Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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ned down while the others were partially torched.<br />

However, the people of Güne~li still refuse to move<br />

out of the area and are s<strong>et</strong>tled down on the banks of<br />

the Diele river, receiving assistance from other villages,<br />

the DEP and even the Siirt governor who was<br />

reportedly very disturbed over the inci<strong>de</strong>nt.<br />

For the time being, the domestic press is kept un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

control. Not a single newspaper other than pro-<br />

Kurdish publications could file reports on what occurred<br />

in Yüksekova city center. Not a single report<br />

appeared on the smoke rising from the town of Çukurca<br />

on Friday as all entrance and exit to and from<br />

the city was prohibited. And, no one dared even to<br />

write about the torched villages.<br />

On August 16, the Sisi village of Lice, Diyarbakir,<br />

was compl<strong>et</strong>ely burned down. Reporters of Ist?nbul<br />

newspapers were told not to file on the issue. Just<br />

like after the inci<strong>de</strong>nt in Ikizce village on the l;)lrnak-<br />

Cizre road on July 16.<br />

First six houses were hit by mortar fire and then<br />

all were torched. Pictures of the village were published<br />

in the TON but never found their way into the<br />

Istanbul press.<br />

The Turkish press is silenced, as it was in 1989<br />

when un<strong>de</strong>r the-then Motherland Party administration,<br />

Turkey turned to tougher "Special Warfare" policies.<br />

But, similar to the example of the past, this silence<br />

is actually damaging the country. Without any<br />

strong criticism, the press is ending up losing its role<br />

as the fourth force of <strong>de</strong>mocracy even though Demirel<br />

maintains that its main goal "is to become the<br />

first force." Again according to Demirel, <strong>de</strong>mocracy<br />

is such a system that when it starts leading towards<br />

a division, it is no longer viable. In his words, "a <strong>de</strong>mocracy<br />

which will lead to division is no <strong>de</strong>mocracy."<br />

More openly, the presi<strong>de</strong>nt and Turkey's comman<strong>de</strong>rs<br />

still believe that any rights to be granted to the<br />

Kurdish people will only serve to disrupt the indivisibility<br />

of the country and bring Turkey to the point of<br />

division. Period.<br />

They don't want to hear anything of reforms, l<strong>et</strong><br />

alone the freedom of the Kurdish language and/or<br />

Kurdish language radio and television broadcasts.<br />

As far as they are concerned, terrorism has to be<br />

crushed once and for all. Even then, though, it is not<br />

clear wh<strong>et</strong>her anyone will think of reforms. In a similar<br />

occasion with TON editors at the end of 1992,<br />

Demirel had brought an interesting approach to the<br />

argument on the Southeast. In his words, there was<br />

no way to accept the <strong>de</strong>mand of the local people as<br />

a <strong>de</strong>mand for <strong>de</strong>mocracy since they did not know<br />

anything of <strong>de</strong>mocracy.<br />

"If you don't know of som<strong>et</strong>hing, you can't ask for<br />

it," he had said then. Obviously, Ankara's current<br />

policy is based on fear. Fear that any step taken in<br />

the way of improvement will eventually lead to division.<br />

That once the hand is given, Turkey will lose<br />

its arm, as Çiller has put it.<br />

This is actually a stance against the coalition protocol<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween the True Path-Social Democrat Populist<br />

party coalition. A protocol which promises to see<br />

all <strong>et</strong>hnic cultures as part of the rich mosaic of Turkey<br />

and protect them.<br />

Ironically, the argument of current state officials is<br />

based on maintaining the sovereignty of Turkey<br />

whereas the argument which strongly challenges<br />

Turkish Probe August 24, 1993<br />

them says the same.<br />

Today, there are two views heard in Ankara, both<br />

stemming from the fear that Turkey may be led to<br />

the point of division in the future. The first is that of<br />

the ruling officialdom. The second is of those who<br />

claim the official policy in practice is the policy which<br />

would inevitably divi<strong>de</strong> Turkey.<br />

Behind the scenes, the two flanks are <strong>de</strong>bating<br />

whose policy is a real threat to Turkey and which is<br />

closer to dividing the country.<br />

The only way to judge the legitimacy and chances<br />

of success for Ankara's current policy is to look at<br />

the "crisis assessment" it is based upon. If, as Turkish<br />

officials claim, a Kurdish problem does not exist<br />

in Turkey, such a policy would have a chance of<br />

success. If, as Turkish officials claim, the crisis in<br />

the Southeast is merely one of terrorism, there is a<br />

chance of success.<br />

And,)f killing or capturing each and every member<br />

of the PKK will end the local violence, the problem<br />

can be solved.<br />

But, if there is a Kurdish problem, if the crisis is far<br />

more complicated than a mere terrorism issue and if<br />

after the <strong>de</strong>ath of each PKK militant more locals are<br />

joining the organization, such a policy is doomed<br />

from the very beginning. Because, it will be a treatment<br />

introduced after a wrong assessment and one<br />

which could kill the patient.<br />

Since there is no Kurdish problem, Turkey's position<br />

may be un<strong>de</strong>rstood. Perhaps this is why officials<br />

are fearlessly persecuting pro-Kurdish politicians<br />

and activists, why a court can strip a parliamentarian<br />

of his immunity and allow another to attempt to send<br />

him to the gallows only for making a speech, why<br />

<strong>de</strong>puties can openly be threatened with <strong>de</strong>ath by<br />

state security forces, why newspapers can be banned<br />

from distribution without court warrants and<br />

why, un<strong>de</strong>r the Demirel era, a total of 14 journalists<br />

writing on human rights and the "non-existent" Kurdish<br />

problem have been gunned down.<br />

This mayalso explain the systematic campaign of<br />

evacuating and burning villages as well as killing the<br />

Kurds using <strong>de</strong>ath squads who never g<strong>et</strong> caught.<br />

In other words, seeing the issue as one of terrorism,<br />

Ankara may now be systematically <strong>de</strong>aling<br />

with it as it would have <strong>de</strong>alt with the terrorists.<br />

Currently, this policy is only helping the PKK and<br />

bringing Turkey, step-by-step to the threshold of a<br />

massive civil war.<br />

Both si<strong>de</strong>s are being sharpened and turning against<br />

each other. The Turks, in general, have startedto<br />

see the Kurds as the PKK. The Kurds, in general,<br />

have started to see oppression as the Turks. In<br />

short, the two peoples are now approaching the point<br />

of an open confrontation.<br />

"This," said Demirel last week, "is what I fear<br />

most." But on the government si<strong>de</strong>, steps taken in<br />

way of creating a professional force to <strong>de</strong>al with terrorism<br />

are only increasing this threat.<br />

Either Turkey will have to accept there is a Kurdish<br />

problem and start trying to <strong>de</strong>al with it, or the<br />

country is to face an even greater crisis, spreading<br />

nationwi<strong>de</strong>.<br />

As long as the policy is based on <strong>de</strong>nial of i<strong>de</strong>ntity<br />

and the actual problem, a solution cannot be expected.<br />

And, unfortunately, there will be much more bloodshed....<br />


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