Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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killed by ihe PKK near the Eastern town ôf Bingöl<br />

last June.<br />

Despite repeated assurances though, a team of journalists<br />

recently visiting the Southeast region and five<br />

separate provinces established that hundreds of<br />

discharged soldiers were left on their own.<br />

Most of the soldiers were seen traveling in buses<br />

back to their homes, dressed in civilian clothes to cover<br />

their i<strong>de</strong>ntity. Even in the case of troop transports,<br />

only two arrnvured vehiclés are normally attached to<br />

convoy's.<br />

In other <strong>de</strong>vdopments on Thursday, sources said<br />

six paramilitary village guards were kidnapped by the<br />

Shadow cast over <strong>de</strong>mocracy:<br />

PKK in Sason, Siirt.<br />

Meanwhile, officials said the o~ration in the rura!<br />

areas of Yüksekova and ~emdinII in Hakkari province<br />

were continuing and that Il<br />

bodies of PKK militants had been found. Earlier<br />

Turkish newspapers had put the <strong>de</strong>ath toll of the mili~<br />

tants as high as 250.<br />

ln the western province of Edirne, police on Thuisday<br />

seized a trucICcarrying badges, walky-talkies and<br />

propaganda tapes to the organization. The truck, bearing<br />

Turkish lIcence plates, had registered its cargo as<br />

"NATO cargo," an officiai said.<br />

1~lklar impeached<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

ANKARA- In a dramatic <strong>de</strong>velopment which will inevitably<br />

cast a shadow over Turkish <strong>de</strong>mocracy at the<br />

threshold of the 21st century, a Turkish court on<br />

Wednesday terminated the parliamentary membership<br />

of Parliament Deputy Speaker Fehmi I~1klar,an electciJ<br />

representative of the Turkish nation. A Constitutional<br />

Court <strong>de</strong>cision impeaching<br />

I~Ik.larand opening the way for<br />

hIStrial, which could lead to the<br />

gallows, has officially been submitted<br />

to Parliament.<br />

The DiyarbakIr <strong>de</strong>puty is<br />

charged with heading a pro-<br />

Kurdish party in 1991 and making<br />

speeches in favor of the<br />

Kurdish people, regar<strong>de</strong>d now<br />

as a challenge to Turkey's indi~<br />

visibility. The court <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d on<br />

July 14 that I~Iklar, as the former<br />

head of the pro-Kurdish<br />

People's Labor Party (HEP), had<br />

violated the Constitution and the<br />

Political Parties Law by "dividing<br />

the nation into Turks and<br />

Kurds, and had <strong>de</strong>scribed Kurds<br />

as an oppressed nation," in his<br />

speeches prior to the October<br />

1991 elections. It had also <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d<br />

upon the closure of the<br />

HEP. On Wednesday, the<br />

court's so-called "D<strong>et</strong>ailed Ver- ""m worried for<br />

dict" was sent to the parliamen- <strong>de</strong>mocracy.<br />

tary speakership, in a final step<br />

to oust I~IkIarfrom the house. I've been In a struggle<br />

The court <strong>de</strong>cision lifts for people subjected to<br />

I~IkIar'sparliamentary immunity In'ustlce so far. From<br />

and opens the way to put him on I<br />

trial for violating TurKish Penal now on, that struggle will<br />

Co<strong>de</strong> 125. The co<strong>de</strong> concerns also be for myself ..<br />

the "unity of the nation and '7:?<br />

state" and suggests punishment<br />

up to the <strong>de</strong>ath penalty for carrying out "separatist actions"<br />

and/or propaganda.<br />

The ChiefProsecutor of the Ankara State Security<br />

Court (DGM) said on Thursday that two separate cases.<br />

against Ipklar will be opened with the mentioned<br />

cnarges. I am worried for <strong>de</strong>mocracy," I~Ik.larcom-<br />

mented to TDN on the <strong>de</strong>cision. "I haven't been taken<br />

to court hecause of any corruption or theft charge, its<br />

because of what I thought and said. I've been in a struggle<br />

so far for people who were subjected to injustice.<br />

From now on that struggle will also be for my own<br />

rights." He said as part of that struggle he might apply<br />

to international bodies like the European CommissIOn<br />

of Human Rights and the International<br />

Court of Justice in the<br />

Hague. I~Iklar sa)'s he was not<br />

planning to reSIgn from the<br />

Junior partner of the ruling coalition<br />

the Social Democratic<br />

Pecple's Party (SHP), which he<br />

had joined before the October<br />

'91 election.<br />

Shortly before the October<br />

'91 elections, I~Ik.larand other<br />

HEP <strong>de</strong>puties had agreed on an<br />

election alliance with the SHP<br />

and were elected to Parliament<br />

as SHP <strong>de</strong>puties. Eighteen<br />

Kurdish-origin <strong>de</strong>puties had<br />

later resigned from the SHP<br />

and rejomed the HEP. But<br />

I~Ik.lar, a former tra<strong>de</strong> union<br />

lea<strong>de</strong>r and a respected name of<br />

Turkish center-left poli tics,<br />

stuck with the SHP as the<br />

Diyarbakrr MP and became the<br />

<strong>de</strong>puty speaker of Parliament.<br />

Commenting oiiâie COnstitutional<br />

Court <strong>de</strong>cision when it<br />

was first ma<strong>de</strong>, Parliamentary<br />

Speaker Hüsam<strong>et</strong>tin Cindoruk<br />

had said he would examine the<br />

file presented by the court and<br />

try to do his best to prevent the<br />

implementation of the <strong>de</strong>cision.<br />

One way to do that was<br />

to amend Article 84 of the<br />

Constitution. But after the official<br />

submission of the court <strong>de</strong>cision, Cindoruk said he<br />

would make no comment before closely inspecting the<br />

report. Estimating that the HEP was gomg to be dosed<br />

by the Constitutional Court, the HEP MPs had joined in<br />

July another part)' called the Democracy Party (DEP),<br />

whIch was establIshed by Kurdish activists.<br />


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