enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2


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István Kiszter<br />

Types of teachers<br />

In Hungary, vocational education and training, including both IVET and CVET,<br />

may be provided either within or outside the formal school system (referred to<br />

as „iskolai rendszerű” and „iskolarendszeren kívüli” szakképzés) which forms are<br />

distinctly diff erentiated by current legislation (Act LXXVI of 1993 on Vocational<br />

education and training and the related decrees, most importantly, the 45/1999 (XII.<br />

13.) decree of the Minister of Education on the conditions of providing VET). The main<br />

diff erence b<strong>et</strong>ween the two forms is that participants of VET provided within the<br />

school system are students (tanuló, hallgató) in respect of their legal status, while<br />

participants of adult training (who must have compl<strong>et</strong>ed compulsory education)<br />

are not. In all of its forms (i.e. also in part-time programmes) VET within the school<br />

system is off ered by state-recognized public or higher education institutions in<br />

which – due to the legal regulation of the education system – the appropriate<br />

qualifi cation of teaching/training staff is guaranteed. Regulations concerning the<br />

formal qualifi cations of teachers/trainers working in adult training are, however, in<br />

general less strict, except for accredited adult training institutions.<br />

In Hungary, the National Qualifi cations Register (Országos Képzési Jegyzék,<br />

OKJ) includes all state-recognized vocational qualifi cations (referred to as<br />

szakképesítés) at all (ISCED 2C, 3C, 4C, 5B) levels, most of which can be obtained also<br />

in training provided outside the school system. Education and training awarding<br />

a tertiary (ISCED 5A, 6) level degree (higher education graduation certifi cate and<br />

a qualifi cation referred to as szakképz<strong>et</strong>tség) may also be off ered only within the<br />

school system, by higher education institutions, although Hungarian legislation<br />

does not categorize higher education as VET.<br />

While higher education (felsőoktatás) is available for everyone subject to<br />

capabilities and performance, every citizen of Hungary can – and during their<br />

compulsory schooling, have to – participate in public education (közoktatás). Public<br />

education covers the system of the various types of institutions that provide general<br />

education at primary and secondary level and/or VET. Although the provision of<br />

public and higher education and the operation of their systems is the duty of the<br />

state, individual institutions may be maintained also by local governments, churches,<br />

foundations, individuals, <strong>et</strong>c., and higher education institutions enjoy wide-ranging<br />

autonomy concerning both administrative and pedagogical matters.<br />

Initial vocational education and training<br />

IVET in Hungary is provided mainly within the school system by vocational<br />

training schools (szakképző iskola, comprising two types: vocational school,<br />


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