002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 p.3; D108/28.66 DK Government Telegram by Chhean entitled “To respected and beloved Brother” 29 April 1977; D108/28.69 DK Government Telegram by Bon Nam alias Comrade Lin of Region 20 13 May 1977; IS21.19 DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled "Telegram 46 - Radio Band 600 - 'Respected and beloved brother” 15 June 1977; IS21.21 DK Military Telegram by Region 20 entitled "The Border Situation" 17 to 25 June 1977; IS21.29 DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled "Telegram 62 - Radio Band 1474 - Respectfully Presented to Respected and Beloved Mo-81" 14 August 1977; D108/28.82 Refugees Report Clashes on Cambodia –Vietnam Line 9 August 1977; IS21.33 DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled "Telegram 68 - Radio Band 1630 - To Beloved and Missed Mo [Office] 81" 30 August 1977; IS20.6 Statement of Ieng Sary alias Van pp.40-41; IS21.32 DK Military Telegram by Nhim entitled "Telegram 48 - Radio Band 100 - To Respected Angkar 870" (cc to Brother Vann) 27 August 1977 p.1; D108/28.66 Annex 66: Telegram 34, Band 1313 entitled "To respected and beloved Brother" 29 April 1977 p.1; 464 D108/43/14 Vietnam-Cambodia Conflict – Report prepared at the request of Sub Committee on Asian and Pacific Affairs Committee on International Relations 4 October 1978 pp.8-9; D108/43/7 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 3 January 1978 p.H4; D108/28.35 Military Monthly Report from Division 164 5 January 1976; IS11.13 International Magazine by Committee of the Patriotic Kampucheans of Australia entitled "News from Kampuchea" 1 May 1978 pp.1-2; D108/43/15 The Vietnam-Kampuchea Conflict (A historical Record) p.19; D108/43/8 Facts and Documents on Democratic Kampuchea’s Serious Violations of the Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam pp.16, 24; D86/21 Written Record of Interview of Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.2; D108/9.1 Minutes of Secretary of Logistics Chief Meeting 19 September 1976 pp.2-3; IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Standing Committee Meeting", 2 November 1975 pp.5-6; IS20.30 CPK Statement of Nuon Chea entitled Statement of the Communist Party of Kampuchea to the Communist Workers' Party of Denmark 30 July 1978 pp.24, 32-33; D108/28.66 DK Government Telegram by Chhean entitled “To respected and beloved Brother” 29 April 1977; D115/2.1 Annex 1 to Written Record of Interview of IS20.10 Statements of Ieng Sary before the General Assembly of the United Nations on 11 October 1977 p.14; ; D108/43/9 Far Eastern Relations Statement by Foreign Ministry of Democratic Cambodia and Statement by the Government of Democratic Cambodia "Cambodia's Temporary Severence of Relations with Vietnam” 31 December 1977 p.4; D108/28.66 Annex 66: Telegram 34, Band 1313 entitled "To respected and beloved Brother" 29 April 1977 p.1 465 IS20.1 Telegram dated 31 December 1978 from the Deputy Prime Minister in Charge of Foreign Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea addressed to the President of the Security Council pp.1-2 466 Case file No. 001/18-07-2007/ECCC/TC Judgement Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch paras. 66-81 467 Gardère, J.D., Monnaie et Souveraineté, Banque Nationale du Cambodge, Phnom Penh [2009] p. 327 et seq 468 IS6.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled the "Party's Draft of a Four- Year Plan for the Construction of Socialism in all Domains, 1977-1980", 21 July to 2 August 1976 [ p.45]; IS13.1 CPK Standing Committee Document entitled "Minutes on the Standing [Committee's] visit to NorthwestZone, August 20-24 1975"; IS20.6 Suspect Statement of IENG Sary alias Van p.3; IS20.3 Suspect Statement of IENG Sary alias Van entitled "The True Fact About POL Pot's Dictatorial Regime" p.8 469 IS6.2 "About the grasp and implementation of the political line of mobilizing the force for the Democratic National Front of the Party", 22 September 1975 p.2; D243/2.1.1 CPK Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary Flag” August 1975 p.11 470 D267/5/1.1.25 “The Diary of the Former Khmer Rouge Foreign Ministry, 1976-1979” p.46 471 D234/2.1.8 CPK Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary Flag” November 1976 p.39 472 IS20.8 Suspect Statement of IENG Sary alias Van pp.6-7; IS20.6 Steve Heder Interview with IENG Sary dated 17 December 1996 p.4; D243/2.1.9 CPK Magazine entitled "The Revolutionary Flag", December 1976- January 1977; D262.26 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 19 January 1977 pp.H1-6; D133 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; IS19.71 International Statement of pp.1-2 473 D243/2.1.2 CPK Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary Flag” October - November 1975 p. 28; D243/2.1.3 CPK Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary Flag” February - March 1976 pp.13, 16, 25; D243/2.1.7 CPK Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary Flag” September - October 1976 p.31 474 D199/26.2.35 Press Release SWB Far East Relations p.1; IS19.164 International Interview of Saloth Sar alias POL Pot p.1; IS4.5 D Chandler The Tragedy of Cambodian History pp.246-247; B Kiernan The POL Pot Regime: Race Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge 1975-1979 pp.33-34 Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 464

