002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 Radio Band 137- Dear Respected and Beloved M 870"; D108/28.105 Annex 105: "Telegram 68: To respected, Beloved and Missed Brother Por about fighting with enemies"; IS21. 50 DK Military Telegram entitled "Telegram 69 - Radio Band 560 - To Beloved M 870"; IS21.51 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 76 - Radio Band 601 - To Respected and Beloved M 870"; IS21.52 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 82 - Radio Band 328 - Respectfully Presented to Beloved and Missed Brother Pol"; D252.2 Telegram 85: To respected and beloved brother Pol about situation of battlefield of Route No 13; IS21.53 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 85 - Radio Band 332 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870"; IS21.57 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 95 - Radio Band 139 - Dear Beloved M 870"; IS21.58 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 96 - Radio Band 674 - Dear Beloved and Missed M 870"; D108/28.114 Annex 114: Telegram 15: To Respected and Beloved Chief 870 about enemy situation; D108/28.116 Annex 116: Telegram 67: To camarade Ly about fighting on route 14; IS 21.62 DK Military Telegram entitled "Telegram 05 -Radio Band 160 - Dear respected and beloved M 870"; IS21.64 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 06 - Radio Band 285 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870"; IS21.65 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 07 - Radio Band 269 - Dear Respected and Beloved M870"; IS21.70 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 11 - Radio Band 251 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870"; IS21.67 DK Military Telegram entitled "To Respected and Beloved Office 870"; IS21.66 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "To Respected and Beloved Brother Pol"; IS21.73 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 14 - Radio Band 556 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870"; IS21.74 DK Military Telegram by entitled "Telegram 00 - Radio Band 354 - Respectfully Presented to the Office 870 Committee"; IS21.76 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 15 - Radio Band 416 - To Respected and Beloved M 870"; IS21.80 DK Military Telegram entitled "Telegram 12, To Respected Brother Pol"; IS21.81 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 15 - Radio Band 791 - To Respected and Beloved Brother Pol"; IS21.84 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 16 - Radio Band 634 - To Beloved and Missed Brother Pol"; IS21.86 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 17 - Radio Band 674 - For Beloved Brother Pa"; IS21.87 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 62 - Radio Band 563 -To Respected and Beloved Brother Par”; D1 08/28.193 Annex 193: Telegram 34: Respected and beloved Brother about working with Sophann Vice- Minister of Foreign Affairs; D108/28.209 Annex 209: CPK Telegram by Roath entitled Telegram 48 - Radio Band 620 - Respected Brother; D108/28.210 Annex 210: Telegram 47: Respected and beloved Brother about meeting with Mr Phumy Vongvichet of Lao; IS21.101 DK Military Telegram entitled "Telegram 16 - Radio Band 318 - To Respected and Beloved Brother 009"; D108/28.216 Annex 216: DK-Military Telegram by Peam entitled Telegram 28 - Radio Band 305 - To Respected Representative of Angkar; D108/28.217 Annex 217: DK-Military Telegram by Peam entitled Telegram 30 - Radio Band 325 - To Angkar; D108/28.223 Annex 223: Telegram 59: Respected and beloved Brother about situation of Politic and Army; D2-15.17 DK telegram: Confidential telephone messages, dated on April 1, 1978 sent by to Uncle, NUON Chea, IENG Sary, and Documentation; IS21.105 DK Military Telegram by Roeun entitled "Telegram 35 - Dear Respected and Beloved Grand Uncle 89"; IS21.109 DK Military Telegram by Comrade Pauk entitled "Telegram 02 - Radio Band 680 - To Respected Committee 870”; D108/28.245 Annex 245: Telegram No. 5 Report Battle Field Situation to Office 870; D175/6.17 DK Military Telegram by Sarun entitled "Telegram 55 - Radio Band 163 - Respected Brother" See also D200/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.14; D200/2.10 Annex 10 to 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness D175/6.14 CPK Telegram by entitled "Telegram 54 - Radio Band 290 - Respectfully Presented to Respected Brother"; D200/2 1 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.16); D175/6.15 DK Military Telegram by Vy entitled "Telegram 09 - Radio Band 326 - Respected Brother"; D175/6.16 DK Military Telegram entitled "Telegram 20 - Radio Band 448 - Dear Respected and Beloved Brother about the situation of the enemy at Preah Tunle"; D200/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.5, 13 and D200/2.1 Annex 1 to 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness IS21.124 DK Military Telegram by Comrade Pauk entitled "Telegram 13 - Radio Band 330 -To Missed Committe 870"; D108/28.297 Annex 297: Telegram 05: To respected Brother about fighting with enemy; D252.3 Telegram 84 To respected Angkar 87 about activity direction of area 17 4107 D108/28.233 Annex 233: Telegram 66: Report to Brother about our meeting with Swedish journalist on 7 April 1978; D108/28.234 Annex 234: Telegram 67: We would like to report to you about the Thai Embassy are very happy after they received your letter; D252.11 Telegram 157: To respected Office 81 about meeting with the Council of French Embassy in Beijing; D252.14 Telegram 27: Respected and beloved Brother about standpoints and views of various countries and embassies; D200/2.7 Annex 7 to 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness See also D200/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.15); IS21.115 DK Military Telegram by Sarun entitled "Telegram 55 - Radio Band 163 - Respected Brother"; D201/6 3 rd Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-5; D200/1.1 Annex4 to 1 st Interview of Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 696

