Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7

Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7

Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7


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Science- http://www.springer.com/series/8389 - Higher Education Press p 277-<br />

309 Springer 2010<br />

C29 Maurice Courbage and Brunon Kaminski Directional metric entropy and Lyapunov<br />

exponents for dynamical systems generated bycellular automata, in Nonlinear<br />

Dynamics:New Directions, Ed. E. Ugalde. A paraître 2012.<br />

C30 Hess, A , Clerici, C , Klein, I , Damet, L , Courbage, M , Mangin, L ,:Identification<br />

of the brain centers involved in the voluntary control of breathing with<br />

functional magnetic resonance imaging: during apnea, hyperpnea and<br />

inspiratory resistive loading, FUNDAMENTAL & CLINICAL<br />

PHARMACOLOGY Volume: 25 Supplement: 1 p. 50-50, 2011<br />

C31 Maurice Courbage and Brunon Kaminski : Dynamical systems perspective of<br />

Wolfram's Cellular Automata, In « Chaos, CNN, Memristors and Beyond », For the<br />

75th L.Chua Birthday, Andy Adamatzky Ed, World Scientific, 2012.<br />

C32 Maurice Courbage and Brunon Kaminski and Jerzy Szymanski:On entropy and<br />

Lyapunov exponents of dynamical systems generated by cellular automata,<br />

Proceedings of Automata 2010 — 16th Intl. Workshop on CA and DCS 187–<br />

194 http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/54/96/45/PDF/automataproceedings.pdf<br />


Jean-Paul ALLOUCHE, Maurice COURBAGE, Joseph.P.S. KUNG and Gencho<br />



Cellular automata. .Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology,<br />

Third Edition, Vol.2 , 2002 , 555- 567, Academic Press<br />

Mathématiques pour la Physique (avec P. Besnoist-Gueutal). Eyrolles.<br />

Tome I : Intégrale de Lebesgue. Fonctions Analytiques. Espaces normées. (1992).<br />

Tome II : Séries de Fourier. Transformations de Fourier et de Laplace des Fonctions<br />

sommables. Distributions et fonctions spéciales. (1992).<br />

Tome III : Espaces de Hilbert. Opérateurs linéaires dans les espaces de Hilbert. (1993).<br />

"Lattice Dynamics" Physica D,103, N° 1-4, 612 p. Elsevier (1997).<br />

Proceedings of the international workshop Lattice Dynamics, <strong>Paris</strong> , June 1995.<br />

H.Chaté and M. Courbage Editeurs.<br />

« Chaotic Dynamics and Transport in Classical and Quantum Systems »<br />

Lectures of Cargèse International Summer-School, August 2003.<br />

P. Collet, M. Courbage, S. Metens, A. Neishtadt and G. Zaslavsky editors. Nato Sc.<br />

Series,II, vol. 182, 455 pages, Kluwer, 2005<br />

« Chaos and Dynamics of Biological Networks » - Theme Issue of International<br />

Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 20, B. Cazelles, M. Chavez and M. Courbage<br />

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