Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7

Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 Curriculum Vitae - APC - Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7
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Curriculum Vitae 2 2007-2009: Cours d’option Interface Physique Biologie, M1 2004-2009: Travaux pratiques au D.E.A. Interfaces Physique Biologie, M2 2001-2003: Travaux dirigés biophysique, L2 (UFR SNV) 2001-2003: Travaux dirigés et pratiques de mécanique, L1 1998-2001: Travaux dirigés en PCEM (monitorat de l’Université Paris 7) Encadrement : - Coencadrement de la thèse de M. Aubert (2005-2008): “Modélisation de la migration de cellules tumorales : évolution in vitro de sphéroides de cellules issues de glioblastomes”, thèse de doctorat de l’Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7. - Encadrement de la thèse de Chloé Gérin (2009-..): “Modélisation de la croissance de gliomes de bas-grade et analyse de lames histologiques” - Encadrement de stagiaires: 2009: 2 stagiaires de L3 (6 semaines), 1 stagiaire de M2 (3 mois) 2008: 2 stagiaires de M1 (2 mois) 2005: 1 stagiaire de M2 (3 mois) 2004: 1 stagiaire de M1 (2 mois) Publications dans des revues à comité de lecture : [1] X. Mezanges, C. Regeard, C. Gerin, C. Deroulers, B. Grammaticos, and M. Badoual, 2012, Modelling the role of water in Bacillus subtilis colonies, Phys. Rev. E, in press. [2]GerinC,PalludJ,GrammaticosB,MandonnetE,DeroulersC,VarletP,Capelle L, Taillandier L, Bauchet L, Duffau H, Badoual M, 2012, Improving the time-machine: estimating the date of grade II gliomas, Cell Proliferation, 45, 76-90. [3] Nishiyama A, Tokihiro T, Badoual M, Grammaticos B, 2010, Modelling the morphology of migrating bacterial colonies, Physica D, 239, 1573. [4] Badoual M, Deroulers C, Aubert M, Grammaticos B, 2010, Modelling intercellular communication and its effects on tumour invasion, Phys Biol., 7, 046013. [4] Pallud J, Varlet P, Devaux B, Geha S, Badoual M, Deroulers C, Page P, Dezamis E, Daumas-Duport C, Roux FX, 2010, Diffuse low-grade oligodendrogliomas extend beyond MRI-defined abnormalities, 74, 1724-31. [5] Pallud J, Mandonnet E, Deroulers C, Fontaine D, Badoual M, Capelle L, Guillet-May F, Page P, Peruzzi P, Jouanneau E, Frenay M, Cartalat-Carel S, Duffau H, Taillandier L, 2010, Pregnancy increases the growth rates of World Health Organization grade II gliomas., Ann Neurol., 67, 398-404. [6] Deroulers C, Aubert M, Badoual M, Grammaticos B., 2009, Modeling tumor cell migration: From microscopic to macroscopic models, Phys Rev E, 79, 031917. [7] Badoual M., Derbez P., Aubert M., Grammaticos B., 2009, Simulating the migration and growth of Bacillus subtillis, Physica A, 388, 549-559. [8] Aubert M, Badoual M, Grammaticos B., 2008, A Model for Short- and Longrange Interactions of Migrating Tumour Cell, Acta Biotheor., 56, 297-314.

Curriculum Vitae 3 [9] Aubert M, Badoual M, Christov C, Grammaticos B., 2008, A model for glioma cell migration on collagen and astrocytes, J R Soc Interface, 5:75-83. [10] Grammaticos B., Badoual M., Aubert M., 2007, An (almost) solvable model for bacterial pattern formation Physica D, 234, 90-97 [11] Badoual M, Zou Q, Davison AP, Rudolph M, Bal T, Frégnac Y, Destexhe A., 2006, Biophysical and phenomenological models of multiple spike interactions in spike-timing dependent plasticity, Int J Neural Syst., 16, 79-97. [12] Aubert M, Badoual M, Féreol S, Christov C, Grammaticos B., 2006, A cellular automaton model for the migration of glioma cells, Phys Biol., 3, 93-100. [13] Badoual M., Rudolph M., Piwkowska Z., Destexhe A. and Bal T., 2005, High discharge variability in neurons driven by current noise, Neurocomputing, 65: 493-498. [14] Rudolph M, Piwkowska Z, Badoual M, Bal T, Destexhe A., 2004, A method to estimatesynapticconductancesfrommembranepotentialfluctuations, J.Neurophysiol., 6, 2884-96. [15] Piwkowska Z., Rudolph M., Badoual M., Destexhe A. and Bal T., 2004, Recreating active states in vitro with a dynamic-clamp protocol, Neurocomputing, 58: 55-60. [16] Destexhe A., Badoual M., Piwkowska Z., Bal T. and Rudolph M., 2004, A novel method for characterizing synaptic noise in cortical neurons, Neurocomputing 58: 191-196. [17] Shu Y, Hasenstaub A, Badoual M, Bal T, McCormick DA., 2003, Barrages of synaptic activity control the gain and sensitivity of cortical neurons, J Neurosci, 23, 10388-401. [18] McCormick DA, Shu Y, Hasenstaub A, Sanchez-Vives M, Badoual M, Bal T., 2003, Persistent cortical activity: mechanisms of generation and effects on neuronal excitability, Cereb. Cortex, 13, 1219-31. [19] Cappello G, Badoual M, Ott A, Prost J, Busoni L., 2003, Kinesin motion in the absence of external forces characterized by interference total internal reflection microscopy, Phys Rev E, 68, 021907. [20] Badoual M, Julicher F, Prost J., 2002, Bidirectional cooperative motion of molecular motors, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 99, 6696-701. Interventions orales invitees à des conférences/colloques : - Prédire la “date de naissance” d’un GGII par la modélisation, Réunion nationale du Réseau d’étude des gliomes, 21-22 janvier 2011, au Centre Hospitalier Sainte-Anne (Paris). - Gérin C, Deroulers D, Varlet P. , Pallud J., Badoual M., étude quantitative de biopsies étagées de gliomes en vue d’une modélisation mathématique, Lames virtuelles, intérêts et perspectives en pédagogie et en recherche; Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris. - Estimating the onset time of low-grade gliomas with a mathematical model, International Workshop Mathways into cancer , 4-6 juin 2012

