Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7

Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
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4 Liste des publications de Christophe Mora (2007-2011) Références Liste de publications dans des revues à comité de lecture [1] Coupling a quantum dot, fermionic leads and a microwave cavity on-chip , M.R. Delbecq, V. Schmitt, F.D. Parmentier, N. Roch, J.J. Viennot, G. Fève, B. Huard, C. Mora, A. Cottet, T. Kontos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 256804 (2011) [2] Giant Charge Relaxation Resistance in the Anderson Model , Michele Filippone, Karyn Le Hur, Christophe Mora, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 176601 (2011) [3] Mesoscopic admittance of a double quantum dot , Audrey Cottet, Christophe Mora, Takis Kontos, Phys. Rev. B 83, 121311(R) (2011) [4] Universal Resistances of the Quantum RC circuit, Christophe Mora, Karyn Le Hur, Nature Physics 6, 697 (2010) [5] Integral equations for the four-body problem, Christophe Mora, Yvan Castin, Ludovic Pricoupenko, C. R. Physique 12, 71 (2011) [6] Four-body Efimov effect, Yvan Castin, Christophe Mora, Ludovic Pricoupenko, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 223201 (2010) [7] Exact solution of the three-boson problem at vanishing energy,ChristopheMora,Alexander O. Gogolin, Reinhold Egger, C. R. Physique 12, 27-38 (2011) [8] The normal phase of an imbalanced Fermi gas, Christophe Mora, Frederic Chevy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 230402 (2010) [9] Ultra-cold Polarized Fermi Gases, Frederic Chevy, Christophe Mora, Rep. Prog. Phys. 73, 112401 (2010) [10] Theory of nonequilibrium transport in the SU(N) Kondo regime, Christophe Mora, Pavel Vitushinsky, Xavier Leyronas, Aashish A. Clerk, Karyn Le Hur, Phys. Rev. B 80, 155322 (2009) [11] Fermi-liquid theory for SU(N) Kondo model, Christophe Mora, Phys. Rev. B 80, 125304 (2009) [12] Ground state of a tightly bound composite dimer immersed in a Fermi sea, Christophe Mora, Frederic Chevy, Phys. Rev. A 80, 033607 (2009) [13] Ground State Energy of the Two-Dimensional Weakly Interacting Bose Gas : First Correction Beyond Bogoliubov Theory, Christophe Mora, Yvan Castin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 180404 (2009) [14] Noisy Kondo impurities, T. Delattre, C. Feuillet-Palma, L. G. Herrmann, P. Morfin, J.-M. Berroir, G. Fève, B. Plaçais, D. C. Glattli, M.-S. Choi, C. Mora, T. Kontos, Nature Physics 5, 208 (2009) [15] Analytical solution of the bosonic three-body problem, Alexander O. Gogolin, Christophe Mora, Reinhold Egger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 140404 (2008) [16] Current noise through a Kondo quantum dot in a SU(N) Fermi liquid state, Christophe Mora, Xavier Leyronas, Nicolas Regnault, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 036604 (2008) [17] Quantum melting of a crystal of dipolar bosons, Christophe Mora, Olivier Parcollet, Xavier Waintal, Phys. Rev. B 76, 064511 (2007) [18] Variational wave functions, ground state and their overlap, Christophe Mora, Xavier Waintal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 030403 (2007) [19] From Luttinger liquid to Altshuler-Aronov anomaly in multi-channel quantum wires, Christophe Mora, Reinhold Egger, Alexander Altland, Phys. Rev. B 75, 035310 (2007) 11

Conférences invitées [20] Universal Resistances of the Quantum RC circuit, Moriond 2011 - Quantum Mesoscopic Physics, La Thuile - Italie (2011). [21] Universal Resistances of the Quantum RC circuit, Réunion pléniaire du GDR de physique mésoscopique, Aussois - France (2010). [22] Imbalanced Fermi gases and dilute interacting Polarons et Universal Resistances of the Quantum RC circuit, The International Conference on Frustrated Spin Systems, Cold Atoms and Nanomaterials, Hanoï - Vietnam (2010). [23] Universal Resistances of the Quantum RC circuit, Workshop on electronic noise and relaxation in nanostructures, Grenoble - France (2010). [24] Low energy Fermi liquid approach for the Kondo problem, Exact Results in Low- Dimensional Quantum Systems 2nd INSTANS Summer Conference, Florence - Italie (2008). [25] Current noise analysis for SU(4) Kondo screening in quantum dots, Moriond 2008 - Quantum Transport and Nanophysics, La Thuile - Italie (2008). Contributions orales à des conférences [26] Universal Resistances of the Quantum RC circuit, Time-dependent dynamics and nonequilibrium quantum systems, Budapest - Hongrie (2010). [27] Noise in Carbon Nanotubes in the Kondo regime, The 18th International Conference onElectronicPropertiesofTwo-DimensionalSystems(EP2DS-18),Kobe-Japon(2009). 12

Conférences invitées<br />

[20] Universal Resistances of the Quantum RC circuit, Moriond 2011 - Quantum Mesoscopic<br />

Physics, La Thuile - Italie (2011).<br />

[21] Universal Resistances of the Quantum RC circuit, Réunion pléniaire du GDR de physique<br />

mésoscopique, Aussois - France (2010).<br />

[22] Imbalanced Fermi gases and dilute interacting Polarons et Universal Resistances of the<br />

Quantum RC circuit, The International Conference on Frustrated Spin Systems, Cold<br />

Atoms and Nanomaterials, Hanoï - Vietnam (2010).<br />

[23] Universal Resistances of the Quantum RC circuit, Workshop on electronic noise and<br />

relaxation in nanostructures, Grenoble - France (2010).<br />

[24] Low energy Fermi liquid approach for the Kondo problem, Exact Results in Low-<br />

Dimensional Quantum Systems 2nd INSTANS Summer Conference, Florence - Italie<br />

(2008).<br />

[25] Current noise analysis for SU(4) Kondo screening in quantum dots, Moriond 2008 -<br />

Quantum Transport and Nanophysics, La Thuile - Italie (2008).<br />

Contributions orales à des conférences<br />

[26] Universal Resistances of the Quantum RC circuit, Time-dependent dynamics and nonequilibrium<br />

quantum systems, Budapest - Hongrie (2010).<br />

[27] Noise in Carbon Nanotubes in the Kondo regime, The 18th International Conference<br />

onElectronicPropertiesofTwo-DimensionalSystems(EP2DS-18),Kobe-Japon(2009).<br />


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