enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2


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Annex II of the Royal Decree specifi es that the training levels for the teaching<br />

profession in Spain correlate to the following qualifi cation levels:<br />

– Qualifi cation level 4: „Comp<strong>et</strong>ency in a broad group of complex vocational<br />

activities performed in many diff erent contexts in which technical, scientifi c,<br />

economic and organizational variables must be combined to plan actions,<br />

defi ne or develop projects, processes, products and services”.<br />

– Qualifi cation level 5: „Comp<strong>et</strong>ency in a broad group of complex vocational<br />

activities performed in many diff erent contexts that are often unpredictable<br />

and that entail planning actions or devising products, processes and services;<br />

strong personal autonomy; frequent responsibility in assigning resources,<br />

analysis, diagnosis, design, planning, execution and evaluation”.<br />

For its part, the National Agency for the Evaluation of Quality and<br />

Accreditation (Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación<br />

(ANECA)) has relied on the Tuning Educational Structures in Europe<br />

proposal to formulate the generic comp<strong>et</strong>encies of the new degrees<br />

awarded by Spanish universities (González and Wagenaar, 2003: 83-83):<br />

1) Instrumental Comp<strong>et</strong>encies – analysis and synthesis skills; organising and<br />

planning skills; basic general knowledge; basic general knowledge of the vocation;<br />

oral and written communication in native language; knowledge of a second<br />

language; basic computer skills; in<strong>formation</strong> management skills (the ability to<br />

search for and analyse in<strong>formation</strong> from diff erent sources); problem solving;<br />

decision-making-. 2) Interpersonal Comp<strong>et</strong>encies – critical and self-critical skills;<br />

team working; ability to communicate with experts in other areas; an appreciation<br />

of diversity and multiculturalism; ability to work in an international context; <strong>et</strong>hical<br />

commitment- 3) Systemic comp<strong>et</strong>encies –ability to put knowledge into practice;<br />

research skills, ability to learn; adaptability to new situations; ability to generate<br />

new ideas (creativity); leadership; awareness of other cultures and the customs<br />

of other countries; ability to work autonomously; ability to design and manage<br />

projects; initiative and entrepreneurship; quality orientation and achievement.<br />

The Tuning Project, which many Universities are using as a point of reference,<br />

advocates the system of comp<strong>et</strong>encies as a common language to describe the<br />

objectives of degree programmes and curriculums, and also as a reference for<br />

evaluating student achievement.<br />

To be sure, „planning a curriculum requires that the profi le of the graduate and<br />

the characteristics of the graduate of reference be taken into account. This profi le<br />

includes the vocational profi le, the citizen profi le, and its defi ning comp<strong>et</strong>encies.<br />

Likewise, the training profi le, meaning the skills that are needed to perform<br />

the vocational duties, must be considered as well. Finally, the training plan for<br />

vocational profi le must also be developed” (Yáñiz and Villardón, 2006:17). One<br />

can infer from this idea that in our mission as docents in the education system it<br />

is essential for us to keep in mind an approach that is closely tied to the defi nition<br />


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