Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7

Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
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definitely convinced us that the trapping time could exceed the typical exit time of an isolated droplet by several orders of magnitude. These questions are in principle, connected to optimization problems. As a matter of fact, for droplets advected in a pipe network, we know that at a vertex, a droplet follows the direction where the elongation rate is maximal. Therefore, it can be shown that these trajectories correspond to the path followed by a particle, which would explore a tilted random potential according to the steepest descent algorithm. The corresponding random potential is linearly related to the local conductivity (or permeability) field of the fluidic network in a nonlocal manner. We expect this analogy will give us access to new tools to investigate the statistics of the trajectories in disordered networks. Strong clogging: Clogging/Unclogging transition. We propose to study the clogging/unclogging transition in networks filled with deformable particles in the strong clogging regime. For an isolated droplet, the exact resolution of the hydrodynamic problem is complex. However, it is conceptually simple at a qualitative level, see Fig. 4. As the particle density is increased, the problem becomes highly non-trivial as it involves a large number of hydrodynamically coupled particles in a strongly disordered environment. Firstly, we purpose to measure how the mean droplet current at the outlet varies as we increase the imposed driving pressure, and the particle density. It is very likely to observe a continuous “depinning” transition from a creep to a stationary flow regime. In [10] Watson and Fisher considered theoretical model close to the proposed set-up. They uncovered a continuous “second order” transition from static to stationary flows through the network. Interestingly, close to the onset of the network congestion, the flow was shown to take place along very sparse sub-networks of flowing channels. We will analyze the typical size and the shape of the mobile regions close to the unclogging transition, by measuring the displacement-displacement two-point correlation functions. We will study the variations of the corresponding correlation length close to the unclogging transition. Another quantity, which will be simply accessible in our experiments, is the lifetime of the flowing regions, which should diverge at the onset of the network unclogging if the transition is indeed a genuine dynamic critical phenomena. Our first experiments will be performed in wide microfluidic Hele-Shaw cells including random (but controlled) distributions obstacles (posts). 4.5.2 Traffic flows of self-propelled particles in simple and disordered geometries. As mentioned above, we have already exploited the Quincke effect to devise a new experimental set-up intended to manipulate and to observe artificial active colloids. We are currently investigating the individual dynamics of these particles, which is a necessary first step prior to any traffic experiment. We are currently characterizing the statistics of the persistent random walks performed by colloidal rollers: e.g. the variations of the velocity and of the persistence length with the applied field and the size of the colloid. Once this first set of results will be obtained, we will proceed to the collective dynamics of Quincke rollers. Motile colloids in homogeneous media: emergence and stability of colloidal swarms.

Figure 5. A- and B-Sketch of Quincke rollers in a Hele-Shaw microfluidic cell. Top views. A-Dilute system, uncorrelated velocities. B- Concentrated system: Collective directed motion? C-Tentative phase diagram. The first series of experiment will focus on homogenous channel geometries, namely wide isotropic shallow cells. The following question will be addressed first: can one observe a spontaneous collective and directed motion, viz. can Quincke rollers form swarms? An experimental fact, strongly suggests than a spontaneous symmetry breaking should occur in this system at sufficiently high concentration. As a matter of fact, it has been shown, that when an external macroscopic shear is applied to a suspension of Quincke colloids, they all rotate coherently, with the imposed fluid vorticity. This symmetry breaking enforced by the external drive results in an electrorheological shear thinning [19]. When rolling on a solid substrate, the colloids induce a net flow over distances comparable, at least, to their diameter. This induced flow is therefore expected to orient the rotation of the surrounding particle and yield correlated motion. At sufficiently high concentration, this local coupling is expected to propagate up to the system size. Practically, the height of the microfluidic channels containing the colloids will be chosen much larger that the colloid diameter to maximize the hydrodynamic couplings (height~100 microns, for micron size colloids). To check our prediction, we will measure the average particle velocity for increasing concentrations and electric field amplitudes. To distinguish between a crossover regime and a spontaneous symmetry-breaking scenario, we will measure the velocity-velocity correlation length and the lifetime of the coherent clusters as a function of the electric field amplitude for various concentrations. The magnitude of the E field is the parameter, which we control with the better accuracy. We shall notice that, this phenomenology is not opposed to the instability the polar phases predicted by the current models for active suspensions [14]. This theoretical prediction indeed applies only to anisotropic particles, having a velocity slave to the particle orientation. In our experiments, the translation speed of our colloids is not set by any permanent shape asymmetry; the direction of the roller velocity is set by its surface charge distribution, which is only weakly slaved to the geometrical orientation of the particle. In addition, the hydrodynamic coupling between two Quincke rollers is likely to differ from the conventional force-dipole picture. Therefore, our system will not process the two features responsible for the destabilization of the splay/bend modes of the active polar phase [14]. To rationalize quantitatively our experimental findings, we will pursue our ongoing work on the modeling of active suspensions in collaboration with Eric Lauga UCSD. In line with the remark made above, we will need first to construct a realistic model for the roller-roller scattering process. These models will be built upon the experimental characterization of the roller-roller collision rules, which we will extract from direct image analysis in dilute systems. Traffic dynamics along colloidal roads. As a first step toward the traffic in more complex geometries, we will investigate, the collective dynamic of Quincke colloids along a 1D track, see Fig. 6. The colloidal tracks will be made by direct lithography on a conducting glass slides (ITO coating). The colloids will be