475 D210/5 Transcript of Recorded Interview with p.6 002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 476 IS20.33 Suspect Statement of NUON Chea pp.9-10; IS20.30 Suspect Statement of NUON Chea p.30; IS20.28 Suspect Statement of NUON Chea 477 IS20.6 Steve Heder Interview with IENG Sary 17 December 1996 p.4; D91/10 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p. 4; D107/3 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness alias pp.2-3; D29-Attachment 81 Meng-Try Ea and Sopheak Loeung’s Interview with Khieu Samphan 9 June 2006 p.4; IS20.23 Suspect Statement of KHIEU Samphan alias Haem; IS4.23 KHIEU Samphan alias Haem Cambodia’s Recent History and the Reasons Behind the Decisions I Made p.55; D166/119 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D123/3 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4 478 D166/119 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D234/19 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D123/3 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3- 4; D107/3 2 Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p.3 479 D200/6 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-6; D166/73 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3; D166/72 2 d Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3; D166/119 2nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D94/3 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4; D78/5 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.6; D94/3 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4; D166/125 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D277/2 Written Record of Interview of Civil Party p.4; D25/10 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2,8; D125/177 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5 480 D232/54 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D166/111 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D94/15 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D94/9 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3; D125/31 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.7; D125/26 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3; D92/8 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4; D94/10 Written Record of Interview of Witness or p.3 481 D125/88 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D125/84 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D125/67 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D232/35 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D246/11 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D232/19 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D170/1 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3; D123/2 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D123/3 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.3-4; D277/5 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D40/12 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D234/9 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D40/15 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/183 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D125/55 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D125/166 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/120 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3; D166/100 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3; D108/6/9 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D166/121 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/168 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D125/115 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/100 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3; D125/36 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D125/53 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.5; D166/16 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D232/87 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D125/94 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D25/21 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D125/171 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D166/182 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D166/162 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3; D166/109 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-3; D217/4 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D125/48 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D125/176 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/181 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.3; D166/50 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.2; D166/24 Written Record of Interview of Witness pp.2-4; D125/47 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.4; D369/5 Written Record of Interview of Witness p.9 Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 465

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427<br />

p.3; D108/28.66 DK Government Telegram by Chhean<br />

entitled “To respected and beloved Brother” 29 April 1977; D108/28.69 DK Government Telegram by Bon<br />

Nam alias Comrade Lin of Region 20 13 May 1977; IS21.19 DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled<br />

"Telegram 46 - Radio Band 600 - 'Respected and beloved brother” 15 June 1977; IS21.21 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Region 20 entitled "The Border Situation" 17 to 25 June 1977; IS21.29 DK Military Telegram by<br />

Chhean entitled "Telegram 62 - Radio Band 1474 - Respectfully Presented to Respected and Beloved Mo-81"<br />

14 August 1977; D108/28.82 Refugees Report Clashes on Cambodia –Vietnam Line 9 August 1977; IS21.33<br />

DK Military Telegram by Chhean entitled "Telegram 68 - Radio Band 1630 - To Beloved and Missed Mo<br />

[Office] 81" 30 August 1977; IS20.6 Statement of Ieng Sary alias Van pp.40-41; IS21.32 DK Military Telegram<br />

by Nhim entitled "Telegram 48 - Radio Band 100 - To Respected Angkar 870" (cc to Brother Vann) 27 August<br />

1977 p.1; D108/28.66 Annex 66: Telegram 34, Band 1313 entitled "To respected and beloved Brother" 29 April<br />

1977 p.1;<br />

464 D108/43/14 Vietnam-Cambodia Conflict – Report prepared at the request of Sub Committee on Asian and<br />

Pacific Affairs Committee on International Relations 4 October 1978 pp.8-9; D108/43/7 Foreign Broadcast<br />

