3677 IS9.1 "Communist Party of Kampuchea Statute" p.11 002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 3678 D225 32 nd Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.3 3679 D233/2 3 rd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.6 3680 IS20.33 Statement of NUON Chea p.8 3681 D299.1.46R BBC's Phil Rees Cambodia Report Including Nuon Chea Interview at 34:20 3682 D46 1 st Written Record of Interview of Charged Person KHIEU Samphan p.10; IS4.9 Book by Department of Press and Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DK entitled "Black Paper: Facts and Evidences of the Acts of Aggression and Annexation of Vietnam Against Kampuchea" p.75; D29-Attachment 81 Meng-Try Ea and Sopheak Loeung’s Interview with Khieu Samphan on 9 June 2006 - Statement of Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea p.5; IS20.23 SOAS/HRW Statement of KHIEU Samphan alias Haem p.1; IS20.6 Statement of IENG Sary alias Van (Steve Heder Interview with Ieng Sary) pp.2, 8 or D366/7.1.562 Steve Heder Interview of IENG Sary (17 December 1996) pp.2, 8 (for chain of custody see D210/2 Letter of reply from Stephen Heder dated 11-08-2009 p.1); D121/6.2 Duch's Written Comments and Answers to Written questions p.6; D86/10 8th Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.5; D288/4.20.1 CF001 Trial Transcript 18 May 2009 p.70; D199/26.2.172 Lettre intitulée Renseignements "officiels" sur le PC cambodgien p.2; D199/26.2.174 Note pour l'OTAN intitulé Développements politiques récents au Cambodge pp.3-4(FR); D123/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.6; D123/3 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/166 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.16; D91/10 1 Written Record of Interview of Witness alias pp.7-8; D279/4 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D369/36 5 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D199/20 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D167 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D210/5 Transcript of recorded Interview with on 04-08-1990 p.9; D248/2.2 Transcription of the Interview of conducted by Steve Heder p.12 3683 IS9.1 "Communist Party of Kampuchea Statute" p.17; see also pp.18-19 3684 IS6.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled the "Party's Draft of a Four- Year Plan for the Construction of Socialism in all Domains, 1977-1980", 21 July to 2 August 1976 [p.45]; IS13.1 CPK Standing Committee Document entitled "Minutes on the Standing [Committee's] visit to Northwest Zone, August 20-24 1975"; IS13.2 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Meeting of the Standing Committee, 9 October 1975"; IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Meeting", 2 November 1975; IS13.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes Meeting of the Standing Committee", 9 January 1976; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (National Defense Matters); IS13.6 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of the Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (Economic Matters); D251/1 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Meeting, 28 February 1976"; IS13.9 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.10 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.11 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 13 March 1976; IS13.12 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 26 March 1976; IS13.14 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Summary of the Decisions of the Standing Committee in the Meeting of 19-20-21 April 1976"; IS13.15 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee", 03 May 1976; IS13.16 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Standing Committee Meeting", 07 May 1976; IS13.18 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Examination of the Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting", 14 May 1976; IS13.19 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 15 May 1976; IS13.20 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 17 May 1976; IS13.21 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 30 May 1976 3685 IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Meeting", 2 November 1975; IS13.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes Meeting of the Standing Committee", 9 January 1976; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (National Defense Matters); IS13.6 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of the Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (Economic Matters); D251/1 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 668

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 Meeting, 28 February 1976"; IS13.9 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.10 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.11 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 13 March 1976; IS13.12 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 26 March 1976; IS13.15 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee", 03 May 1976; IS13.16 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Standing Committee Meeting", 07 May 1976; IS13.18 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Examination of the Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting", 14 May 1976; IS13.19 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 15 May 1976; IS13.20 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 17 May 1976; IS13.21 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 30 May 1976 3686 IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Meeting", 2 November 1975; IS13.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes Meeting of the Standing Committee 9 January 1976", 9 January 1976; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (National Defense Matters); IS13.6 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of the Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (Economic Matters); IS13.9 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.10 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.11 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 13 March 1976; IS13.12 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 26 March 1976; IS13.15 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee", 03 May 1976; IS13.16 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Standing Committee Meeting", 07 May 1976; IS13.18 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Examination of the Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting", 14 May 1976; IS13.19 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 15 May 1976; IS13.20 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 17 May 1976; IS13.21 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 30 May 1976 3687 D46 1 st Written Record of Interview of Charged Person KHIEU Samphan p.11 3688 IS13.18 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Examination of the Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting", 14 May 1976 pp.5, 6-7, 13; IS13.12 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 26 March 1976 pp.6-7 3689 IS13.12 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 26 March 1976 pp.1, 6-7 3690 D107/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-6; D91/4 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; IS13.23 CPK Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of Meetings regarding Propaganda Works” 1 June 1976; IS13.7 CPK Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of Meeting of Propaganda Work”, 8 March 1976; IS13.8 CPK Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of Meetings on Base Work”, 8 March 1976; D248/6.1.1 CPK Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of Meeting on Public Works”, 10 March 1976; IS13.24 CPK Meeting Minutes entitled “Minutes of Meetings on Health and Social affairs”, 10 June 1976 3691 D107/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-5; D91/9 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D125/167 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D201/5 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D91/5 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; see also D200/3 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.12 3692 D123/1 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.6, 11; D91/5 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3, 5; D92/8 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D234/22 Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p.4; D125/162 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D369/7 2 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D369/12 4 th Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D234/20 Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 669

