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002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427<br />

4303 D115/2.2 Annex 2 Written Record of Interview of entitled “A note of Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs to the UN Secretary-General on 22 April 1978” pp.6-7<br />

4304 D262.42 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 26 June 1978 p.H3<br />

4305 D262.42 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 26 June 1978 p.H1; IS19.115 IS19.114 Press Communique<br />

of the Spokesman of the Ministry of Propaganda and Information of the Democratic Kampuchea on the<br />

Annihilation of the New Plan of Coup d'Etat Fomented by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Aimed at<br />

Overthrowing Democratic Kampuchea<br />

4306 D56-Doc.114 Abortive Vietnamese Coup in Kampuchea in International Media, 29 June 1978<br />

4307 D262.44 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 2 August 1978 p.H12<br />

4308 IS20.6 Statement of IENG Sary alias Van (Steve Heder Interview with Ieng Sary) pp.38-39<br />

4309 rd nd<br />

D86/5 3 Written Record of Interview of Charged Person KAING Guek Eav alias Duch p.5; D87 22<br />

Written Record of Interview of Charged Person KAING Guek Eav alias Duch pp.7-8; D90/II/1 Answers of<br />

DUCH to the 13 Written Questions of the CIJ (question 5) p.8<br />

4310 D87 22 nd Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch pp.7-8; D260 38th<br />

Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.8<br />

4311 D228 34 th Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.8; D67, D86/23<br />

16 th Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.6<br />

4312 D175/6.13 DK Military Telegram by Vi entitled “Telegram 8 - Radio Band 371 - Presented to Respected<br />

Brother”; IS21.108 DK Military Telegram by Se entitled “Telegram 324 - Radio Band 1230 - Respected and<br />

Beloved Committee 870” pp.1-2; D200/2.11 Annex 11 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

pp.1-2 (see also D200/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.18); D200/9.6 Annex 6 2<br />

Interview DK Document entiled “Angkar 870” p.2. See also D200/9 2 nd Written Record of<br />

Interview of Witness pp.11-12); IS-21.124 DK Military Telegram<br />

by Comrade Pauk entitled “Telegram 13 - Radio Band 330 -To Missed Committe 870” pp.1-2; IS-21.78 DK<br />

Military Telegram by Sae entitled “Telegram 254 - Radio Band 745 - To Respected and Beloved Committee<br />

870” pp.1-2; IS-21.79 DK Military Telegram by Vi entitled “Telegram 71 - Radio Band 334 - Presented to<br />

Respected Brother”; D252.8 “Telegram 69-To Respected Brother about situation in District 41”; D252.5<br />

“Telegram 100 -To Brother Nhim About Situation of Enemies in Region 5” p.1; D108/28.214 Annex 214 DK-<br />

Military Telegram by Se entitled “Telegram 313 - Radio Band 502 - Respectfully Presented to Beloved<br />

Committee 870” p.1; D252.19 “Telegram 67- We Would Like to Report to You About the Thai Embassy Are<br />

Very Happy after They Received your Letter; D200/2.7 Annex 7 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

p.1. See also D200/9 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

pp.2-3; D200/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.15); IS21.81 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 15 - Radio Band 791 - To Respected and Beloved Brother Pol”; IS21.84<br />

DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 16 - Radio Band 634 - To Beloved and Missed Brother<br />

Pol” p.1; IS21.20 DK Military Telegram by Vi entitled “Telegram 07 - Radio Band 545 - Be It Please Reported<br />

to Respected Brother”; IS21.74 DK Military Telegram by entitled “Telegram 00 - Radio Band 354 -<br />

Respectfully Presented to the Office 870 Committee”; D175/6.13 DK Military Telegram by Vi entitled<br />

“Telegram 8 - Radio Band 371 - Presented to Respected Brother” p.1; see also IS21.100 DK Military Telegram<br />

by 47 entitled “Telegram 16 - Radio Band 318 - Respected and Beloved Brother 009” p.1<br />

4313 D200/9 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2;<br />

IS21.112 DK Military Telegram by Vi entitled “Telegram 8 - Radio Band 371 - Presented to Respected<br />

Brother”; D200/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.15<br />

4314 D60 - Annex 214, D108/28.214 Annex 214 DK-Military Telegram by Se entitled “Telegram 313 - Radio<br />

Band 502 - Respectfully presented to Beloved Committee 870” p.1<br />

4315<br />

IS-21.108 DK Military Telegram by Se entitled “Telegram 324 - Radio Band 1230 - Respected and Beloved<br />

Committee 870” p.2<br />

4316<br />

D175/6.13 DK Military Telegram by Vi entitled “Telegram 8 - Radio Band 371 - Presented to Respected<br />

Brother” p.1<br />

4317<br />

IS-21.108 DK Military Telegram by Se entitled “Telegram 324 - Radio Band 1230 - Respected and Beloved<br />

Committee 870” p.2<br />

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh<br />

Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941.<br />


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