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 DK Telegram entitled Telegram 20; D200/3 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.19 4108 IS20.27 CPK Central Committee Statement of NUON Chea entitled "Speech by Comrade NUON Chea at the Banquet Given in Honour of the Delegation of the Assembly of the People’s Representatives of Kampuchea" pp.3-5; IS20.30 Statement of NUON Chea entitled "Statement of the Communist Party of Kampuchea to the Communist Workers' Party of Denmark, July 1978" pp.24, 32-33; D359/1/1.1.51 Relation between Kapmpuchea and KD (Korea) p.6 4109 D123/3 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.4-5; D234/22 Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p.4; D123/1 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.6; D94/1 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D233/5 1 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D288/4.29.1 CF001 Trial Transcript 9 June 2009 pp.84-85; D94/8 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4-5; D166/162 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4-5; D234/22 Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p.4 4110 D3 Introductory Submission paras. 82-88 4111 D222/1.3 D Chandler Brother Number One (Westview Press Boulder 1999) p.22; D222/1.15 P Short Pol Pot: The History of a Nightmare (John Murray London 2004) p.36 4112 D28 Annex A Ieng Thirith Interview with Elizabeth BECKER pp.2-3; D28 Annex A Ieng Thirith Interview with Elizabeth BECKER pp.3-5 4113 IS4.1 An nex C E Becker When the War was Over (1st ed Public Affairs New York 1998) p.57-58; D222/1.3 D Chandler Brother Number One (Westview Press Boulder 1999) p.22; D222/1.15 P Short, Pol Pot: The History of a Nightmare (John Murray London 2004) p.37 4114 D199/26.2.128 Biography of M. Ieng Sary 4115 D222/1.15 P Short Pol Pot: The History of a Nightmare (John Murray London 2004) p.66 4116 D28 Annex A IENG Thirith Interview with Elizabeth BECKER pp.3-5 4117 D313/1.2.2 William Shawcross Sideshow (The Hogath Press London 1993) p.239; D222/1.15 P Short Pol Pot: The History of a Nightmare (John Murray London 2004) p. 118 4118 D222/1.15 P Short Pol Pot: The History of a Nightmare (John Murray London 2004) p.122 4119 D28 Annex A Written Record of Interview of Ieng Thirith by Elizabeth BECKER p.16 4120 D29 Attach 33 Statement of Ieng Sary p.22-24 ; IS20.35 Statement of Van Rith alias Reut p.2 4121 D243/2.1.7 CPK Magazine entitled “Revolutionary Flag”, September-October 1976 p.5-6; D213.2 K Samphan Considerations on the History of Cambodia (Reahu 2007) pp.10-11; D90/II/1 Answers of Duch to the 13 Written Questions of the CIJ p.2 4122 IS20.28 Statement of Nuon Chea by Khem Ngun p.11; D222/1.15 P Short Pol Po t: Th e H istory o f a Nightmare (John Murray London 2004) pp.138-139 4123 IS20.28 Statement of Nuon Chea by Khem Ngun p.16; D222/1.15 P Short Pol Po t: Th e H istory o f a Nightmare(John Murray London 2004) pp.141-142; D213.2 K Samphan Considerations on t he H istory o f Cambodia (REAHU 2007) pp.16-17; D222/1.3 D Chandler Brother N umber One (Westview Press Boulder 1999) pp. 63-64; D222/1.8 S Heder Cambodian communism and the Vietnamese Model (White Lotus Bangkok 2004) p.84; IS20.6 Steve Heder Interview of Ieng Sary 17 December 1996 p.2 4124 IS20.6 Steve Heder Interview of Ieng Sary 17 December 1996 pp.22-23; IS20.28 Statement of Nuon Chea by Khem Ngun pp.16-17; D213.2 K Samphan Considerations on the History of Cambodia (Reahu 2007) pp.17- 18; D222/1.15 P Short Pol Pot: The History of a Nightmare (John Murray London 2004) pp.142-146; D222/1.3 D Chandler Brother Number One (Westview Press Boulder 1999) pp.63-64, 67-69, 191 4125 IS20.6 Steve Heder Interview of Ieng Sary 17 December 1996 pp.22-25; D222/1.8 S Heder Cambodian communism and the Vietnamese Model (White Lotus Bangkok 2004) pp.104-105; D243/2.1.12 CPK Magazine entitled “Revolutionary Flag”, September 1977 p.30; D91/10 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness alias pp.2-3; D107/2 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2-3; D91/14 1 Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p.3 Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 697

