002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 Revolutionary Army 19 January 1978 p.1; IS21.4 DK Military Telegram entitled "Telegram via Kolaing, To Uncle 89" 23 January 1976; IS21.6 DK Government Telegram by Chhin entitled "To Respected Brother 89" 8 February 1976; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" 22 February 1976; IS13.10 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976 p.2; IS21.12 S-21 Telegram entitled "To Respected Angkar about the Situation on the Border in Sector 25" 23 March 1976; IS13.29 DK Military Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Plenary Meeting of the 920th Division, 7 September 1976, 14.00 hours" 7 September 1976 p.3; D108/43/14 Vietnam-Cambodia Conflict – Report prepared at the request of Sub Committee on Asian and Pacific Affairs Committee on International Relations 4 October 1978 pp.8, 9; IS21.76 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 15 - Radio Band 416 - To Respected and Beloved M 870" 1 January 1978; D108/43/10 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 5 January 1978 p.H1; IS19.188 Declaration of the Spokesman of the Ministry of Propaganda and Information of Democratic Kampuchea 6 January 1978 pp.1, 3-5; IS21.78 DK Military Telegram by Sae entitled "Telegram 254 - Radio Band 745 - To Respected and Beloved Committee 870" 6 January 1978 p.1; IS14.4 Notebook by PON p.1; IS21.71 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 17 - Radio Band 1297 -To Respected Office 870" 16 January 1978 p.1; IS14.3 Complete Set of Chan Notebooks p.4; IS21.84 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 16 - Radio Band 634 - To Beloved and Missed Brother Pol" 23 January 1978 p.1; IS21.86 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 17 - Radio Band 674 - For Beloved Brother Pâ" 27 January 1978 p.1; IS21.87 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 62 - Radio Band 563 -To Respected and Beloved Brother Pâr" 29 January 1978 p.1; IS11.11 CPK Magazine entitled “Revolutionary Flag,” Special Issue, December 1977- January 1978 pp.4-5; D108/28.216 DK Military Telegram by Peam entitled “Radio Band 305 – To Respected Representatives of Angkar" 23 March 1978; D108/28.217 DK Military Telegram by Peam 24 March 1978; D108/43/14 Vietnam-Cambodia Conflict – Report prepared at the request of Sub Committee on Asian and Pacific Affairs Committee on International Relations 4 October 1978 p.9; IS18.61 DK Military Report regarding the situation in the Eastern Zone dated 15 April 1978. Division 260, Political section, Report presented to Beloved and Missed Brother 009 15 April 1978; D108/28.245 DK Military Telegram by Ke Pauk entitled "Telegram No. 5” 18 April 1978 p.1; IS21.116 DK Military Telegram by Vy entitled "Telegram 09 - Radio Band 326 - Respected Brother" 25 April 1978; IS18.63 DK Military Report on activities in the Ploh region May 1978 p.1; D108/28.260 DK Government Statement in "Far Eastern Relations - Cambodia’s strategy of Defense against Vietnam." 10 May 1978 pp.1-2; IS19.37 Press Communique of the Spokesman of the Ministry of Propaganda and Information of the Democratic Kampuchea 1 July 1978 p.1; IS4.3 Book by CHANDA Nayan entitled Brother Enemy: The War after the War p.255; IS20.1 Telegram dated 31 December 1978 from the Deputy Prime Minister in Charge of Foreign Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea addressed to the President of the Security Council pp.1-2; IS4.9 Department of Press and Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea "Black Paper: Facts and Evidences of the Acts of Aggression and Annexation of Vietnam Against Kampuchea" September 1978 pp.2, 74, 77; D108/43/7 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 3 January 1978 pp.H2, H4, H5, H6; D108/28.244 News of Democratic Kampuchea Thwarting the deceptive manoeuvres of Vietnam the aggressor and annexationist which swallows up territory 17 April 197 p.1; IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Standing Committee Meeting", 2 November 1975 pp.5-6; IS21.2 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 45 To Brother Pol Pot" (cc to Vann) 11 November 1975 p.2; IS20.30 CPK Suspect Statement of Nuon Chea entitled Statement of the Communist Party of Kampuchea to the Communist Workers' Party of Denmark 30 July 1978 pp.24, 32-33; IS11.13 International Magazine by Committee of the Patriotic Kampucheans of Australia entitled “News from Kampuchea” pp.1-3, 11, 12-18; D108/28.70 DK Military Report from Sector 21 20 May 1977; IS21.17 DK Military Telegram by Chhan entitled "Telegram 54 - Radio Band 274 - Dear Beloved Office 870"; IS21.20 DK Military Telegram by Vi entitled "Telegram 07 - Band 745 – “Be it please reported to respected brother” 15 June 1977; IS18.45 DK Government Report on the border situation in Region 21 21to 24 June 1977; D108/28.85 DK Military Telegram by Comrade Nhim entitled "Telegram 38 Radio Bands 248 To respected Angkar 870" 12 August 1977; IS21.28 Comrade Lin entitled "To Beloved and Missed Mo 870" 14 August 1977; IS21.42 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 56 - Radio Band 348 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870" 26 October 1977 p.1; IS21.43 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 57 - Radio Band 273 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870" 27 October 1977; IS21.44 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 59 - Radio Band 684 - To Respected and Beloved Brother Office M870 28 October [KH]; IS21.48 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 60 - Radio Band 378 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870" 29 October 1977 p.1; IS21.47 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 61 - Radio Band 137 - To Respected and Beloved M 870" 29 October 1977; D108/28.107 DK Military Telegram by Comrade Kuon entitled "Telegram 46 - Radio Band 246 - To Comrade Yi trough M 870" 5 November 1977; IS21.53 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 85 - Radio Band 332 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870" 7 December 1977; IS21.54 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 91 - Radio Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 462

