Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7

Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
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focused on the structural properties of active suspensions and active gels [14]. Importantly, despite the intense theoretical activity in this field, no description of the flow in heterogeneous media has been discussed. Regarding the experimental studies, we shall note that very few quantitative experiments are available [14]. The reason for this imbalance between the number of theoretical predictions and of the experimental findings is precisely the lack of well-controlled physical system. Only for artificial (dry) walkers, a neat minimal system of vibrated polar disks has been achieved in [15]. The authors obtained the first experimental evidences of the emergence of long-range collective motion. For active suspensions, the two most promising options are: (i) the suspensions of robust living microorganisms such as e-coli bacteria, or Chlamidomonas algii [16] and (ii) solutions of autophoretic Janus colloids [17]. The main drawback of living microorganisms is the intrinsic difficulty in identifying their « control parameters », which can merely be varied over a small range, when identified. Autophoretic colloïds are very appealing when dealing with dilute suspensions. Conversely, they are not suited for high concentration experiments. As a matter of fact, the propulsion relies on chemicals reactions that release gaseous byproducts, and therefore form numerous unwanted bubbles in the solutions. In addition, the need for constant food/reactant supply makes impossible long experiments in confined geometries. 4.4. First results: Why can we (hope to) solve these questions? We shall first introduce several preliminary results, which we have already achieved both for advected and for self-propelled particles. Our motivation is here to stress to stress on the feasibility of the new and ambitious projects, which we introduce in section 5. 4.4.1. Microfluidic traffic flows: Advected droplets Figure 2: A- water droplets advected by a hexadecane oil flow in a regular post network. The three pictures correspond to three different droplet injection-rates. The network invasion occurs between (a) and (b). Length: 9.75 mm. B-Variations of the number of particles in the central lane, N, and in the lateral lanes, Ñ, as a function of the particle current j. From [8]. C-Total number of particles in the network as a function of time for j=1.2 j*=0.8 Hz. Note that (i) slow increases in N are followed by sharp decreases involving a very large number of particles. During the PhD of Nicolas Champagne, we devised efficient microfluidic solutions to study the transport of emulsions in microfluidic networks [8], Fig. 2A. These tools are based on two techniques, developed in our group (in collaboration with V. Studer): (i) Microfluidic Stickers, which enable us to make solvent and mechanically resistant device, in order to ensure a fast dynamic response and a long-term stability of the microfluidic flows [18]. (ii) A simple but effective drop on demand device, which makes possible to control independently the size, the velocity and the distance between microdroplets [19]. Thanks to these two tools, we carried out the first study on the traffic flow in 2D networks of regular obstacle [8]. We

showed that the traffic dynamics is a non-linear process: the particle current does not scale with the particle density even in the dilute limit where no particle collision occurs, Fig. 2B. We have demonstrated that this non-linear behaviour stems from long-range hydrodynamic interactions. Importantly, we have also established that there exists a maximal current, j*, above which no stationary particle flow can be sustained, Fig. 2B. For higher current values, traffic jams forms thereby inducing correlated ejections of the particles out of their the initial path and the subsequent invasion of the network. We proved that the reason for this invasion transition is akin to the formation of bona fide jams in vehicle-traffic flows, which display current-density relations qualitatively comparable to the one observed in our minimal fluidic setup. We also performed preliminary experiments above the network invasion threshold, and demonstrated that the traffic dynamics is strongly intermittent in this regime. The traffic jams form slowly and quickly break along the initially preferred path, which results in an avalanche-like dynamics as illustrated in Fig 2. C. This first set of experiments revealed that the traffic dynamics above j* yield non-Gaussian density fluctuations in the network, [8]. The first axis of our project will be directly motivated by these first experimental findings. 4.4.2. Self-propelled colloids: Quincke rotators Over the last four months, with Antoine Bricard (PhD), we have devised a new experimental set-up to create, to manipulate, and to observe a new kind of self-propelled colloids in microfluidic devices. In brief, we have taken advantage of an overlooked electro-rotation phenomena discovered by Quincke more than a century ago [18-19]. The so-called Quincke effect is an electrohydrodynamic instability, which arises when an insulating particle is immersed in a weakly conducting fluid and subject to an homogeneous DC electric field, E. Above a critical field amplitude Ec, the induced charge distribution around the particle becomes unstable (supercritical), thereby inducing a net torque on the particle, which then rotates at a constant angular velocity. The rotation vector is normal to the electric field, Fig. 3A. Our idea was basically to exploit this phenomenon, to build “colloidal rollers”. Indeed, when a Quincke rotor lies on a solid surface, it should start rolling on it for electric fields normal to the solid surface. This is precisely what we observed with commercial polystyrene colloids in alcane oils. In Fig. 3B, we show the trajectories of an ensemble of 5 microns colloids rolling on the surface of a microfluidic chamber made of a microfluidic sticker (height 50 microns). As the induced polarization of the colloids spontaneously breaks the rotational symmetry, the particles are prone to strong rotational diffusion in the directions normal to the electric field. In addition, the angular velocity increases as (E-Ec) 1/2 . Consequently, varying the electric field amplitude enable us to fine-tune the persistence length of these self-propelled colloids, see in Fig. 3C. The three major advantages of this novel system are: (i) Its lifetime is not limited by a finite fuel reservoir. The particles stop only when the electric field is shut down. (ii) It is effective in a wide range of surface concentration: from very dilute to close-packed colloids. (iii) As opposed to biological systems for instance, the Quincke rollers, have a very limited number of control parameters, which are well identified and that can be tuned over decades. These unique properties open the way to a quantitative program dedicated to the collective dynamics of motile particles in simple geometries and in random networks.