<strong>Curriculum</strong> <strong>Vitae</strong> 3<br />

[9] Aubert M, Badoual M, Christov C, Grammaticos B., 2008, A model for glioma<br />

cell migration on collagen and astrocytes, J R Soc Interface, 5:75-83.<br />

[10] Grammaticos B., Badoual M., Aubert M., 2007, An (almost) solvable model<br />

for bacterial pattern formation Physica D, 234, 90-97<br />

[11] Badoual M, Zou Q, Davison AP, Rudolph M, Bal T, Frégnac Y, Destexhe<br />

A., 2006, Biophysical and phenomenological models of multiple spike interactions in<br />

spike-timing dependent plasticity, Int J Neural Syst., 16, 79-97.<br />

[12] Aubert M, Badoual M, Féreol S, Christov C, Grammaticos B., 2006, A cellular<br />

automaton model for the migration of glioma cells, Phys Biol., 3, 93-100.<br />

[13] Badoual M., Rudolph M., Piwkowska Z., Destexhe A. and Bal T., 2005, High<br />

discharge variability in neurons driven by current noise, Neurocomputing, 65: 493-498.<br />

[14] Rudolph M, Piwkowska Z, Badoual M, Bal T, Destexhe A., 2004, A method to<br />

estimatesynapticconductancesfrommembranepotentialfluctuations, J.Neurophysiol.,<br />

6, 2884-96.<br />

[15] Piwkowska Z., Rudolph M., Badoual M., Destexhe A. and Bal T., 2004, Recreating<br />

active states in vitro with a dynamic-clamp protocol, Neurocomputing, 58:<br />

55-60.<br />

[16] Destexhe A., Badoual M., Piwkowska Z., Bal T. and Rudolph M., 2004, A<br />

novel method for characterizing synaptic noise in cortical neurons, Neurocomputing 58:<br />

191-196.<br />

[17] Shu Y, Hasenstaub A, Badoual M, Bal T, McCormick DA., 2003, Barrages of<br />

synaptic activity control the gain and sensitivity of cortical neurons, J Neurosci, 23,<br />

10388-401.<br />

[18] McCormick DA, Shu Y, Hasenstaub A, Sanchez-Vives M, Badoual M, Bal T.,<br />

2003, Persistent cortical activity: mechanisms of generation and effects on neuronal<br />

excitability, Cereb. Cortex, 13, 1219-31.<br />

[19] Cappello G, Badoual M, Ott A, Prost J, Busoni L., 2003, Kinesin motion<br />

in the absence of external forces characterized by interference total internal reflection<br />

microscopy, Phys Rev E, 68, 021907.<br />

[20] Badoual M, Julicher F, Prost J., 2002, Bidirectional cooperative motion of<br />

molecular motors, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 99, 6696-701.<br />

Interventions orales invitees à des conférences/colloques :<br />

- Prédire la “date de naissance” d’un GGII par la modélisation, Réunion nationale<br />

du Réseau d’étude des gliomes, 21-22 janvier 2011, au Centre Hospitalier Sainte-Anne<br />

(<strong>Paris</strong>).<br />

- Gérin C, Deroulers D, Varlet P. , Pallud J., Badoual M., étude quantitative de<br />

biopsies étagées de gliomes en vue d’une modélisation mathématique, Lames virtuelles,<br />

intérêts et perspectives en pédagogie et en recherche; Hôpital Saint-Louis, <strong>Paris</strong>.<br />

- Estimating the onset time of low-grade gliomas with a mathematical model,<br />

International Workshop Mathways into cancer , 4-6 juin 2012

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