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427 Band 262 - Dear Beloved M 870" 10 December 1977; IS21.56 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 92 - Radio Band 320 - Dear Beloved M 870" 12 December 1977; IS21.59 DK Military Telegram by Comrade Se entitled "Telegram 238- Radio Band 195 - To Dear Beloved M 870" 13 December 1977; IS21.57 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 95 - Radio Band 139 - Dear Beloved M 870" 13 December 1977; IS21.58 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 96 - Radio Band 674 - Dear Beloved and Missed M 870" 13 December 1977; IS21.60 DK Military Telegram by Kuon entitled "Telegram 68 - Radio Band 324 - To Comrade Yi through Office 870" 22 December 1977; IS21.63 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Report to Brother about Situation of Enemy along the Route 22-7" 22December 1977; IS21.64 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 06 - Radio Band 285 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870" 23 December 1977; IS21.65 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 07 - Radio Band 269 - Dear Respected and Beloved M870" 23 December 1977; IS21.67 DK Military Telegram entitled "To Respected and Beloved Office 870" 24 December 1977; IS21.70 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 11 - Radio Band 251 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870" 24 December 1977; IS21.73 DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 14 - Radio Band 556 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870" 30 to 31 December 1977; D108/43/6 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 3 January 1978 p.H1; D108/28.125 Cambodia Cuts Diplomatic Ties with Vietnam, Media Article 31 December 1977; D108/43/15 The Vietnam-Kampuchea Conflict (A historical Record) Foreign Languages Publishing House September 1978 pp.23-24; ; IS21.18 DK Military Telegram entitled "Region 23, Between 14 to 18 June 1977, The Border Situation" 14 to 18 June 1977 pp.1-3; IS18.42 Report about the Siutation of Defense and Economic at Southwest Zone; IS21.15 DK Military Telegram by Leu entitled "Telegram 43 - With Respect to Beloved Brother Reuan" 23 April 1977; IS18.43 DK Military Report "Enemy situation along the border" Sector 20 8 June 1977; IS21.40 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 54 - Radio Band 642 - Dear Respected, Beloved and Missed M 870" 25 October 1977 pp.1-2; D200/2 1 st Written Record of Interview of Witness p.15; IS19.38 Declaration du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres du Kampuchea Democratique 31 December 1977 pp.1-2 ; D115/2.1 Annex 1 to Written Record of Interview of Statements of Ieng Sary before the General Assembly of the United Nations on 11 October 1977 pp.11-15; IS18.49 DK Government Report entitled "Working with the Committees of Every Unit of Organization" Ministry of Foreign Affairs p.1; IS20.6 Suspect Statement of Ieng Sary alias Van pp.21-22, 29, 38, 39-41; IS21.32 DK Military Telegram by Nhim entitled "Telegram 48 - Radio Band 100 - To Respected Angkar 870" (cc to Brother Vann) 27 August 1977 p.1; D108/28.105 Annex 105: "Telegram 68, Radio Band 410 : To respected, Beloved and Missed Brother Pa" (cc to Brother Van) 6 November 1977 p.1; ; D108/28 Annex 108: Telegram 85: To respected and beloved brother Pol about situation of battlefield of Route No 13 (cc to Brother Van) 19 November 1977 pp.1-2; D108/28.116 Annex 116: Telegram 27 : To camarade Yi about fighting on route 14 (cc to Brother Van) 22 December 1977 pp.1-2; D108/43/9 Far Eastern Relations. Statement by Foreign Ministry of Democratic Cambodia and Statement by the Government of Democratic Cambodia, "Cambodia's Temporary Severence of Relations with Vietnam” 31 December 1977 pp.1-4; D234/22 Written Record of Interview of Witness alias p.4; D123/1 Written record of interview of witness p.6; D252.2 Telegram 85: To respected and beloved brother Pol about situation of battlefield of Route No 13 19 November 1977 p.1; D108/28.66 Annex 66: Telegram 34, Band 1313 entitled "To respected and beloved Brother" 29 April 1977 p.1; IS21.61 DK Military Telegram by Nhim and Hem entitled "Telegram 22 - Radio Band 362 - We Would Like to Report to M 870 as Follows" 22 December 1977; IS19.164 Statement by Pol Pot, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kampuchea Prime Minister of the Government of Democratic Kampuchea 3 October 1977 pp.2-3 463 D108/43/8 “Facts and Documents on Democratic Kampuchea’s Serious Violations of the Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” Department of Press and Information Ministry of Foreign Affairs Socialist Republic of Viet Nam January 1978 pp.10, 16, 20-26; IS21.5 CPK Telegram by But entitled "Telegram 78 - To Brother Mo870 and Brother Vi" 26 January 1976 p.1; IS21.9 DK Military Telegram by Chhin and Division 920 entitled "To Brother 89" 3 March 1976 p.1; IS21.10 DK Government Telegram by Ya entitled "Telegram 25 - Dear Respected Brother" 7 March 1976 p.1; IS21.81 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 15 - Radio Band 791 - To Respected and Beloved Brother Pol" 19 January 1978 p.1; D108/43/14 Vietnam-Cambodia Conflict – Report prepared at the request of Sub Committee on Asian and Pacific Affairs Committee on International Relations 4 October 1978 pp.8, 9; IS18.60 DK Military Report entitled “Confidential phone conversation dated April 15, 1978, Respected and beloved Grand Uncle” p.1; D108/43/15 The Vietnam-Kampuchea Conflict (A historical Record) Foreign Languages Publishing House September 1978 p.19; IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Standing Committee Meeting", 2 November 1975 pp.5-6; IS17.2 International Media Report on Speech of Pol Pot at a 17th January mass meeting on the 10th anniversary of the Cambodian Revolutionary Army - Vietnamese Report of Cambodian Border Encroachments 19 January 1978 pp.1-7; D108/37/6 Written Record of Interview of Witness Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941. 463