3677 IS9.1 "Communist Party of Kampuchea Statute" p.11<br />

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427<br />

3678 D225 32 nd Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.3<br />

3679 D233/2 3 rd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.6<br />

3680 IS20.33 Statement of NUON Chea p.8<br />

3681 D299.1.46R BBC's Phil Rees Cambodia Report Including Nuon Chea Interview at 34:20<br />

3682 D46 1 st Written Record of Interview of Charged Person KHIEU Samphan p.10; IS4.9 Book by Department<br />

of Press and Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DK entitled "Black Paper: Facts and Evidences of<br />

the Acts of Aggression and Annexation of Vietnam Against Kampuchea" p.75; D29-Attachment 81 Meng-Try<br />

Ea and Sopheak Loeung’s Interview with Khieu Samphan on 9 June 2006 - Statement of Khieu Samphan and<br />

Nuon Chea p.5; IS20.23 SOAS/HRW Statement of KHIEU Samphan alias Haem p.1; IS20.6 Statement of<br />

IENG Sary alias Van (Steve Heder Interview with Ieng Sary) pp.2, 8 or D366/7.1.562 Steve Heder Interview of<br />

IENG Sary (17 December 1996) pp.2, 8 (for chain of custody see D210/2 Letter of reply from Stephen Heder<br />

dated 11-08-2009 p.1); D121/6.2 Duch's Written Comments and Answers to Written questions p.6; D86/10 8th<br />

Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.5; D288/4.20.1 CF001 Trial<br />

Transcript 18 May 2009 p.70; D199/26.2.172 Lettre intitulée Renseignements "officiels" sur le PC cambodgien<br />

p.2; D199/26.2.174 Note pour l'OTAN intitulé Développements politiques récents au Cambodge pp.3-4(FR);<br />

D123/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.6; D123/3 2 nd Written Record of<br />

Interview of Witness p.3; D166/166 Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

p.16; D91/10 1 Written Record of Interview of Witness alias<br />

pp.7-8; D279/4 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D369/36 5 Written<br />

Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D199/20 Written Record of<br />

Interview of Witness p.4; D167 Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

p.5; D210/5 Transcript of recorded Interview with on 04-08-1990 p.9; D248/2.2<br />

Transcription of the Interview of conducted by Steve Heder p.12<br />

3683 IS9.1 "Communist Party of Kampuchea Statute" p.17; see also pp.18-19<br />

3684 IS6.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled the "Party's Draft of a Four- Year Plan for the<br />

Construction of Socialism in all Domains, 1977-1980", 21 July to 2 August 1976 [p.45]; IS13.1 CPK Standing<br />

Committee Document entitled "Minutes on the Standing [Committee's] visit to Northwest Zone, August 20-24<br />

1975"; IS13.2 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Meeting of the Standing Committee, 9<br />

October 1975"; IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Meeting", 2<br />

November 1975; IS13.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes Meeting of the Standing<br />

Committee", 9 January 1976; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of<br />

Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (National Defense Matters); IS13.6 CPK Standing<br />

Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of the Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February<br />

1976" (Economic Matters); D251/1 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee<br />

Meeting, 28 February 1976"; IS13.9 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the<br />

Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.10 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes<br />

entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976; IS13.11 CPK Standing Committee<br />

Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 13 March 1976; IS13.12 CPK<br />

Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 26 March<br />

1976; IS13.14 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Summary of the Decisions of the Standing<br />

Committee in the Meeting of 19-20-21 April 1976"; IS13.15 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes<br />

entitled "Minutes of Meeting of Standing Committee", 03 May 1976; IS13.16 CPK Standing Committee<br />

Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Standing Committee Meeting", 07 May 1976; IS13.18 CPK Standing<br />

Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Examination of the Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting", 14<br />

May 1976; IS13.19 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Meeting of the Standing<br />

Committee", 15 May 1976; IS13.20 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the<br />

Standing Committee Meeting", 17 May 1976; IS13.21 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled<br />

"Minutes of the Standing Committee Meeting", 30 May 1976<br />

3685 IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee Meeting", 2 November<br />

1975; IS13.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes Meeting of the Standing<br />

Committee", 9 January 1976; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of<br />

Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (National Defense Matters); IS13.6 CPK Standing<br />

Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of the Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February<br />

1976" (Economic Matters); D251/1 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Standing Committee<br />

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh<br />

Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941.<br />


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