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427<br />

Radio Band 137- Dear Respected and Beloved M 870"; D108/28.105 Annex 105: "Telegram 68: To respected,<br />

Beloved and Missed Brother Por about fighting with enemies"; IS21. 50 DK Military Telegram entitled<br />

"Telegram 69 - Radio Band 560 - To Beloved M 870"; IS21.51 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled<br />

"Telegram 76 - Radio Band 601 - To Respected and Beloved M 870"; IS21.52 DK Military Telegram by Chhon<br />

entitled "Telegram 82 - Radio Band 328 - Respectfully Presented to Beloved and Missed Brother Pol"; D252.2<br />

Telegram 85: To respected and beloved brother Pol about situation of battlefield of Route No 13; IS21.53 DK<br />

Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 85 - Radio Band 332 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870";<br />

IS21.57 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 95 - Radio Band 139 - Dear Beloved M 870";<br />

IS21.58 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 96 - Radio Band 674 - Dear Beloved and Missed<br />

M 870"; D108/28.114 Annex 114: Telegram 15: To Respected and Beloved Chief 870 about enemy situation;<br />

D108/28.116 Annex 116: Telegram 67: To camarade Ly about fighting on route 14; IS 21.62 DK Military<br />

Telegram entitled "Telegram 05 -Radio Band 160 - Dear respected and beloved M 870"; IS21.64 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 06 - Radio Band 285 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870"; IS21.65<br />

DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 07 - Radio Band 269 - Dear Respected and Beloved<br />

M870"; IS21.70 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 11 - Radio Band 251 - Dear Respected<br />

and Beloved M 870"; IS21.67 DK Military Telegram entitled "To Respected and Beloved Office 870"; IS21.66<br />

DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "To Respected and Beloved Brother Pol"; IS21.73 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 14 - Radio Band 556 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870"; IS21.74<br />

DK Military Telegram by entitled "Telegram 00 - Radio Band 354 - Respectfully Presented to the<br />

Office 870 Committee"; IS21.76 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 15 - Radio Band 416 -<br />

To Respected and Beloved M 870"; IS21.80 DK Military Telegram entitled "Telegram 12, To Respected<br />

