enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2


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such as designing activities and tasks; coordination; evaluation of needs and<br />

research; use of techniques and m<strong>et</strong>hodologies applied both to the teachinglearning<br />

process and to the orientation and insertion on the labour mark<strong>et</strong> of<br />

the student.<br />

According to the Ministry of Education and Science (2006:7-8), the diagnosis<br />

of the current situation could be summarized by saying that the reform of<br />

educational m<strong>et</strong>hodologies is seen as a process that must be initiated in order<br />

to update the training off ered at Spanish universities, and to a certain extent has<br />

already been initiated, which is not to say that it hasn’t elicited a few misgivings:<br />

„The master class is still the dominant pedagogical practice at Spanish<br />

universities, albeit it is increasingly accompanied by exercises, problem solving<br />

and discussions of practical cases. Practical teaching should be reinforced,<br />

wh<strong>et</strong>her it is through practical exercises for specifi c courses, or professional<br />

internships. Student-professor tutoring that complements the classes and<br />

the students’ own work should also be encouraged. In<strong>formation</strong> technologies<br />

are also destined to continue playing an essential role in the renovation of<br />

m<strong>et</strong>hodologies. The adaptation to the future Higher Education European Space<br />

requires an inter-university, institutional and structured process with diff erent<br />

phases (in<strong>formation</strong>, sensitization, motivation, designing of plans); teacher<br />

training; execution (pilot projects, creation of guides and materials, creation<br />

of n<strong>et</strong>works and channels for the exchange of experiences); dissemination<br />

and evaluation (catalogue of good practices – Spanish and non-Spanish --,<br />

conferences, seminars, publications)”. Other authors also argue that proposals<br />

that go beyond the master class and that are related to tutored learning,<br />

learning on the basis of problems, service-learning and learning through work<br />

projects, should be incorporated as well (García Colmenares, 2007; Gil, Álvarez,<br />

García and Romero; Lucas, 2005; Lucas and Gago, 2007; Martínez-Odría, 2005).<br />

Clearly, the importance of promoting the interaction and cooperation among<br />

diff erent sub-systems and of establishing the appropriate communication fl ows<br />

b<strong>et</strong>ween participants is a goal we all share.<br />

Bibliography<br />

– Eurydice (2004). Key Topics in Education in Europe. The teaching profession in<br />

Europe Profi le, trends and concerns, Vol. 3 (available at: http://www.eurydice.<br />

org).<br />

– García Colmenares, C. (2007). Comp<strong>et</strong>encias éticas y ciudadanas en la Universidad:<br />

una apuesta por los saberes más allá de las disciplinas. Opening lecture for the<br />

inauguration of the 2007-08 academic year, Campus of the Universidad de<br />

Palencia, Universidad de Valladolid, October 2007, pp. 53–73.<br />

– Gil, J., Álvarez, V., García, E., Romero, S. (2004). La enseñanza universitaria.<br />

Planifi cación y desarrollo de la docencia. Madrid: EOS.<br />


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