definitely convinced us that the trapping time could exceed the typical exit time of an isolated<br />

droplet by several orders of magnitude.<br />

These questions are in principle, connected to optimization problems. As a matter of fact, for<br />

droplets advected in a pipe network, we know that at a vertex, a droplet follows the direction<br />

where the elongation rate is maximal. Therefore, it can be shown that these trajectories<br />

correspond to the path followed by a particle, which would explore a tilted random potential<br />

according to the steepest descent algorithm. The corresponding random potential is linearly<br />

related to the local conductivity (or permeability) field of the fluidic network in a nonlocal<br />

manner. We expect this analogy will give us access to new tools to investigate the statistics of<br />

the trajectories in disordered networks.<br /> Strong clogging: Clogging/Unclogging transition.<br />

We propose to study the clogging/unclogging transition in networks filled with deformable<br />

particles in the strong clogging regime. For an isolated droplet, the exact resolution of the<br />

hydrodynamic problem is complex. However, it is conceptually simple at a qualitative level,<br />

see Fig. 4. As the particle density is increased, the problem becomes highly non-trivial as it<br />

involves a large number of hydrodynamically coupled particles in a strongly disordered<br />

environment. Firstly, we purpose to measure how the mean droplet current at the outlet varies<br />

as we increase the imposed driving pressure, and the particle density. It is very likely to<br />

observe a continuous “depinning” transition from a creep to a stationary flow regime. In [10]<br />

Watson and Fisher considered theoretical model close to the proposed set-up. They uncovered<br />

a continuous “second order” transition from static to stationary flows through the network.<br />

Interestingly, close to the onset of the network congestion, the flow was shown to take place<br />

along very sparse sub-networks of flowing channels.<br />

We will analyze the typical size and the shape of the mobile regions close to the unclogging<br />

transition, by measuring the displacement-displacement two-point correlation functions. We<br />

will study the variations of the corresponding correlation length close to the unclogging<br />

transition. Another quantity, which will be simply accessible in our experiments, is the<br />

lifetime of the flowing regions, which should diverge at the onset of the network unclogging<br />

if the transition is indeed a genuine dynamic critical phenomena. Our first experiments will be<br />

performed in wide microfluidic Hele-Shaw cells including random (but controlled)<br />

distributions obstacles (posts).<br />

4.5.2 Traffic flows of self-propelled particles in simple and disordered geometries.<br />

As mentioned above, we have already exploited the Quincke effect to devise a new<br />

experimental set-up intended to manipulate and to observe artificial active colloids. We are<br />

currently investigating the individual dynamics of these particles, which is a necessary first<br />

step prior to any traffic experiment. We are currently characterizing the statistics of the<br />

persistent random walks performed by colloidal rollers: e.g. the variations of the velocity and<br />

of the persistence length with the applied field and the size of the colloid. Once this first set of<br />

results will be obtained, we will proceed to the collective dynamics of Quincke rollers.<br /> Motile colloids in homogeneous media: emergence and stability of colloidal<br />


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