Brother Pol"; IS21.81 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 15 - Radio Band 791 - To Respected<br />

and Beloved Brother Pol"; IS21.84 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 16 - Radio Band 634 -<br />

To Beloved and Missed Brother Pol"; IS21.86 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 17 - Radio<br />

Band 674 - For Beloved Brother Pa"; IS21.87 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 62 - Radio<br />

Band 563 -To Respected and Beloved Brother Par”; D1 08/28.193 Annex 193: Telegram 34: Respected and<br />

beloved Brother about working with Sophann Vice- Minister of Foreign Affairs; D108/28.209 Annex 209: CPK<br />

Telegram by Roath entitled Telegram 48 - Radio Band 620 - Respected Brother; D108/28.210 Annex 210:<br />

Telegram 47: Respected and beloved Brother about meeting with Mr Phumy Vongvichet of Lao; IS21.101 DK<br />

Military Telegram entitled "Telegram 16 - Radio Band 318 - To Respected and Beloved Brother 009";<br />

D108/28.216 Annex 216: DK-Military Telegram by Peam entitled Telegram 28 - Radio Band 305 - To<br />

Respected Representative of Angkar; D108/28.217 Annex 217: DK-Military Telegram by Peam entitled<br />

Telegram 30 - Radio Band 325 - To Angkar; D108/28.223 Annex 223: Telegram 59: Respected and beloved<br />

Brother about situation of Politic and Army; D2-15.17 DK telegram: Confidential telephone messages, dated on<br />

April 1, 1978 sent by to Uncle, NUON Chea, IENG Sary, and Documentation; IS21.105 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Roeun entitled "Telegram 35 - Dear Respected and Beloved Grand Uncle 89"; IS21.109 DK<br />

Military Telegram by Comrade Pauk entitled "Telegram 02 - Radio Band 680 - To Respected Committee 870”;<br />

D108/28.245 Annex 245: Telegram No. 5 Report Battle Field Situation to Office 870; D175/6.17 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Sarun entitled "Telegram 55 - Radio Band 163 - Respected Brother" See also D200/2 1 st Written<br />

Record of Interview of Witness p.14; D200/2.10 Annex 10 to 1 st Written Record of Interview of<br />

Witness D175/6.14 CPK Telegram by entitled "Telegram 54 - Radio Band 290 -<br />

Respectfully Presented to Respected Brother"; D200/2 1 Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

p.16); D175/6.15 DK Military Telegram by Vy entitled "Telegram 09 - Radio Band 326 - Respected Brother";<br />

D175/6.16 DK Military Telegram entitled "Telegram 20 - Radio Band 448 - Dear Respected and Beloved<br />

Brother about the situation of the enemy at Preah Tunle"; D200/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

pp.5, 13 and D200/2.1 Annex 1 to 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

IS21.124 DK Military Telegram by Comrade Pauk entitled "Telegram 13 - Radio Band 330 -To Missed<br />

Committe 870"; D108/28.297 Annex 297: Telegram 05: To respected Brother about fighting with enemy;<br />

D252.3 Telegram 84 To respected Angkar 87 about activity direction of area 17<br />

4107 D108/28.233 Annex 233: Telegram 66: Report to Brother about our meeting with Swedish journalist on 7<br />

April 1978; D108/28.234 Annex 234: Telegram 67: We would like to report to you about the Thai Embassy are<br />

very happy after they received your letter; D252.11 Telegram 157: To respected Office 81 about meeting with<br />

the Council of French Embassy in Beijing; D252.14 Telegram 27: Respected and beloved Brother about<br />

standpoints and views of various countries and embassies; D200/2.7 Annex 7 to 1 st Written Record of Interview<br />

of Witness See also D200/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.15);<br />

IS21.115 DK Military Telegram by Sarun entitled "Telegram 55 - Radio Band 163 - Respected Brother";<br />

D201/6 3 rd Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-5; D200/1.1 Annex4 to 1 st Interview of<br />

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh<br />

Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941.<br />


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