Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7

Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
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46.P. Rovillain, M. Cazayous, Y. Gallais, A. Sacuto R. Lobo, , D Lebeugle and D Colson, “Polar phonons and spin excitations coupling in multiferroic BiFeO3 crystals », Phys. Rev. 79, 180411, (2009). 47. M. Cazayous, A. Sacuto, et D. Colson, « Interplay between a two phonon mode and high energy magnetic excitations in Bi FeO3 » Eur. Phys. J. B 67, 209 (2009). 48. P. Rovillain, M. Cazayous, A. Sacuto, D. Lebeugle, D. Colson, « Piezoelectric measurements on BiFeO3 single crystal by Raman scattering », JMMM. 321, 1699-1701 (2009). 49. M. Cazayous, Y. Gallais, A. Sacuto, R. de Sousa, D. Lebeugle et D. Colson, « Possible observation of cycloidal electromagnons in BiFeO3 » Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 37601 (2008). Les conducteurs moléculaires: 50. G. Lamura, Andreone, A, Yang, Y, Barbara, P., Vigolo, B. Herold, C. Mareche, J.-F..Lagrange, P., Cazayous, M., Sacuto, A., Passacantando, M., Bussolotti, F., Nardone, M. “ High-crystalline single- and double-walled carbon nanotube mats grown by chemical vapor deposition, J. of Phys. and Chem. C 111 (42): 15154-15159 (2007) 51. S. Nakamae, M. Cazayous, A. Sacuto, P. Monod, and H. Bouchiat, ”Comment on Intrinsic low temperature paramagnetism in B-DNA"- Reply, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (8), 89802,(2006). 52. S. Nakamae, M. Cazayous, A. Sacuto, P. Monod et H. Bouchiat, « Intrinsic Low Temperature Paramagnetism in B-DNA » Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 248102 (2005). 53. S. Nakamae, M. Cazayous, A. Sacuto, P. Monod, and H. Bouchiat ”S. Nakamae et al. Reply”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 189802, (2005). 54. M. Cazayous, A. Sacuto, G. Horowitz, Ph. Lang, A. Zimmer, and R. Lobo,”Iodine insertion in pentacene thin films investigated by infrared and Raman spectroscopy” , Phys. Rev. B. 70, 81309 , Rapid Comm. (2004). La plasmonique et les nano-particules 55. M. Cazayous, C. Langlois, C. Ricolleau, and A. Sacuto, “Cu-Ag core-shell nanoparticles: A direct correlation between micro-Raman and electron microscopy », Phys. Rev. B 73 (11), 113402, Mar. (2006). 56. * Cazayous, M. , Langlois, C.), Oikawa, T., (Ricolleau, C., Sacuto, A. «Confocal Raman and TEM measurement at the same area on nanoparticles” , Micro electronic Engineering 84 (3): 419-423 (2007). Les Semiconducteurs 57. * J. F. Morhange, M. Jouanne, A. Sacuto, Le Thanh Vinh, M. Eddrief, M. A. Kanehisa, I. Ivanov, R. Schwartcz, « A Raman characterization of the InSe and GaSe thin films epitaxially grown on Si (111) by molecular beam epitaxy », Physics of Semiconductors. World Scientific, Singapore, Vol. 3, 2748 (1995). 58. Le Thanh Vinh, M. Eddrief, C. Sébenne, A. Sacuto and M. Balkanski, "Heteroepitaxy of GaSe layered semiconductor compound on Si(111)7X7 substrate: a Van der Waals epitaxy?", Journal of Crystal Growth 135, 1-10 (1994). 28

Conférences Invitées Conférences Internationales : Sur les supraconducteurs : 1.A.Sacuto “Superconducting gap and pseudo gap in hole doped cuprates”, the 26 th international conference on low temperature physics, August 2011, Beijing, Chine. Invité par Z. Zhao and L. Lu. 2. A. Sacuto, “How can we relate the critical temperature and the superconducting gap amplitude in cuprate superconductors?”, APS Physics, March Meeting, 21 – 25 mars , Dallas 2011 3. A. Sacuto,” Loss of coherent Quasi-Particles in under doped cuprates: an electronic Raman scattering study”, International conferences of Low-Energy Electrodynamics in Solids, (LEES 2010) du 5 au 10 juillet 2010) , University of Geneva, (invité par Dirk Van der Marel and Th. Giamarchi ) 4. A. Sacuto, “Energy scales and k-space confinement of superconductivity in under-doped cuprates”, The 9th International Conference on Spectroscopies in Novel superconductors (SNS2010), Shanghai, Chine du 23-28 mai , 2010, (invité par Dong-Lai Feng). 5. A. Sacuto “ Doping evolution of the Cooper pairs density around the Fermi surface in cuprate superconductors” 9th International Conference on Materials and Machanisms of Superconductivity (M2SIX) , Tokyo, 7-12 septembre 2009 (invité par J. Akimitsu et H. Fukuyama). 6. A. Sacuto, "Momentum-space islands of Cooper pairs in underdoped cuprates", colloque francojaponais, JST-CREST program (organisé au Collège de France , paris 15-17 juin 2009, (invité par A. Georges) , 7. A. Sacuto « Quasiparticles dynamics in cuprates», Workshop on Emergence of inhomogeneous phases in strongly correlated electron systems", Paris, France du 30 juin 3 juillet, 2009, University of Florida Paris Research Center (invité par P. Hirschfeld). 8. A. Sacuto « k-space islands of Cooper pairs in the under-doped regime of Bi-2212 », Grodon Research Conference in superconductivity in Hong Kong University, China du 2 au 7 juin 2009, (invité par F. Zhang) 9. A. Sacuto « understanding the energy scales in the cuprate phase diagram : an electronic Raman scattering analysis” , Joint Work shop of the MPI-FKF Stuttgart and the DFG Research unit 538, Schloss Ringberg, Allemagne, 3-7 Novembre 2008. (invité par B. Keimer et R. Hackl) 10. A. Sacuto” Electronic Raman scattering in Cuprates”, International school of « strong correlation in materials and atom traps » at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italie, du 4 au 15 aout 2008 (invité par P. Colman et A. Chubukov) 11. A.Sacuto « Gaps in cuprates » International Conference on Low Energy Electrodynamics in Solids, (LEES 08), Vancouver- Whistler British Columbia, Canada du 30 ou 4 juillet 2008 (invité par A. Damascelli) 12. A. Sacuto “Evolution of the gaps through the cuprate phase-diagram” invited speaker, Session L4. Room: Morial Convention Center, APS March Meeting ,New Orleans, Louisiana , USA du 10 au 14 Mars 2008 (invité par A. Yasdani) 13. A. Sacuto “ Gaps in the superconducting state of cuprates and our understanding”, 8th International Conference on Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors (SNS 2007) à Sendai au Japon du 20 au 24, Août 2007 (invité par S. Maekawa). 29

