Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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~ Mon<strong>de</strong> - 26 août 1993<br />

Après l'expulsion <strong>de</strong> trois diplomates helvétiques<br />

Le ton monte entre<br />

la Suisse <strong>et</strong> la Turquie<br />

Les relations déjà tendues entre<br />

la Suisse <strong>et</strong> la Turquie se sont n<strong>et</strong>tement<br />

dégradées après l'expulsion,<br />

mardi 24 ao6t, <strong>de</strong> l'ambassa<strong>de</strong>ur<br />

<strong>de</strong> Suisse à Ankara <strong>et</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux <strong>de</strong><br />

ses attachés (nos <strong>de</strong>rnières éditions<br />

du 25 août). Une mesure qualifiée<br />

d'« injustifiée» par un communiqué<br />

du Conseil fédéral helvétique,<br />

réuni le même jour à Berne.<br />

Les autorités turques ont donné<br />

une semaine à l'ambassa<strong>de</strong>ur <strong>de</strong><br />

Suisse à Ankara, Paul-André Ramseyer,<br />

<strong>et</strong> à <strong>de</strong>u,,- <strong>de</strong> ses attachés<br />

diplomatiques, Jean-Pierre Baumeyer<br />

<strong>et</strong> Heinrich Maurer, pour<br />

faire leurs bagages. En annonçant<br />

c<strong>et</strong>te expul$ion, le gouvernement<br />

t,urc a ajouté que Kaya Toperi,<br />

~mbassa<strong>de</strong>ur <strong>de</strong> Turquie en Suisse,<br />

ne regagnerait pas son poste.<br />

Ce <strong>de</strong>rnier est au cœur <strong>de</strong> la<br />

crise diplomatique entre Berne <strong>et</strong><br />

Ankara <strong>de</strong>puis la mort <strong>de</strong> Sems<strong>et</strong>tin<br />

Kurt, un Kur<strong>de</strong> tué lors d'une<br />

fusilla<strong>de</strong> pendant une manifestation<br />

<strong>de</strong>vant l'ambassa<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Turquie<br />

le 24 juin, Mercredi <strong>de</strong>rnier,<br />

Tension in Cizre<br />

• Many <strong>de</strong>tained in massive security operation,<br />

security forces chant anti-PKK slogans on stre<strong>et</strong>s<br />

Turki..J: [lA il>' N'w,<br />

ANKARA- Tuncisit spèI.:Îaiforces t~ams<br />

and 'security forces, chanting anti-<br />

PKK slogans, launched a massive operation<br />

in Cizre, ~Irnak Thursday and<br />

<strong>de</strong>tained more than 100 people, a<br />

member, of parliament revealed on<br />

Thursday.<br />

The ~Irnak <strong>de</strong>puty of the pro-Kurdish<br />

Democracy Party (DEP) Selim<br />

Sadak told the TON that the special teams<br />

had surroun<strong>de</strong>d Cizre in the early<br />

hours of the morning and searched houses<br />

one by one, <strong>de</strong>taining more than<br />

100 people.<br />

"AccordinO' to the information that I<br />

have, specia1 teams fired in the air<br />

shouting anti-PKK slogans before the<br />

operation," said Sadak.<br />

According to local sources, the police<br />

teams cl1anted slogan.; such'as<br />

"Down with the PKK" and "Cizre will<br />

be a graveyard for LlefKK."<br />

Governor of eizre Umer Adar confirmed<br />

to the TON that the operation<br />

had taken place and that "30 to 40 sus~<br />

pected people" had been <strong>de</strong>tained. He<br />

<strong>de</strong>nied that the "rally" by security forces<br />

had taken place. '<br />

Deputy Cizre Mayor Mehm<strong>et</strong> I~lkçl<br />

affirmed that many people were taken<br />

into custody after 'the operation by security<br />

forces in Cizre and also said his<br />

house has been attacked by special forces<br />

teams two days ago.<br />

"Special forces teams threw two<br />

hand grana<strong>de</strong>s at my hous<strong>et</strong>wodays ago<br />

and opened fire with automatic weapons,<br />

<strong>de</strong>stroying my car. A number of snaps<br />

and houses were also <strong>de</strong>stroyed by the<br />

special forces teams. We are un<strong>de</strong>r immense<br />

pressure," said Isikci.<br />

12 killed in Southeast<br />

At least 12 people, including seven militants<br />

of the Kurdistan Worker's Party<br />

(PKK), were killed in the troubled and<br />

dominantly Kurdish-populated Southeast<br />

Thursday, the Anatolia news agency reported.<br />

Four Kurdish militants were killed bv<br />

security forces during operations in the<br />

rural areas of HaH,an's Köprii lü village.<br />

Meanwhile, three PKK militants were killed<br />

in a clash with government troops in<br />

~Irnak.<br />

In a separate inci<strong>de</strong>nt, PKK mi~itants<br />

killed four civilians when they opened fire<br />

on a bus .at a roadblock in the township<br />

of Kozluk ID Batman. Also, in Bingöl, a<br />

guard was killed by separatist militants.<br />

Berne avait donné une semaine à 0 Mise en gar<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s ira-<br />