002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427<br />

Revolutionary Army 19 January 1978 p.1; IS21.4 DK Military Telegram entitled "Telegram via Kolaing, To<br />

Uncle 89" 23 January 1976; IS21.6 DK Government Telegram by Chhin entitled "To Respected Brother 89" 8<br />

February 1976; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting of Standing<br />

Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" 22 February 1976; IS13.10 CPK Standing Committee Meeting<br />

Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976 p.2; IS21.12 S-21 Telegram<br />

entitled "To Respected Angkar about the Situation on the Border in Sector 25" 23 March 1976; IS13.29 DK<br />

Military Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of Plenary Meeting of the 920th Division, 7 September 1976, 14.00<br />

hours" 7 September 1976 p.3; D108/43/14 Vietnam-Cambodia Conflict – Report prepared at the request of Sub<br />

Committee on Asian and Pacific Affairs Committee on International Relations 4 October 1978 pp.8, 9; IS21.76<br />

DK Military Telegram by Phuong entitled "Telegram 15 - Radio Band 416 - To Respected and Beloved M 870"<br />

1 January 1978; D108/43/10 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 5 January 1978 p.H1; IS19.188 Declaration<br />

of the Spokesman of the Ministry of Propaganda and Information of Democratic Kampuchea 6 January 1978<br />

pp.1, 3-5; IS21.78 DK Military Telegram by Sae entitled "Telegram 254 - Radio Band 745 - To Respected and<br />

Beloved Committee 870" 6 January 1978 p.1; IS14.4 Notebook by PON p.1; IS21.71 DK Military Telegram by<br />

Phuong entitled "Telegram 17 - Radio Band 1297 -To Respected Office 870" 16 January 1978 p.1; IS14.3<br />

Complete Set of Chan Notebooks p.4; IS21.84 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 16 - Radio<br />

Band 634 - To Beloved and Missed Brother Pol" 23 January 1978 p.1; IS21.86 DK Military Telegram by Chhon<br />

entitled "Telegram 17 - Radio Band 674 - For Beloved Brother Pâ" 27 January 1978 p.1; IS21.87 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 62 - Radio Band 563 -To Respected and Beloved Brother Pâr" 29<br />

