong>her, the PKK<br />

factor in the region may turn into <strong>et</strong>hnic and perhaps<br />

religious conflicts among ordinary people.<br />

That also <strong>de</strong>pends on the attitu<strong>de</strong> of the Turkish<br />

security forces while <strong>de</strong>aling with the PKK attacks.<br />

Political analysts say that if the Turkish security repeats<br />

its "mistake" in the southeast, such conflicts<br />

may become real. According to the analysts aswell<br />

as some government officials, the way to handle<br />

the problem safely is to differentiate b<strong>et</strong>ween the<br />

PKK and the ordinary Kurdish citizens.<br />

Some political analysts also draw attention to<br />

another dimension of the new PKK campaign. The<br />

mentioned rp.gionof the armed campaign is on the<br />

possible routes for the Azerbaijan-Turkey cru<strong>de</strong> oil<br />

pipeline project. The PKK's Bingöl attack, in fact coinci<strong>de</strong>d<br />

with a technical study by the international<br />

group of companies involved in the project which<br />

was to inclu<strong>de</strong> field inspections. When combined<br />

with a worker abduction inci<strong>de</strong>nt in $Irnak the next<br />

day -- which later turned out to be a fake one -- the<br />

western partners of the project had asked for a<br />

postponement. A second attempt was postponed in<br />

. June when the PKK launched a rock<strong>et</strong> attack on oil<br />

.storage facilities in the eastern province of Batman.<br />

The coinci<strong>de</strong>nces lead some analysts to speculate<br />

wh<strong>et</strong>her the recent PKK <strong>de</strong>cision to shift its nine-year<br />

old campaign •• in which more than 7,000 people<br />

have been killed -- further north is related to regional<br />

oil politics. They add that the PKK might be acting<br />

in line with the interests of some countries -- or<br />

companies -- who are against or exclu<strong>de</strong>d from the<br />

pipeline project. One speculation for that is Armenia.<br />

Does the PKK Have Links With Armenia?:<br />

One high ranking Turkish intelligence officer says it<br />

would be too "naive" to assume that the Armenians,<br />

as traditional and bitter enemies of the Turks, "would<br />

waste an opportunity to help other enemies of<br />

the Turks." Another official says there is little doubt<br />

that there was assistance of some sort, but they<br />

say they are not able to produce solid evi<strong>de</strong>nce for<br />

that. Turkish intelligence sources also say that they<br />

are just starting to focus on the Armenia-PKK link.<br />

There are actually unconfirmed reports about<br />

PKK camps in Armenia and military training provi<strong>de</strong>d<br />

to PKK militants by the Armenians.<br />

Intelligence sources say the reports claim there<br />

are at least six camps in Armenia: three b<strong>et</strong>ween<br />

the OkçuoQluand Güllübudak villages in Leninakan<br />

province of Armenia, by the Turkish bor<strong>de</strong>r; one<br />

three kilom<strong>et</strong>ers away from the town of Mazdaian;<br />

one two kilom<strong>et</strong>ers from the town of Misis; and one<br />

near the town of Colga. Sources also believe that<br />

the PKK militants are using Zengezor and Markara<br />

regions to cross into Iran and Turkey. The reports<br />

claim that the militants fight on behalf of Armenian<br />

forces in Nagorno-Karabakh against Azerbaijan,<br />

both in r<strong>et</strong>urn for camps and to gain combat experience<br />

against Turkish forces. Lachin region in Azerbaijan<br />

which is un<strong>de</strong>r Armenian occupation since<br />

last year is another place claimed to be used by the<br />

PKK un<strong>de</strong>r Armenian supervision. Armenia had an<br />

unsuccessful attempt last year to make Kurds establish<br />

a satellite Kurdish state in Lachin. Turkish<br />

press goes as far as to say that Armenians give helicopter<br />

training to PKK militants. Armenian officials<br />

categorically <strong>de</strong>ny any kind of relation with the<br />

PKK. But the Armenian Writers Union does have a<br />

relationship with the secessionist Kurdish organization.<br />

The Union has awar<strong>de</strong>d PKK lea<strong>de</strong>r Abdullah<br />

Öcalan -- who lives in the Syrian capital Damascus,<br />

and in Ber Elias in Lebanon from time to time -- an<br />

honorary membership earlier this year. •<br />


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