Ankara pour lever son immunité kiens aux séparatistes du PKK en<br />

diplomatique ainsi que celle d'un Turquie. - Le Parti démocratique<br />

autre fonctionnaire turc. Une du Kurdistan d'Irak (PDK), dirigé<br />

requête rej<strong>et</strong>ée par Ankara qui par Massoud Barzani, <strong>de</strong>vait acheavait<br />

précé<strong>de</strong>mment refusé <strong>de</strong> lever ver, mardi 24 ao6t, à Erbil, son<br />

.l'immunité <strong>de</strong> quatre autres <strong>de</strong> ses ,onzième congrès, en se prononçant<br />

diplomates, qui ont tous été rappe- pour un Irak fédéral <strong>et</strong> contre tout<br />

lés en Turquie. «Le gouvernement diaiogue avec le régime <strong>de</strong> Saddam<br />

suisse regr<strong>et</strong>te profondément que le .Hussein. Dans un discours,<br />

g~uvernement ~urc ren<strong>de</strong> i,!,po~ib/~ M. Barzani a affirmé qu'il ne laisl<br />

,o~vertur~ ~ une enqu<strong>et</strong>~ Jud,- serait plus les séparatistes kur<strong>de</strong>s<br />

ClalTe !). a tndlq~é le. Cons.ell fédé- <strong>de</strong> Turquie (PKK) agir librement<br />

rai, ajoutant qu Il lUI serait désor~. dans le nord <strong>de</strong> l'Irak: «Nous ne<br />

ma~s plus .difficile. <strong>de</strong> fair!= Iibére~ lleurl perm<strong>et</strong>trons pas <strong>de</strong> travailler<br />

troIs t~un.stes ,sulsse~ enlevés en contre nous dans les régions kur<strong>de</strong>s.<br />

TurquI~, Jeudi <strong>de</strong>rmer, pa! ies Nous les avons beaucoup aidés<br />

sépar.atlstes kur<strong>de</strong>s. du Parti <strong>de</strong>s après le coup 'd'Etat en Turquie. en<br />

travailleurs da'Kurdlstan (PKK). - 1980. mais ils nous ont accusés<br />

(Reuter. AFP.) d'être <strong>de</strong>s féodaux <strong>et</strong> ont appelé à<br />

nous combattre ». - (AFP.)<br />

Meanwhile, PKK militants attacked military<br />

houses in Dargeçit, Mardin and security<br />

forces r<strong>et</strong>urned fire. In a clash that<br />

took place b<strong>et</strong>ween Kurdish militants and<br />

secunty forces, 17 shops were totally burned<br />

while a number 0 houses were <strong>de</strong>stroy~d.<br />

Jn a~Olher <strong>de</strong>velopment, several<br />

foreIgn tounsts were woun<strong>de</strong>d Wednesday<br />

when an unknown attacker threw a<br />

gasoline bomb at them in Istanbul. The<br />

assailant escaped after the attack in the<br />

city's Topkapi district.<br />

Gazioglu: "The number<br />

of PKK <strong>de</strong>aths in the latest<br />

security operations is about 1000"<br />

Interior Minisler Mehm<strong>et</strong> Gazioglu Slaled at<br />

a. Thursday press conference held al Ihe<br />

Interior Ministry Ihallhe outlawed Kurdistan<br />

Workers' Party (PKK) suffered a serious<br />

number of casual1ies al Ihe hands of security<br />

forces in the lalest securily operations. "The<br />

operalions are continuing. We have come a<br />

very long way in the last one and one-half 10<br />

Iwo momhs. '<br />

The number of PKK members killed in Ihe<br />

latesl securily operations is near one thousand.<br />

We ha\'e been able 10 account for Ihis many<br />

<strong>de</strong>aths. The PKK has fonned special burial<br />

learns Ihal are Irying 10 conceal Ihe number of<br />

their Josses. These learns are hiding Ihe <strong>de</strong>aths<br />

and aTe burying Iheir <strong>de</strong>ad in creek beds,"<br />

Gazioglu said.<br />


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