Information Service 3 January 1978 p.H4; D108/28.35 Military Monthly Report from Division 164 5 January<br />

1976; IS11.13 International Magazine by Committee of the Patriotic Kampucheans of Australia entitled "News<br />

from Kampuchea" 1 May 1978 pp.1-2; D108/43/15 The Vietnam-Kampuchea Conflict (A historical Record)<br />

p.19; D108/43/8 Facts and Documents on Democratic Kampuchea’s Serious Violations of the Sovereignty and<br />

Territorial Integrity of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam pp.16, 24; D86/21 Written Record of Interview of<br />

Charged Person Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch p.2; D108/9.1 Minutes of Secretary of Logistics Chief Meeting 19<br />

September 1976 pp.2-3; IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Standing Committee<br />

Meeting", 2 November 1975 pp.5-6; IS20.30 CPK Statement of Nuon Chea entitled Statement of the<br />

Communist Party of Kampuchea to the Communist Workers' Party of Denmark 30 July 1978 pp.24, 32-33;<br />

D108/28.66 DK Government Telegram by Chhean entitled “To respected and beloved Brother” 29 April 1977;<br />

D115/2.1 Annex 1 to Written Record of Interview of IS20.10 Statements of Ieng Sary before<br />

the General Assembly of the United Nations on 11 October 1977 p.14; ; D108/43/9 Far Eastern Relations<br />

Statement by Foreign Ministry of Democratic Cambodia and Statement by the Government of Democratic<br />

Cambodia "Cambodia's Temporary Severence of Relations with Vietnam” 31 December 1977 p.4; D108/28.66<br />

Annex 66: Telegram 34, Band 1313 entitled "To respected and beloved Brother" 29 April 1977 p.1<br />

465 IS20.1 Telegram dated 31 December 1978 from the Deputy Prime Minister in Charge of Foreign Affairs of<br />

Democratic Kampuchea addressed to the President of the Security Council pp.1-2<br />

466 Case file No. 001/18-07-2007/ECCC/TC Judgement Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch paras. 66-81<br />

467 Gardère, J.D., Monnaie et Souveraineté, Banque Nationale du Cambodge, Phnom Penh [2009] p. 327 et seq<br />

468 IS6.4 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled the "Party's Draft of a Four- Year Plan for the<br />

Construction of Socialism in all Domains, 1977-1980", 21 July to 2 August 1976 [ p.45]; IS13.1 CPK Standing<br />

Committee Document entitled "Minutes on the Standing [Committee's] visit to NorthwestZone, August 20-24<br />

1975"; IS20.6 Suspect Statement of IENG Sary alias Van p.3; IS20.3 Suspect Statement of IENG Sary alias<br />

Van entitled "The True Fact About POL Pot's Dictatorial Regime" p.8<br />

469 IS6.2 "About the grasp and implementation of the political line of mobilizing the force for the Democratic<br />

National Front of the Party", 22 September 1975 p.2; D243/2.1.1 CPK Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary<br />

Flag” August 1975 p.11<br />

470 D267/5/1.1.25 “The Diary of the Former Khmer Rouge Foreign Ministry, 1976-1979” p.46<br />

471 D234/2.1.8 CPK Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary Flag” November 1976 p.39<br />

472 IS20.8 Suspect Statement of IENG Sary alias Van pp.6-7; IS20.6 Steve Heder Interview with IENG Sary<br />

dated 17 December 1996 p.4; D243/2.1.9 CPK Magazine entitled "The Revolutionary Flag", December 1976-<br />

January 1977; D262.26 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 19 January 1977 pp.H1-6; D133 Written Record<br />

of Interview of Witness p.4; IS19.71 International Statement of pp.1-2<br />

473 D243/2.1.2 CPK Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary Flag” October - November 1975 p. 28; D243/2.1.3<br />

CPK Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary Flag” February - March 1976 pp.13, 16, 25; D243/2.1.7 CPK<br />

Magazine entitled “The Revolutionary Flag” September - October 1976 p.31<br />

474 D199/26.2.35 Press Release SWB Far East Relations p.1; IS19.164 International Interview of Saloth Sar<br />

alias POL Pot p.1; IS4.5 D Chandler The Tragedy of Cambodian History pp.246-247; B Kiernan The POL Pot<br />

Regime: Race Power, and Genocide in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge 1975-1979 pp.33-34<br />

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh<br />

Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941.<br />


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