002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 4880 IS12.1 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d’Information, No 691" p.2; IS12.2 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d’Information, No. 692" p.4; IS12.3 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d'Information, No 693" p.3; IS12.4 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d'Information, No 695" p.1; IS12.5 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d'Information, No 696" p.3; IS12.6 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d'Information, No 697" p.1; IS12.7 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d'Information, No 698" p.3; D56-Doc. 016 FBIS document dated 8 October 1974 - composition of GRUNK cabinet p.1; IS12.10 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d’Information, No. 938" p.1 4881 IS12.1 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d’Information, No 691" p.2; IS12.2 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d’Information, No. 692" p.4 4882 IS12.3 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d'Information, No 693" p.3; IS12.4 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d'Information, No 695" p.1 4883 IS12.5 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d'Information, No 696" p.3; IS12.6 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d'Information, No 697" p.1; IS12.7 CPK Media Report by GRUNK Ministry of Information entitled "Nouvelles du Cambodge, Agence Kampuchea d'Information, No 698" p.2 4884 D28 Written Record of Interview of IENG Thirith by Elizabeth BECKER p.23; D56-Doc. 016 FBIS document dated 8 October 1974 - composition of GRUNK cabinet p.1; D199/26.2.28 Report entitled “China and Cambodia”, November 1975 p.21; IS18.1 GRUNK Report entitled “Le Siege du Cambodge à l’Organisation des Nations Unies; Cambodia’s Seat in the United Nations” dated 19 June 1973, pp.4, 31-32 4885 D107/3 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p.3 4886 D28 Written Record of Interview of Charged Person IENG Thirith by Elizabeth BECKER p.24 4887 C20/5 PTC Appeal Hearing dated 24 February 2009 p.47 4888 IS17.1 CPK Public Statement entitled "Communiqué by the GRUNK Mission in Paris" p.2; D199/26.2.25 Télégramme intitulé “Visite en Chine de KHIEU Samphan et IENG Sary” p.3 (FR); D199/26.2.28 Rapport intitulé “La Chine et le Cambodge” p.18 ; D199/26.2.26 Joint Communiqué released at the end of the visit of the FUNC and GRUNC delegation (Peking, 18 August 1975) p.2 4889 D222/1.13 NORODOM Sihanouk, Prisonnier des Khmers Rouges pp.14, 17; D262.10 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 25 September 1975 p.H1; D262/10 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 29 September 1975 p.H1 4890 IS6.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "The Party's Draft of a Four-Year Plan for the Construction of Socialism in all Domains, 1977-1980", 21 July to 2 August 1976 [p.45]; IS13.1 CPK Standing Committee Document entitled "Minutes on the Standing [Committee's] visit to Northwest Zone, August 20-24 1975"; IS13.2 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Meeting of the Standing Committee, 9 October 1975"; IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Meeting", 2 November 1975; IS13.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes Meeting of the Standing Committee", 9 January 1976; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (National Defense Matters); IS13.6 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of the Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (Economic Matters); D251/1 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Meeting, 28 February 1976"; IS13.9 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.10 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.11 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 13 March 1976; IS13.12 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 26 March 1976; IS13.14 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Summary of the Decisions of the Standing Committee in the Meeting of 19-20-21 April 1976"; IS13.15 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 736

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 entitled "Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee", 03 May 1976; IS13.16 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Standing Committee Meeting", 07 May 1976; IS13.18 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Examination of the Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting", 14 May 1976; IS13.19 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 15 May 1976; IS13.20 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 17 May 1976; IS13.21 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 30 May 1976 4891 IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Meeting", 2 November 1975; IS13.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes Meeting of the Standing Committee", 9 January 1976; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (National Defense Matters); IS13.6 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of the Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (Economic Matters); D251/1 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Meeting, 28 February 1976"; IS13.9 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.10 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.11 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 13 March 1976; IS13.12 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 26 March 1976; IS13.15 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee", 03 May 1976; IS13.16 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Standing Committee Meeting", 07 May 1976; IS13.18 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Examination of the Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting", 14 May 1976; IS13.19 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 15 May 1976; IS13.20 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 17 May 1976; IS13.21 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 30 May 1976 4892 D232/30 4 th Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3 4893 IS20.23 SOAS/HRW Statement of KHIEU Samphan alias Haem p.1; D46 Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Khieu Samphan alias Haem pp.10-11 4894 th nd D95 26 Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.2; D225 32 Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch pp.2-3 4895 th D232/30 4 Written Record of Interview of Witness st pp.2-3; D200/3 1 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.9 4896 st D369/4 1 Written Record of Interview of Witness alias nd pp.3, 7-8; D200/4 2 Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p.7; D107/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.4-5 4897 nd IS13.22 DK Government Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Council of Ministers”, 2 Meeting, 31 May 1976 4898 IS13.24 CPK Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting on Health and Social Affairs", 10 June 1976 pp.1-3 4899 IS13.2 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Meeting of the Standing Committee, 9 October 1975" 4900 D56-Doc. 172 DK Media Report entitled "DK News Bulletin issued by the Embassy of DK-Peking, No. 58- 79, 2 Articles entitled "Talks between Comrade IENG Thirith..." pp.3-4; D56-Doc. 1 78 DK Media Report entitled "Democratic Kampuchea News Bulletin issued by the Embassy of DK-Peking", No. 77-79; D56-Doc. 179 DK News Bulletin issued by the Embassy of DK-Peking, No. 78-79, article entitled "International Activities" p.3; IS20.15 Reuters Report - Statement of IENG Thirith alias Phea p.1; D56-Doc. 180 DK News Bulletin issued by the Embassy of DK - Peking, No. 84-79, article entitled "The Pledging Conference of November 5, 1979" p.1; D56-Doc. 182 DK News Bulletin issued by the Embassy of Democratic Kampuchea - Peking, No. 85-79, article entitled "International Activities" p.4; D56-Doc. 183 DK News Bulletin issued by the Embassy of DK - Peking, No. 89-79, article entitled "The Delegation of Democratic Kampuchea arrives in Stockholm" p.3; D56-Doc. 1 84 The news on International Conference of Solidarity with Kampuchea in Stockholm, Sweden p.1; D56-Doc. 185 Statement of Ieng Thirith, Minister of Social Affairs and a Head of the DK Delegation at International Conference on Solidarity with Kampuchea, Stockholm, Sweden; D56-Doc. 186 Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 737

