002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 4766 IS6.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “The Party's Draft of a Four- Year Plan for the Construction of Socialism in all Domains1977-1980”, 21 July to 2 August 1976 [p.45]; D56-Doc. 23 4 Interviews w ith De mocratic K ampuchea Leader o n Po pulation P olicy an d St ruggle Agai nst Vi etnam in Summuray of World Broadcast 2 November 1981 pp.11-12 4767 IS20.6 D29-Attachment 3 3 Statement of IENG Sary alias Van (Steve Heder Interview with Ieng Sary) pp.2-3 4768 IS13.22 DK Government Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of Council of Ministers”, 2 nd Meeting, 31 May 1976 pp.7-11; D248/6.1.4 DK Government Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of Council of Ministers” 1 st Meeting, 22 April 1976 pp.7, 10 4769 IS4.23 KHIEU Samphan alias Haem Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons Behind the Decisions I Made pp.58, 60 4770 IS13.2 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Meeting of the Standing Committee 9 October 75”; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes, Meeting of Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976” 4771 D313/1.2.328 Khieu Samphan's Speech at Second Anniversary Meeting p.5; IS13.13 DK People's Assembly Meeting Minutes entitled “Document on Conference I of Legislature I of The People's Representative Assembly of Kampuchea, 11-13 April 1976”; D60 Annex 24 2, D1 08/28.242 Statement of KHIEU Samphan entitled “Speech by Comrade Khieu Samphan at the Mass Meeting Held on the Occasion of the Third Anniversary of the Glorious April 17 and the Founding of Democratic Kampuchea” pp.6, 7, 13; D262.14 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 6 January 1976 pp.H3-H9; D262.10 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 15 September 1975 p.H4; D262.17 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 16 April 1976 p.H5; D262.2 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 2 January 1975 p.H3; D262.2 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 10 January 1975 p.H9 4772 D262.14 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 6 January 1976 pp.H3-H9 4773 D313/1.2.328 Khieu Samphan's Speech at Second Anniversary Meeting p.5 4774 D60 Annex 242, D108/28.242 Statement of KHIEU Samphan entitled “Speech by Comrade Khieu Samphan at the Mass Meeting Held on the Occasion of the Third Anniversary of the Glorious April 17 and the Founding of Democratic Kampuchea” p.6 4775 IS4.23 KHIEU Samphan alias Haem Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons Behind the Decisions I Made p.131; D262.14 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 6 January 1976 pp.H1; D201/10 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D90 25th Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.4 4776 D262.14 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 6 January 1976 pp.H1 4777 D92/8 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5 4778 201/10 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7 4779 D166/125 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/116 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.6; D166/119 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D94/12 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4 4780 D166/156 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4 4781 D166/117 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D125/185 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D94/8 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D201/10 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D22/15, D108/3/15 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D201/7 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D288/4.57.1 CF001 Trial Transcript 4 August 2009 p.102 4782 D231/3 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D280/21 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3 4783 D91/12 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3. 4784 D94/8 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4 4785 D94/16 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7 Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 730

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 4786 D94/8 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/119 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D231/3 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7 4787 D166/156 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D94/12 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4 4788 IS18.68 DK Government Report Export Statistics 1978 4789 IS6.5 CPK Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary Flag” Special Issue, May-June 1978. 4790 D29-Attachment 89 Khieu Samphan Second Open Letter t o My C ompatriots in International Media, 29 December 2003 p.2; D29-Attachment 85 Khieu Samphan Open letter to all compatriots in the Cambodia Daily, 20 August 2001 p.3 4791 IS4.23 KHIEU Samphan alias Haem Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons Behind the Decisions I Made p.58; D213.2 KHIEU Samphan Consideration on the history of Cambodia from Early stage to the Period of Democratic Kampuchea pp.62, 65, 67-68 4792 IS6.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled the “Party's Draft of a Four- Year Plan for the Construction of Socialism in all Domains, 1977-1980”, 21 July to 2 August 1976 p.116; IS13.1 CPK Standing Committee Document entitled “Minutes on the Standing [Committee's] visit to Northwest Zone, August 20-24 1975” pp.3-5; IS13.2 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Meeting of the Standing Committee, 9 October 75”, p.11-12; IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Standing Committee Meeting”, 2 November 1975 p.3-5; IS 13.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes Meeting of the Standing Committee 9 January 1976”, pp.1-2; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes, Meeting of Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976” (National Defense Matters) p.2; IS13.9 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of the Meeting of the Standing Committee”, 11 March 1976 pp.1-5; IS13.10 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee” pp.1-3; IS13.12 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee”, 26 March 1976, pp.6-7; IS13.14 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Summary of the Decisions of the Standing Committee in the Meeting of 19-20-21 April 1976” p.4; IS 13.18 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Examination of the Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting”, 14 May 1976; IS13.20 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting”, 17 May 1976 4793 IS6.3 CPK Central Committee Directive entitled “Decision of the Central Committee Regarding a Number of Matters”, 30 March 1976 p.1 4794 D248/6.1.4 Presentation of Comrade Secretary General in the 11th Meeting of Ministers, 22 April 1976; IS13.22 DK Government Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of Council of Ministers, 2 nd Meeting, 31 May 76” 4795 D232/49 1st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D232/53 3rd Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4; D232/34 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D243/2.1.1 Long Live t he Ma gnificent Revo lutionary Army of th e Commun ist Party o f K ampuchea in CPK Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary Flag” Issue 8, August 1975 pp.13, 25-27 4796 IS13.13 DK People’s Assembly Meeting Minutes entitled “Document on Conference I of Legistlature I of the People’s Representative Assembly of Kampuchea 11-13 April 1976” pp.7-8 4797 D125/174 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.8 4798 D189.1, D248/3.3 CPK Central Committee Policy Directive - June 1978 (referred to as the 1978 Amnesty Document), 20 June 1978 4799 D232/30 4 th Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3 4800 D201/7 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.6; D313/1.2.328 Khieu Samphan's Speech at Second Anniversary Meeting pp.1-2; D60 Annex 242, D108/28.242 Statement of KHIEU Samphan entitled “Speech by Comrade Khieu Samphan at the Mass Meeting Held on the Occasion of the Third Anniversary of the Glorious April 17 and the Founding of Democratic Kampuchea”; D84/9, D1 08/43/9 Statement by the Government of Democratic Cambodia entitled “Cambodia's Temporary Severence of Relations with Vietnam” p.6 4801 D313/1.2.328 Khieu Samphan's Speech at Second Anniversary Meeting p.2 4802 D243/2.1.10 CPK Magazine entitled “ The Revolutionary Flag” Special Issue, April 1977 pp.3-15 Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 731