focused on the structural properties of active suspensions and active gels [14]. Importantly,<br />

despite the intense theoretical activity in this field, no description of the flow in<br />

heterogeneous media has been discussed. Regarding the experimental studies, we shall note<br />

that very few quantitative experiments are available [14]. The reason for this imbalance<br />

between the number of theoretical predictions and of the experimental findings is precisely<br />

the lack of well-controlled physical system. Only for artificial (dry) walkers, a neat minimal<br />

system of vibrated polar disks has been achieved in [15]. The authors obtained the first<br />

experimental evidences of the emergence of long-range collective motion. For active<br />

suspensions, the two most promising options are: (i) the suspensions of robust living<br />

microorganisms such as e-coli bacteria, or Chlamidomonas algii [16] and (ii) solutions of<br />

autophoretic Janus colloids [17]. The main drawback of living microorganisms is the intrinsic<br />

difficulty in identifying their « control parameters », which can merely be varied over a small<br />

range, when identified. Autophoretic colloïds are very appealing when dealing with dilute<br />

suspensions. Conversely, they are not suited for high concentration experiments. As a matter<br />

of fact, the propulsion relies on chemicals reactions that release gaseous byproducts, and<br />

therefore form numerous unwanted bubbles in the solutions. In addition, the need for constant<br />

food/reactant supply makes impossible long experiments in confined geometries.<br />

4.4. First results: Why can we (hope to) solve these questions?<br />

We shall first introduce several preliminary results, which we have already achieved both for<br />

advected and for self-propelled particles. Our motivation is here to stress to stress on the<br />

feasibility of the new and ambitious projects, which we introduce in section 5.<br />

4.4.1. Microfluidic traffic flows: Advected droplets<br />

Figure 2: A- water droplets advected by a hexadecane oil flow in a regular post network. The three pictures<br />

correspond to three different droplet injection-rates. The network invasion occurs between (a) and (b). Length:<br />

9.75 mm. B-Variations of the number of particles in the central lane, N, and in the lateral lanes, Ñ, as a function<br />

of the particle current j. From [8]. C-Total number of particles in the network as a function of time for j=1.2<br />

j*=0.8 Hz. Note that (i) slow increases in N are followed by sharp decreases involving a very large number of<br />

particles.<br />

During the PhD of Nicolas Champagne, we devised efficient microfluidic solutions to study<br />

the transport of emulsions in microfluidic networks [8], Fig. 2A. These tools are based on two<br />

techniques, developed in our group (in collaboration with V. Studer): (i) Microfluidic<br />

Stickers, which enable us to make solvent and mechanically resistant device, in order to<br />

ensure a fast dynamic response and a long-term stability of the microfluidic flows [18]. (ii) A<br />

simple but effective drop on demand device, which makes possible to control independently<br />

the size, the velocity and the distance between microdroplets [19]. Thanks to these two tools,<br />

we carried out the first study on the traffic flow in 2D networks of regular obstacle [8]. We

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