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427<br />

entitled "Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee", 03 May 1976; IS13.16 CPK Standing Committee<br />

Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Standing Committee Meeting", 07 May 1976; IS13.18 CPK Standing<br />

Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Examination of the Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting", 14<br />

May 1976; IS13.19 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing<br />

Committee", 15 May 1976; IS13.20 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the<br />

Standing Committee Meeting", 17 May 1976; IS13.21 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled<br />

"Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 30 May 1976<br />

4891 IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Meeting", 2 November<br />

1975; IS13.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes Meeting of the Standing<br />

Committee", 9 January 1976; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of<br />

Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (National Defense Matters); IS13.6 CPK Standing<br />

Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of the Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February<br />

1976" (Economic Matters); D251/1 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee<br />

Meeting, 28 February 1976"; IS13.9 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the<br />

Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.10 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes<br />

entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.11 CPK Standing Committee<br />

Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 13 March 1976; IS13.12 CPK<br />

Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 26 March<br />

1976; IS13.15 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of Standing<br />

Committee", 03 May 1976; IS13.16 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Standing<br />

Committee Meeting", 07 May 1976; IS13.18 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Examination<br />

of the Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting", 14 May 1976; IS13.19 CPK Standing Committee<br />

Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 15 May 1976; IS13.20 CPK<br />

Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 17 May 1976;<br />

IS13.21 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 30<br />

May 1976<br />

4892 D232/30 4 th Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3<br />

4893 IS20.23 SOAS/HRW Statement of KHIEU Samphan alias Haem p.1; D46 Written Record of Interview of<br />

Charged Person Khieu Samphan alias Haem pp.10-11<br />

4894 th nd<br />

D95 26 Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.2; D225 32<br />

Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch pp.2-3<br />

4895 th<br />

D232/30 4 Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

st<br />

pp.2-3; D200/3 1 Written Record of<br />

Interview of Witness p.9<br />

4896 st<br />

D369/4 1 Written Record of Interview of Witness alias<br />

nd<br />

pp.3, 7-8; D200/4 2<br />

Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p.7; D107/2 1 st Written Record of<br />

Interview of Witness pp.4-5<br />

4897 nd<br />

IS13.22 DK Government Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Council of Ministers”, 2 Meeting, 31 May<br />

1976<br />

4898<br />

IS13.24 CPK Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting on Health and Social Affairs", 10 June 1976<br />

pp.1-3<br />

4899<br />

IS13.2 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Meeting of the Standing Committee, 9 October<br />

1975"<br />

4900 D56-Doc. 172 DK Media Report entitled "DK News Bulletin issued by the Embassy of DK-Peking, No. 58-<br />

79, 2 Articles entitled "Talks between Comrade IENG Thirith..." pp.3-4; D56-Doc. 1 78 DK Media Report<br />

entitled "Democratic Kampuchea News Bulletin issued by the Embassy of DK-Peking", No. 77-79; D56-Doc.<br />

179 DK News Bulletin issued by the Embassy of DK-Peking, No. 78-79, article entitled "International<br />

Activities" p.3; IS20.15 Reuters Report - Statement of IENG Thirith alias Phea p.1; D56-Doc. 180 DK News<br />

Bulletin issued by the Embassy of DK - Peking, No. 84-79, article entitled "The Pledging Conference of<br />

November 5, 1979" p.1; D56-Doc. 182 DK News Bulletin issued by the Embassy of Democratic Kampuchea -<br />

Peking, No. 85-79, article entitled "International Activities" p.4; D56-Doc. 183 DK News Bulletin issued by the<br />

Embassy of DK - Peking, No. 89-79, article entitled "The Delegation of Democratic Kampuchea arrives in<br />

Stockholm" p.3; D56-Doc. 1 84 The news on International Conference of Solidarity with Kampuchea in<br />

Stockholm, Sweden p.1; D56-Doc. 185 Statement of Ieng Thirith, Minister of Social Affairs and a Head of the<br />

DK Delegation at International Conference on Solidarity with Kampuchea, Stockholm, Sweden; D56-Doc. 186<br />

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh<br />

Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941.<br />


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