enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2


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which can be organized by (besides the vocational training schools and<br />

higher education institutions providing VET within the school system)<br />

institutions authorized by a decree of the minister under whose comp<strong>et</strong>ence<br />

the given vocational qualification falls. Therefore, the adult training provider<br />

offering vocational training aimed at obtaining an OKJ qualification may be<br />

different from the organizer of the vocational examination awarding the<br />

qualification.<br />

The provision of vocational training outside the school system is subject<br />

also to the regulations of the Act on Vocational education and training and<br />

the related decrees which regulate the preconditions of teaching/training<br />

in such programmes as well. Furthermore, the conditions of teaching/<br />

training at accredited institutions in all types of adult training programmes<br />

are regulated by the 24/2004. (VI. 22.) Minister of Employment and Labour<br />

decree on the d<strong>et</strong>ailed rules of the accreditation procedure and requirements.<br />

Finally, there is a special form of CVET organized by the chambers of<br />

economy (the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Magyar<br />

Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara, MKIK, and the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture,<br />

Magyar Agrárkamara) available in Hungary since 1996: pursuant to the Act<br />

on Vocational education and training, the chambers are assigned to develop<br />

and organize master examinations (mestervizsga) awarding a higher level<br />

qualification which is the precondition of practicing certain occupations (e.g.<br />

car mechanic or electrician). According to the Act on Vocational education<br />

and training, practitioners who have passed the master examination must be<br />

preferred when selecting the instructor of vocational practical training. The<br />

chambers may organize raining to prepare applicants for this examination,<br />

although participation in such programmes is not a recondition of applying<br />

for the examination. According to the Master Examination Regulation<br />

(Mestervizsga Szabályzat) of the MKIK, preparation courses may be provided<br />

only by training providers authorized by the local chambers and such that<br />

possess the human resources and material preconditions of providing<br />

Source:<br />

– Fehérvári, Anikó: Párhuzamos szakképzési rendszerek az iskolarendszeren<br />

kívüli szakképzésben (Parallel VET systems in VET outside the school system).<br />

Oktatáskutató Intéz<strong>et</strong>: Budapest, 2001. (Kutatás Közben, 230). Available from<br />

Intern<strong>et</strong>: http://www.hier.iif.hu/kutat/Kutatas2/pdf/ FehervariA_Parhuzamos.<br />

pdf [cited 12.12.2005.]<br />

– A HEF OP 3.5.1. központi intézkedés „Képzők képzése” c. alprogramja<br />

(„Training of trainers” component of HRD OP central measure 3.5.1.)/Nemz<strong>et</strong>i<br />

Felnőttképzési Intéz<strong>et</strong>. Available from Intern<strong>et</strong>: http://www.nfi .hu/hefop/dok/<br />

kepzok_kepzese.doc [cited 12.12.2005.]<br />


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