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427<br />

4766 IS6.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “The Party's Draft of a Four- Year Plan for the<br />

Construction of Socialism in all Domains1977-1980”, 21 July to 2 August 1976 [p.45]; D56-Doc. 23 4<br />

Interviews w ith De mocratic K ampuchea Leader o n Po pulation P olicy an d St ruggle Agai nst Vi etnam in<br />

Summuray of World Broadcast 2 November 1981 pp.11-12<br />

4767 IS20.6 D29-Attachment 3 3 Statement of IENG Sary alias Van (Steve Heder Interview with Ieng Sary)<br />

pp.2-3<br />

4768 IS13.22 DK Government Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of Council of Ministers”, 2 nd Meeting, 31 May<br />

1976 pp.7-11; D248/6.1.4 DK Government Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of Council of Ministers” 1 st<br />

Meeting, 22 April 1976 pp.7, 10<br />

4769 IS4.23 KHIEU Samphan alias Haem Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons Behind the Decisions I<br />

Made pp.58, 60<br />

4770 IS13.2 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Meeting of the Standing Committee 9 October<br />

75”; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes, Meeting of Standing Committee,<br />

Evening of 22 February 1976”<br />

4771 D313/1.2.328 Khieu Samphan's Speech at Second Anniversary Meeting p.5; IS13.13 DK People's Assembly<br />

Meeting Minutes entitled “Document on Conference I of Legislature I of The People's Representative Assembly<br />

of Kampuchea, 11-13 April 1976”; D60 Annex 24 2, D1 08/28.242 Statement of KHIEU Samphan entitled<br />

“Speech by Comrade Khieu Samphan at the Mass Meeting Held on the Occasion of the Third Anniversary of<br />

the Glorious April 17 and the Founding of Democratic Kampuchea” pp.6, 7, 13; D262.14 Foreign Broadcast<br />

Information Service 6 January 1976 pp.H3-H9; D262.10 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 15 September<br />

1975 p.H4; D262.17 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 16 April 1976 p.H5; D262.2 Foreign Broadcast<br />

Information Service 2 January 1975 p.H3; D262.2 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 10 January 1975 p.H9<br />

4772 D262.14 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 6 January 1976 pp.H3-H9<br />

4773 D313/1.2.328 Khieu Samphan's Speech at Second Anniversary Meeting p.5<br />

4774 D60 Annex 242, D108/28.242 Statement of KHIEU Samphan entitled “Speech by Comrade Khieu Samphan<br />

at the Mass Meeting Held on the Occasion of the Third Anniversary of the Glorious April 17 and the Founding<br />

of Democratic Kampuchea” p.6<br />

4775 IS4.23 KHIEU Samphan alias Haem Cambodia's Recent History and the Reasons Behind the Decisions I<br />

Made p.131; D262.14 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 6 January 1976 pp.H1; D201/10 1 st Written<br />

Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D90 25th Written Record of Interview of Charged<br />

Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.4<br />

4776 D262.14 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 6 January 1976 pp.H1<br />

4777 D92/8 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5<br />

4778 201/10 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7<br />

4779 D166/125 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/116 Written Record of Interview of<br />

Witness p.6; D166/119 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D94/12<br />

Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4<br />

4780 D166/156 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4<br />

4781 D166/117 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D125/185 1 st Written<br />

Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D94/8 Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

p.4; D201/10 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D22/15,<br />

D108/3/15 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D201/7 Written Record of Interview of<br />

Witness p.5; D288/4.57.1 CF001 Trial Transcript 4 August 2009 p.102<br />

4782 D231/3 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D280/21 Written Record of Interview of<br />

Witness p.3<br />

4783 D91/12 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3.<br />

4784 D94/8 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4<br />

4785 D94/16 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7<br />

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh<br />

Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941.<br />


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