002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 1447 D166/62 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/101 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4 1448 D166/90 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/94 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/98 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3 1449 D166/94 Written Record of Interview Witness p.3 1450 D166/123 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5 1451 D166/96 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4-5; D166/65 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/90 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/103 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4 1452 D166/62 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/101 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4 1453 D166/65 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/62 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4 1454 D166/103 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/94 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4 1455 D393 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current residents of Oddar Meanchey Province: Civil Parties D22/3623; D399 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current residents of Takeo Province: Civil Party D22/3209; D403 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current residents of Kandal Province: Civil Parties D22/0303, D22/0292; D404 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants residing outside the Kingdom of Cambodia: Civil Party D22/3768; D406 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current residents of Phnom Penh: Civil Parties D22/3837, D22/2199; D411 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current residents of Kampong Speu Province: Civil Parties D22/1083, D22/0533; D416 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current residents of Banteay Meanchey Province :Civil Parties D22/3991, D22/3990, D22/3988, D22/3987, D22/3985, D22/3984, D22/3982, D22/3981, D22/3980, D22/3979, D22/3978, D22/3976, D22/3975, D22/3974, D22/3973, D22/3972, D22/3971, D22/3970, D22/3836, D22/3835, D22/3832, D22/3831, D22/3830, D22/3829, D22/3050, D22/3049, D22/2890, D22/2888, D22/2887, D22/2882, D22/2881, D22/2880, D22/2879, D22/2878, D22/2877, D22/2875, D22/2874, D22/2870, D22/2869, D22/2867, D22/2866, D22/2829, D22/2826, D22/2825, D22/2824, D22/2823, D22/2822, D22/2821, D22/2814, D22/2813, D22/2692, D22/2606, D22/2605, D22/2604, D22/2603, D22/2602, D22/2597, D22/2596, D22/2595, D22/2594, D22/2593, D22/2183, D22/2180, D22/1937, D22/1936, D22/1935, D22/1934, D22/1932, D22/1931, D22/1930, D22/1929, D22/1928, D22/1926, D22/1925, D22/1924, D22/1923, D22/1922, D22/1921, D22/1855, D22/1685, D22/1506, D22/1232 , D22/1127, D22/1122, D22/1120, D22/0846, D22/0697; D423 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current residents of Pursat Province: Civil Party D22/2721; D424 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current residents of Siem Reap Province: Civil Parties D22/2232, D22/1986. 1456 D3 Introductory Submission para.45 1457 D166/19 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D166/32 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/15 Written Record of p.2; D166/79 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/40 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2,5-6; D166/38 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4; D166/82 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D166/85 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/17 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D232/27 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4,7-8; D232/54, Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.8-10,13-14; D166/166 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5 ,17; D166/177 2 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.13; D232/8 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.12; D234/16 4 th Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.4-5; D166/75 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.7-8; D166/175 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D166/35 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3 1458 D166/40 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D 232/8 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.12; D166/17 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness of p.2; D166/82 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D166/15 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D166/85 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/19 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D232/54 Written Record of Interview of Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 536

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 Witness pp.8-9; D232/27 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.8; D166/146 Site Identification Report of 1 st January and 6 th January Dams/Irrigation Project p.1; D166/175 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.4-5; D234/16 4 th Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.4-5; D166/159 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/32 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2,5 1459 D233/5 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D232/54 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.8,10; D262.13 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 31 December 1975 p.H1 1460 D228 Written Record of Interview of Charged Person KAING Guek Eav alias Duch p.4; D238 Written Record of Interview of Charged Person KAING Guek Eav alias Duch p.10; D239 Written Record of Interview of Charged Person KAING Guek Eav alias Duch p.7; IS3.2 D2-15.1 Biography of Ke Pork entitled "Ke Pork Had Defended Himself Before He Died" p.3; D166/166 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.5-6; D232/8 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.5-6; D232/9 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4; D2 34/16 4 th Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5 1461 D166/146 Site Identification Report of 1 st January and 6 th January Dams/Irrigation Project p.2 1462 D166/146 Site Identification Report of 1 st January and 6 th January Dams/Irrigation Project p.2; D166/82 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D232/27 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.7-8; IS 18/86 (58km) ECCC-OCP Report on Investigation in Stoeung Chinit, Kampong Thom p.2 1463 D166/32 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D232/54 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.9; D166/17 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D166/18 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D166/35 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/38 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/176 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.9; D166/19 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D166/85 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.6; D166/159 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D232/27 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/166 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.17 1464 D166/40 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D166/82 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D166/15 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D166/19 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D232/27 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.8; D232/54 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.13; D166/79 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4 1465 D88 23 rd Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.5; D90 25 th Written Record of Interview of charged person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.5; D232/54 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.9-10; D166/175 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D234/16 4 th Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D166/19 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/177 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.11-13; D166/82 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.9; D166/35 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-5; D166/32 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.5-6; D166/38 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D2 32/27 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D232/8 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.13; D166/75 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3 and pp.5-6; D166/166 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.5-6 (French version: D166/166/166 – change type in Fr); D232/9 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-4; D233/5 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5 1466 D46 D8 6/13 11 th Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.11 1467 D87 22 nd Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.6; D239 36 th Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.4; D166/75 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5 1468 D166/75 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D166/166 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D166/159 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-6 ; D232/8 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness pp. 6-8; D232/9 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p. 5 Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 537