January 1978 p.1; IS11.11 CPK Magazine entitled “Revolutionary Flag,” Special Issue, December 1977-<br />

January 1978 pp.4-5; D108/28.216 DK Military Telegram by Peam entitled “Radio Band 305 – To Respected<br />

Representatives of Angkar" 23 March 1978; D108/28.217 DK Military Telegram by Peam 24 March 1978;<br />

D108/43/14 Vietnam-Cambodia Conflict – Report prepared at the request of Sub Committee on Asian and<br />

Pacific Affairs Committee on International Relations 4 October 1978 p.9; IS18.61 DK Military Report<br />

regarding the situation in the Eastern Zone dated 15 April 1978. Division 260, Political section, Report<br />

presented to Beloved and Missed Brother 009 15 April 1978; D108/28.245 DK Military Telegram by Ke Pauk<br />

entitled "Telegram No. 5” 18 April 1978 p.1; IS21.116 DK Military Telegram by Vy entitled "Telegram 09 -<br />

Radio Band 326 - Respected Brother" 25 April 1978; IS18.63 DK Military Report on activities in the Ploh<br />

region May 1978 p.1; D108/28.260 DK Government Statement in "Far Eastern Relations - Cambodia’s strategy<br />

of Defense against Vietnam." 10 May 1978 pp.1-2; IS19.37 Press Communique of the Spokesman of the<br />

Ministry of Propaganda and Information of the Democratic Kampuchea 1 July 1978 p.1; IS4.3 Book by<br />

CHANDA Nayan entitled Brother Enemy: The War after the War p.255; IS20.1 Telegram dated 31 December<br />

1978 from the Deputy Prime Minister in Charge of Foreign Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea addressed to the<br />

President of the Security Council pp.1-2; IS4.9 Department of Press and Information of the Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea "Black Paper: Facts and Evidences of the Acts of Aggression and<br />

Annexation of Vietnam Against Kampuchea" September 1978 pp.2, 74, 77; D108/43/7 Foreign Broadcast<br />

Information Service 3 January 1978 pp.H2, H4, H5, H6; D108/28.244 News of Democratic Kampuchea<br />

Thwarting the deceptive manoeuvres of Vietnam the aggressor and annexationist which swallows up territory 17<br />

April 197 p.1; IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled “Standing Committee Meeting", 2<br />

November 1975 pp.5-6; IS21.2 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 45 To Brother Pol Pot" (cc<br />

to Vann) 11 November 1975 p.2; IS20.30 CPK Suspect Statement of Nuon Chea entitled Statement of the<br />

Communist Party of Kampuchea to the Communist Workers' Party of Denmark 30 July 1978 pp.24, 32-33;<br />

IS11.13 International Magazine by Committee of the Patriotic Kampucheans of Australia entitled “News from<br />

Kampuchea” pp.1-3, 11, 12-18; D108/28.70 DK Military Report from Sector 21 20 May 1977; IS21.17 DK<br />

Military Telegram by Chhan entitled "Telegram 54 - Radio Band 274 - Dear Beloved Office 870"; IS21.20 DK<br />

Military Telegram by Vi entitled "Telegram 07 - Band 745 – “Be it please reported to respected brother” 15<br />

June 1977; IS18.45 DK Government Report on the border situation in Region 21 21to 24 June 1977;<br />

D108/28.85 DK Military Telegram by Comrade Nhim entitled "Telegram 38 Radio Bands 248 To respected<br />

Angkar 870" 12 August 1977; IS21.28 Comrade Lin entitled "To Beloved and Missed Mo 870" 14 August<br />

1977; IS21.42 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 56 - Radio Band 348 - Dear Respected and<br />

Beloved M 870" 26 October 1977 p.1; IS21.43 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 57 - Radio<br />

Band 273 - Dear Respected and Beloved M 870" 27 October 1977; IS21.44 DK Military Telegram by Chhon<br />

entitled "Telegram 59 - Radio Band 684 - To Respected and Beloved Brother Office M870 28 October [KH];<br />

IS21.48 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 60 - Radio Band 378 - Dear Respected and<br />

Beloved M 870" 29 October 1977 p.1; IS21.47 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 61 - Radio<br />

Band 137 - To Respected and Beloved M 870" 29 October 1977; D108/28.107 DK Military Telegram by<br />

Comrade Kuon entitled "Telegram 46 - Radio Band 246 - To Comrade Yi trough M 870" 5 November 1977;<br />

IS21.53 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 85 - Radio Band 332 - Dear Respected and<br />

Beloved M 870" 7 December 1977; IS21.54 DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 91 - Radio<br />

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh<br />

Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941.<br />


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