4543 D199/21 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3 002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 4544 D91/15 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D233/2 3 rd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4 4545 D369/36 5 th Written Record of Interview of Witness p.9 4546 D91/10 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p.10; D91/3 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7 4547 D141/1 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.13 4548 D141/1 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.13-14 4549 D141/1 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.13-15 4550 IS5.115 S-21 Confession of VANN Piny 4551 IS5.46 S-21 Confession of LEAN Sirivut; D141/1 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.14 4552 D199/24 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D91/6 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D199/23 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3 4553 IS19.51 Statement of p.3; D141/1 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.12 4554 D199/23 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3 4555 D199/21 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D91/6 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D199/24 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3 4556 D233/2 3 rd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.9; D91/10 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p.10 4557 D199/23 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3 4558 D199/21 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4 4559 IS6.2 CPK Directive entitled “About the grasp and implementation of the political line of mobilizing the force for the Democratic National Front of the Party”, 22 September 1975 p.3 4560 D262.3 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 27 February 1975 pp.H2-H5 4561 D262.4 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 3 March 1975 pp.A17-A19 4562 D252.15 “Telegram 313 - Respected and Beloved Chief of 870 about a number of situation” 4563 IS20.4 Statement of IENG Sary alias Van entitled “We Do Not Copy” p.2 4564 D365/1.1.39 Washington Post AP Report entitled “Cambodia Executions Confirmed” p.1 4565 IS20.13 Statement of IENG Sary alias Van entitled “What We Are Doing Has Never Been Done Before” pp.2-3; D262.30 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 5 May 1977 p.H1 4566 D115/2.2 Annex 2 Written Record of Interview of entitled “A note of Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the UN Secretary-General on 22 April 1978” p.5 4567 IS20.6 Statement of IENG Sary alias Van (Steve Heder Interview with Ieng Sary) pp.6-7 4568 IS20.6 Statement of IENG Sary alias Van (Steve Heder Interview with Ieng Sary) p.8 4569 IS20.4 Statement of IENG Sary alias Van entitled “We Do Not Copy” p.2 4570 D262.40 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 24 April 1978 p.H9 4571 D262.45 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 13 September 1978 p.H4 4572 D262.46 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 6 October 1978 p.H6 4573 D262.48 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 5 December 1978 pp.H6-H7 Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 716