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427<br />

1447 D166/62 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/101 Written Record of Interview<br />

of Witness p.4<br />

1448 D166/90 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/94 Written Record of Interview of<br />

Witness p.3; D166/98 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3<br />

1449 D166/94 Written Record of Interview Witness p.3<br />

1450 D166/123 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5<br />

1451 D166/96 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4-5; D166/65 Written Record of<br />

Interview of Witness p.4; D166/90 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4;<br />

D166/103 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4<br />

1452 D166/62 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/101 Written Record of Interview<br />

of Witness p.4<br />

1453 D166/65 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/62 Written Record of Interview of<br />

Witness p.4<br />

1454 D166/103 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/94 Written Record of Interview of<br />

Witness p.4<br />

1455 D393 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current residents of Oddar Meanchey<br />

Province: Civil Parties D22/3623; D399 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current<br />

residents of Takeo Province: Civil Party D22/3209; D403 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants<br />

from current residents of Kandal Province: Civil Parties D22/0303, D22/0292; D404 Order on the Admissibility<br />

of civil party applicants residing outside the Kingdom of Cambodia: Civil Party D22/3768; D406 Order on the<br />

Admissibility of civil party applicants from current residents of Phnom Penh: Civil Parties D22/3837,<br />

D22/2199; D411 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current residents of Kampong Speu<br />

Province: Civil Parties D22/1083, D22/0533; D416 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from<br />

current residents of Banteay Meanchey Province :Civil Parties D22/3991, D22/3990, D22/3988, D22/3987,<br />

D22/3985, D22/3984, D22/3982, D22/3981, D22/3980, D22/3979, D22/3978, D22/3976, D22/3975, D22/3974,<br />

D22/3973, D22/3972, D22/3971, D22/3970, D22/3836, D22/3835, D22/3832, D22/3831, D22/3830, D22/3829,<br />

D22/3050, D22/3049, D22/2890, D22/2888, D22/2887, D22/2882, D22/2881, D22/2880, D22/2879, D22/2878,<br />

D22/2877, D22/2875, D22/2874, D22/2870, D22/2869, D22/2867, D22/2866, D22/2829, D22/2826, D22/2825,<br />

D22/2824, D22/2823, D22/2822, D22/2821, D22/2814, D22/2813, D22/2692, D22/2606, D22/2605, D22/2604,<br />

D22/2603, D22/2602, D22/2597, D22/2596, D22/2595, D22/2594, D22/2593, D22/2183, D22/2180, D22/1937,<br />

D22/1936, D22/1935, D22/1934, D22/1932, D22/1931, D22/1930, D22/1929, D22/1928, D22/1926, D22/1925,<br />

D22/1924, D22/1923, D22/1922, D22/1921, D22/1855, D22/1685, D22/1506, D22/1232 , D22/1127, D22/1122,<br />

D22/1120, D22/0846, D22/0697; D423 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants from current<br />

residents of Pursat Province: Civil Party D22/2721; D424 Order on the Admissibility of civil party applicants<br />

from current residents of Siem Reap Province: Civil Parties D22/2232, D22/1986.<br />

1456 D3 Introductory Submission para.45<br />

1457 D166/19 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D166/32 Written Record of Interview<br />

of Witness p.3; D166/15 Written Record of p.2; D166/79 Written Record of Interview<br />

of Witness p.4; D166/40 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2,5-6; D166/38<br />

Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4; D166/82 Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

p.5; D166/85 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/17 1 st Written Record<br />

of Interview of Witness p.2; D232/27 Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

pp.3-4,7-8; D232/54, Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.8-10,13-14; D166/166 Written<br />

Record of Interview of Witness p.5 ,17; D166/177 2 Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

p.13; D232/8 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.12; D234/16 4 th Written<br />

Record of Interview of Witness pp.4-5; D166/75 Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

pp.7-8; D166/175 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D166/35 Written Record of Interview<br />

of Witness p.3<br />

1458 D166/40 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D 232/8 1 st Written Record of<br />

Interview of Witness p.12; D166/17 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness of<br />

p.2; D166/82 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D166/15 Written Record of<br />

Interview of Witness p.2; D166/85 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3;<br />

D166/19 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D232/54 Written Record of Interview of<br />

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh<br />

Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941.<br />


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