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002/19-09-2007-ECCC-OCIJ ЮŲŠ / No: D427<br />

457 D108/43/6 Foreign Ministry Statement on Severing Ties with Socialist Republic of Vietnam p.H1<br />

458 D108/43/14 Vietnam-Cambodia-Conflict Report prepared at the request of Sub Committee on Asian and<br />

Pacific Affairs Committee on International Relations 4 October 1978 p.8; D108/43/10 Foreign Broadcast<br />

Information Service 5 January 1978 p.H1; IS4.9 Department of Press and Information of the Ministry of<br />

Foreign Affairs of Democratic Kampuchea "Black Paper: Facts and Evidences of the Acts of Aggression and<br />

Annexation of Vietnam Against Kampuchea" September 1978 p.74; D108/28.260 DK Government Statement in<br />

Far Eastern Relations - Cambodia's strategy of Defense against Vietnam 10 May 1978 p.2; D108/43/15 The<br />

Vietnam-Kampuchea Conflict (A historical Record) Foreign Languages Publishing House September 1978<br />

p.19; D108/43/8 Facts and Documents on Democratic Kampuchea’s Serious Violations of the Sovereignty and<br />

Territorial Integrity of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Department of Press and Information – Ministry of<br />

Foreign Affairs – Socialist Republic of Viet Nam – January 1978 p.16; IS17.3 DK Government Public<br />

Statement entitled "Evidences on the Vietnamese Aggression Against Democratic Kampuchea”, February 1978<br />

Preface II; D108/43/7 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 3 January 1978 p.H4; D108/28.244 News of<br />

Democratic Kampuchea Thwarting the deceptive manoeuvres of Vietnam, the aggressor and annexationist<br />

which swallows up territory 17 April 1978 p.1; IS13.3 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled<br />

“Standing Committee Meeting”, 2 November 1975 pp.5-6; D108/3/16 Written Record of Interview of Witness<br />

p.26; D86/21 14th Written Record of Interview of Charged Person KaingGuek Eav alias Duch 28<br />

Mars 2008 p.2; D108/2/8 2 nd Written Record of Interview of Witness p.16; IS17.2 International<br />

Media Report on Speech of POL Pot at a 17th January mass meeting on the 10th anniversary of the Cambodian<br />

Revolutionary Army - Vietnamese Report of Cambodian Border Encroachments 19 January 1978 pp.1-7; IS21.2<br />

DK Military Telegram by Chhon entitled “Telegram 45 To Brother Pol Pot” (cc to Vann) 11 November 1975<br />

p.2; IS20.30 CPK Statement of NuonChea entitled “Statement of the Communist Party of Kampuchea to the<br />

Communist Workers' Party of Denmark” 30 July 1978 pp.24, 32-33; IS11.13 International Magazine by<br />

Committee of the Patriotic Kampucheans of Australia entitled “News from Kampuchea” 1 May 1978 pp.1-3<br />

459 D108/43/7 Foreign Broadcast Information Service 3 January 1978 p.H4; IS19.36 DK Government Statement<br />

in "Far Eastern Relations - Cambodia's strategy of Defence against Vietnam" 10 May 1978 p.2; D108/43/8<br />

“Facts and Documents on Democratic Kampuchea’s Serious Violations of the Sovereignty and Territorial<br />

Integrity of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam” Department of Press and Information Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs Socialist Republic of Viet Nam January 1978 p.20; IS17.3 DK Government Public Statement entitled<br />

"Evidences on the Vietnamese Aggression Against Democratic Kampuchea", February 1978 Perface II; IS17.2<br />

Excerpt from recording of speech by Pol Pot, Secretary of the CPK Committee at a 17 th January mass meeting<br />

on the 10 th anniversary of the Cambodian Revolutionary Army 19 January 1978 p.1; D108/28.35 Military<br />

Monthly Report from Division 164 5 January 1976; IS21.4 DK Military Telegram entitled "Telegram via<br />

Kolaing, To Uncle 89" 23 January 1976; IS21.5 CPK Telegram by But entitled "Telegram 78 - To Brother<br />

Mo870 and Brother Vi" 26 January 1976 p.1; IS21.6 DK Government Telegram by Chhin entitled "To<br />

Respected Brother 89" 8 February 1976; IS21.7 DK Military Telegram by Chhin entitled "To Respected<br />

Brother" 16 February 1976 p.1; IS13.5 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes, Meeting<br />

of Standing Committee, Evening of 22 February 1976" (National Defense Matters); IS21.8 DK Military<br />

Telegram by Chhin entitled "To Beloved Brother 89" 29 February 1976 p.1; IS21.9 DK Military Telegram by<br />

Chhin and Division 920 entitled "To Brother 89" 3 March 1976 p.1; IS21.10 DK Government Telegram by Ya<br />

entitled "Telegram 25 - Dear Respected Brother" 7 March 1976 p.1; IS13.10 CPK Standing Committee Meeting<br />

Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the Standing Committee", 11 March 1976 p.2; IS21.11 DK Government<br />

Telegram by Chhon entitled "Telegram 21- Radio Band 676 - To Beloved and Missed Brother Pol" 21 March<br />

1976 p.1; IS21.12 S-21 Telegram entitled "To Respected Angkar about the Situation on the Border in Sector 25"<br />

23 March 1976; IS13.12 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled "Record of Meeting of the<br />

Standing Committee" 26 March 1976; IS13.18 CPK Standing Committee Meeting Minutes entitled<br />

"Examination of the Reaction of Vietnam During the Fifth Meeting", 14 May 1976 p.1; D108/28.244 News of<br />

Democratic Kampuchea entitled “Thwarting the deceptive manoeuvres of Vietnam, the aggressor and<br />

annexationist which swallows up territory” 17 April 1978; D108/28.213 Letter from DK Ministry of Foreign<br />

Affairs signed by Charged Person IengSary 17 April 1978 p.7; IS13.22 DK Government Meeting Minutes<br />

entitled “Minutes of Council of Ministers”, 2 nd Meeting, 31 May 1976 p.3; IS13.29 DK Military Meeting<br />

Minutes entitled "Minutes of Plenary Meeting of the 920th Division”, 7 September 1976 p.3; IS13.32 DK<br />

Military Meeting Minutes entitled "Minutes of the Meeting of Secretaries and Logistics of Divisions and<br />

Independent Regiments", 19 September 1976; IS13.30 DK Military Meeting Minutes entitled "Minute of<br />

Divisional and Independent Regiment Secretary - Under Secretary’s Meeting", 16 September 1976; D213.2<br />

Kheiu Samphan "Consideration on the history of Cambodia from Early stage to the Period of Democratic<br />

Kampuchea" Reahu 10-2007 p.48; D108/28.41 Annex 41: DK Military Telegram No 20 from YA to Respected<br />

Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, National Road 4, Choam Chao, Dangkao Phnom Penh<br />

Mailing address: P.O. Box 71, Phnom Penh; Tel: +855(0)23 218914 Fax: +855(0) 23 218941.<br />


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