Conférences Invitées<br />

Conférences Internationales :<br />

Sur les supraconducteurs :<br />

1.A.Sacuto “Superconducting gap and pseudo gap in hole doped cuprates”, the 26 th international<br />

conference on low temperature physics, August 2011, Beijing, Chine. Invité par Z. Zhao and L. Lu.<br />

2. A. Sacuto, “How can we relate the critical temperature and the superconducting gap amplitude in<br />

cuprate superconductors?”, APS Physics, March Meeting, 21 – 25 mars , Dallas 2011<br />

3. A. Sacuto,” Loss of coherent Quasi-Particles in under doped cuprates: an electronic Raman<br />

scattering study”, International conferences of Low-Energy Electrodynamics in Solids, (LEES 2010) du<br />

5 au 10 juillet 2010) , University of Geneva, (invité par Dirk Van der Marel and Th. Giamarchi )<br />

4. A. Sacuto, “Energy scales and k-space confinement of superconductivity in under-doped cuprates”,<br />

The 9th International Conference on Spectroscopies in Novel superconductors (SNS2010), Shanghai,<br />

Chine du 23-28 mai , 2010, (invité par Dong-Lai Feng).<br />

5. A. Sacuto “ Doping evolution of the Cooper pairs density around the Fermi surface in cuprate<br />

superconductors” 9th International Conference on Materials and Machanisms of Superconductivity<br />

(M2SIX) , Tokyo, 7-12 septembre 2009 (invité par J. Akimitsu et H. Fukuyama).<br />

6. A. Sacuto, "Momentum-space islands of Cooper pairs in underdoped cuprates", colloque francojaponais,<br />

JST-CREST program (organisé au Collège de France , paris 15-17 juin 2009, (invité par A.<br />

Georges) ,<br />

7. A. Sacuto « Quasiparticles dynamics in cuprates», Workshop on Emergence of inhomogeneous<br />

phases in strongly correlated electron systems", <strong>Paris</strong>, France du 30 juin 3 juillet, 2009, University of<br />

Florida <strong>Paris</strong> Research Center (invité par P. Hirschfeld).<br />

8. A. Sacuto « k-space islands of Cooper pairs in the under-doped regime of Bi-2212 », Grodon<br />

Research Conference in superconductivity in Hong Kong University, China du 2 au 7 juin 2009,<br />

(invité par F. Zhang)<br />

9. A. Sacuto « understanding the energy scales in the cuprate phase diagram : an electronic Raman<br />

scattering analysis” , Joint Work shop of the MPI-FKF Stuttgart and the DFG Research unit 538,<br />

Schloss Ringberg, Allemagne, 3-7 Novembre 2008. (invité par B. Keimer et R. Hackl)<br />

10. A. Sacuto” Electronic Raman scattering in Cuprates”, International school of « strong correlation in<br />

materials and atom traps » at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italie, du 4 au<br />

15 aout 2008 (invité par P. Colman et A. Chubukov)<br />

11. A.Sacuto « Gaps in cuprates » International Conference on Low Energy Electrodynamics in<br />

Solids, (LEES 08), Vancouver- Whistler British Columbia, Canada du 30 ou 4 juillet 2008 (invité<br />

par A. Damascelli)<br />

12. A. Sacuto “Evolution of the gaps through the cuprate phase-diagram” invited speaker, Session L4.<br />

Room: Morial Convention Center, APS March Meeting ,New Orleans, Louisiana , USA du 10 au 14<br />

Mars 2008 (invité par A. Yasdani)<br />

13. A. Sacuto “ Gaps in the superconducting state of cuprates and our understanding”, 8th<br />

International Conference on Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors (SNS 2007) à Sendai au<br />

Japon du 20 au 24, Août 2007 (invité par S. Maekawa).<br />


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