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 4574 IS21.2 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 45 - To Brother Pol Pot”; IS21.9 DK Military Telegram by Chhin and Division 920 entitled “To Brother 89”; IS21.11 DK Government Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 21- Radio Band 676 - To Beloved and Missed Brother Pol”; IS21.19 DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled “Telegram 46 - Radio Band 600 - 'Respected and Beloved Brother'“; IS21.20 DK Military Telegram by Vi entitled “Telegram 07 - Radio Band 545 - Be It Please Reported to Respected Brother”; IS21.29 DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled “Telegram 62 - Radio Band 1474 - Respectfully Presented to Respected and Beloved Mo-81”; IS21.36 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 39 - Radio Band 240 - To Beloved and Missed Brother Pol”; IS21.41 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 55 - Radio Band 403 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.42 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 56 - Radio Band 348 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.47 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 61- Radio Band 137- Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.48 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 60 - Radio Band 378 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.50 DK Military Telegram entitled “Telegram 69 - Radio Band 560 - To Beloved M 870”; IS21.51 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 76 - Radio Band 601 - To Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.52 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 82 - Radio Band 328 - Respectfully Presented to Beloved and Missed Brother Pol”; IS21.53 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 85 - Radio Band 332 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.57 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 95 - Radio Band 139 - Dear Beloved M 870”; IS21.58 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 96 - Radio Band 674 - Dear Beloved and Missed M 870”; IS21.62 DK Military Telegram entitled “Telegram 05 -Radio Band 160 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.64 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled “Telegram 06 - Radio Band 285 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.65 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled “Telegram 07 - Radio Band 269 - Dear Respected and Beloved M870”; IS21.67 DK Military Telegram 09 Band 550 entitled “To Respected and Beloved Office 870”; IS21.68 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled “Telegram 08 - Radio Band 275 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.70 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled “Telegram 11 - Radio Band 251 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.73 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled “Telegram 14 - Radio Band 556 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.76 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled “Telegram 15 - Radio Band 416 - To Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.78 DK Military Telegram by Sae entitled “Telegram 254 - Radio Band 745 - To Respected and Beloved Committee 870”; IS21.81 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 15 - Radio Band 791 - To Respected and Beloved Brother Pol”; IS21.84 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 16 - Radio Band 634 - To Beloved and Missed Brother Pol”; IS21.86 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 17 - Radio Band 674 - For Beloved Brother Pâ”; IS21.87 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 62 - Radio Band 563 -To Respected and Beloved Brother Par”; IS21.100 DK Military Telegram by 47 entitled “Telegram 16 - Radio Band 318 - Respected and Beloved Brother 009”; IS21.101 DK Military Telegram entitled “Telegram 16 - Radio Band 318 - To Respected and Beloved Brother 009”; IS21.105 DK Military Telegram by Roeun entitled “Telegram 35 - Dear Respected and Beloved Grand Uncle 89”; D175/6.15, IS2 1.116 DK Military Telegram by Vy entitled “Telegram 09 - Radio Band 326 - Respected Brother”; D175/6.16, IS-21.117 DK Military Telegram entitled “Telegram 20 - Radio Band 448 - Dear Respected and Beloved Brother about the Situation of the Enemy at Preah Tunle”; D60 - Annex 41, D108/28.41 Annex 41 DK Military Telegram No 20 by YA entitled “To Respected Brother”; D60 - A nnex 10 5, D 108/28.105 A nnex 10 5 “Telegram 68 - To Respected, Beloved and Missed Brother Por about Fighting with Enemies”; D60 - Annex 11 4, D108/28.114 Annex 114 “Telegram 15 - To Respected and Beloved Chief 870 about Enemy Situation”; D60 - Annex 217, D108/28.217 Anne x 21 7 DK-Military Telegram by Peam entitled “Telegram 30 - Radio Band 325 - To Angkar”; D60 - Annex 245, D108/28.245 Annex 245 “Telegram No. 5 Report Battle Field Situation to Office 870”; D60 - A nnex 297, D108/28.297 Annex 297 “Telegram 05: To Respected Brother about Fighting with Enemy”; D175/5.4 “Telegram 02 - Radio Band 191- Respected and Beloved Brother Pol about Activity Yuon Enemy”; D200/2.3 Annex 3 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness D252.15 “Telegram 313- Respected and Beloved Chief of 870 about a Number of Situation; IS-21.154 DK Government Telegram by IENG Sary alias Vann entitled “Dear Beloved Comrade Khieu” 4575 IS21.24 DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled “Telegram 56 - Radio Band 660- To Respected and Beloved Brother”; IS21.33 DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled “Telegram 68 - Radio Band 1630 - To Beloved and Missed Mo [Office] 81”; IS21.81 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 15 - Radio Band 791 - To Respected and Beloved Brother Pol”; D60 - Annex 066, D108/28.66 Telegram 34, Band 1313 entitled “To Respected and Beloved Brother” 4576 IS21.20 DK Military Telegram by Vi entitled “Telegram 07 - Radio Band 545 - Be It Please Reported to Respected Brother” 4577 IS18.59 DK Military Report from Division 164, Political Section Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 717

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427<br />

4574 IS21.2 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 45 - To Brother Pol Pot”; IS21.9 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Chhin and Division 920 entitled “To Brother 89”; IS21.11 DK Government Telegram by Chhon<br />

entitled “Telegram 21- Radio Band 676 - To Beloved and Missed Brother Pol”; IS21.19 DK Military Telegram<br />

by Chhean entitled “Telegram 46 - Radio Band 600 - 'Respected and Beloved Brother'“; IS21.20 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Vi entitled “Telegram 07 - Radio Band 545 - Be It Please Reported to Respected Brother”; IS21.29<br />

DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled “Telegram 62 - Radio Band 1474 - Respectfully Presented to<br />

Respected and Beloved Mo-81”; IS21.36 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 39 - Radio Band<br />

240 - To Beloved and Missed Brother Pol”; IS21.41 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 55 -<br />

Radio Band 403 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.42 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled<br />

“Telegram 56 - Radio Band 348 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.47 DK Military Telegram by<br />

Chhon entitled “Telegram 61- Radio Band 137- Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.48 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 60 - Radio Band 378 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.50<br />

DK Military Telegram entitled “Telegram 69 - Radio Band 560 - To Beloved M 870”; IS21.51 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 76 - Radio Band 601 - To Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.52 DK<br />

Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 82 - Radio Band 328 - Respectfully Presented to Beloved and<br />

Missed Brother Pol”; IS21.53 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 85 - Radio Band 332 - Dear<br />

Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.57 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 95 - Radio Band<br />

139 - Dear Beloved M 870”; IS21.58 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 96 - Radio Band 674<br />

- Dear Beloved and Missed M 870”; IS21.62 DK Military Telegram entitled “Telegram 05 -Radio Band 160 -<br />

Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.64 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled “Telegram 06 - Radio<br />

Band 285 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.65 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled “Telegram<br />

07 - Radio Band 269 - Dear Respected and Beloved M870”; IS21.67 DK Military Telegram 09 Band 550<br />

entitled “To Respected and Beloved Office 870”; IS21.68 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled “Telegram<br />

08 - Radio Band 275 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.70 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled<br />

“Telegram 11 - Radio Band 251 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.73 DK Military Telegram by<br />

Phuong entitled “Telegram 14 - Radio Band 556 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.76 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Phuong entitled “Telegram 15 - Radio Band 416 - To Respected and Beloved M 870”; IS21.78 DK<br />

Military Telegram by Sae entitled “Telegram 254 - Radio Band 745 - To Respected and Beloved Committee<br />

870”; IS21.81 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 15 - Radio Band 791 - To Respected and<br />

Beloved Brother Pol”; IS21.84 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 16 - Radio Band 634 - To<br />

Beloved and Missed Brother Pol”; IS21.86 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 17 - Radio<br />

Band 674 - For Beloved Brother Pâ”; IS21.87 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 62 - Radio<br />

Band 563 -To Respected and Beloved Brother Par”; IS21.100 DK Military Telegram by 47 entitled “Telegram<br />

16 - Radio Band 318 - Respected and Beloved Brother 009”; IS21.101 DK Military Telegram entitled<br />

“Telegram 16 - Radio Band 318 - To Respected and Beloved Brother 009”; IS21.105 DK Military Telegram by<br />

Roeun entitled “Telegram 35 - Dear Respected and Beloved Grand Uncle 89”; D175/6.15, IS2 1.116 DK<br />

Military Telegram by Vy entitled “Telegram 09 - Radio Band 326 - Respected Brother”; D175/6.16, IS-21.117<br />

DK Military Telegram entitled “Telegram 20 - Radio Band 448 - Dear Respected and Beloved Brother about the<br />

Situation of the Enemy at Preah Tunle”; D60 - Annex 41, D108/28.41 Annex 41 DK Military Telegram No 20<br />

by YA entitled “To Respected Brother”; D60 - A nnex 10 5, D 108/28.105 A nnex 10 5 “Telegram 68 - To<br />

Respected, Beloved and Missed Brother Por about Fighting with Enemies”; D60 - Annex 11 4, D108/28.114<br />

Annex 114 “Telegram 15 - To Respected and Beloved Chief 870 about Enemy Situation”; D60 - Annex 217,<br />

D108/28.217 Anne x 21 7 DK-Military Telegram by Peam entitled “Telegram 30 - Radio Band 325 - To<br />

Angkar”; D60 - Annex 245, D108/28.245 Annex 245 “Telegram No. 5 Report Battle Field Situation to Office<br />

870”; D60 - A nnex 297, D108/28.297 Annex 297 “Telegram 05: To Respected Brother about Fighting with<br />

Enemy”; D175/5.4 “Telegram 02 - Radio Band 191- Respected and Beloved Brother Pol about Activity Yuon<br />

Enemy”; D200/2.3 Annex 3 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness D252.15 “Telegram 313-<br />

Respected and Beloved Chief of 870 about a Number of Situation; IS-21.154 DK Government Telegram by<br />

IENG Sary alias Vann entitled “Dear Beloved Comrade Khieu”<br />

4575 IS21.24 DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled “Telegram 56 - Radio Band 660- To Respected and<br />

Beloved Brother”; IS21.33 DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled “Telegram 68 - Radio Band 1630 - To<br />

Beloved and Missed Mo [Office] 81”; IS21.81 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 15 - Radio<br />

Band 791 - To Respected and Beloved Brother Pol”; D60 - Annex 066, D108/28.66 Telegram 34, Band 1313<br />

entitled “To Respected and Beloved Brother”<br />

4576<br />

IS21.20 DK Military Telegram by Vi entitled “Telegram 07 - Radio Band 545 - Be It Please Reported to<br />

Respected Brother”<br />

4577 IS18.59 DK Military Report from Division 164, Political Section<br />

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh<br />

Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941.<br />


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