enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2


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The CR2i is currently taking part as either project leader or partner in 19 projects with European<br />

funding:<br />

Leonardo da Vinci projects:<br />

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ARGO -–The Human resources accreditation to grant occupation – 2003/2005 – CR2i partner. The<br />

project targ<strong>et</strong>s at recognising and emphasizing the skills acquired not only throughout formal and<br />

informal training programs, but also through working experiences.<br />

LESCARPE – 2004/2006 – CR2i partner. The project aims to develop a coherent partnership on<br />

vocational qualifications and training in the shoe sector and facilitate, within the framework of<br />

a transnational collaboration, the definition of new professional profiles.<br />

KNOWOODNET – 2004/2006 – CR2i partner. The innovative professional figure that this project<br />

wants to create is defined as „Favourer of multi-factorial relationships and of the diffusion of<br />

knowledge and comp<strong>et</strong>ences among companies (Know-N<strong>et</strong>-Worker)“ in the furniture sector.<br />

CAMPUS TELECOM EUROPE – 2004/2007 – CR2i partner. The project aim is to facilitate the access<br />

of teachers and trainers to new technologies and their applications and to reinforce the exchanges<br />

at the European level.<br />

BEATRIC – Building European pAssport for Transparent and International Certification – 2004/2006<br />

– CIEP-CR2i partner. The Project took its place in the s<strong>et</strong>ting up of a common European framework<br />

for education and work where the need of tools that can help the training of citizens is more and<br />

more necessary.<br />

EUTRANEX – European Training N<strong>et</strong>works of Excellence – 2004/2006 – CR2i partner. The project<br />

aims to share and diffuse a new approach to training by identifying a modus operandi.<br />

TEVAL – Evaluation Model for Teaching and Training Practice Comp<strong>et</strong>encies – 2005/2007 –<br />

CR2i partner. The project intends to contribute to the reflection and improvement of teaching<br />

comp<strong>et</strong>encies by developing a national framework of the existing approaches in the field of<br />

teaching and training.<br />

HELEN – tHe European LEarning N<strong>et</strong>work – 2004/2006 – CR2i partner. The project main objective is<br />

promoting mobility of European citizens, both for labour and educational purposes, by improving<br />

transparency in the definition of qualifications and skills and promoting the mutual understanding<br />

and recognition of comp<strong>et</strong>ences and educational standards.<br />

EUROPLASTIC – 2004/2006 – CR2i promoter. Development of a European diploma for Senior<br />

production technician in the plastics industries.<br />

COMINTER – Création <strong>et</strong> mise en oeuvre d’un diplôme européen commun en commerce<br />

international – 2005/2007 – CR2i promoter. Creation and implementation, in each country partner,<br />

of a European common professional diploma, in the field of International trade.<br />

– VET-PROFESIONAL – 2005/2007 – CIEP-CR2i partner. The project aimed to improve the quality and<br />

transferability of vocational education and training.<br />

– E-CRAFT – 2005/2007 – CIEP-CR2i partner. This project aims to develop and test a creative e-learning<br />

environment for the handicraft and applied arts students and entrepreneurs in the EU area.<br />

– EURASMENT – 2006/2008 – CIEP-CR2i coordinator. Creation and implementation, in each country<br />

partner, of a European common professional diploma, in the field of manager assistant for SMEs.<br />

– EURO-AST – 2007–2009 – CIEP-CR2i partner. Creation and implementation, in each country partner,<br />

of a European common professional diploma, in the field of European manager assistant.<br />

Equal projects:<br />

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TRANS-FORMATIONS – 2005/2006. The CR2i is a partner in this project conducted by the FNCMB<br />

(National Building Trades Guild Federation), which aims to update training courses in renovation work<br />

and make them more attractive to young people.<br />

PRELUDE– For a European n<strong>et</strong>work to combat racial discrimination in the workplace, Theme B – Action<br />

3, 2005. The project tackled the racial discrimination by promoting b<strong>et</strong>ter professional integration,<br />

valorizing individuals’ skills and modifying practices and attitudes on the part of the players concerned<br />

by the implementation of specifi cally-designed in<strong>formation</strong> and sensitisation actions on the one hand<br />

and training activities on the other.<br />

OSMOSE – Optimizing Systems and M<strong>et</strong>hods for Organizing Knowledge in Companies (Vocational<br />

education and the handing on of knowledge b<strong>et</strong>ween generations) – Theme E, 2005. The OSMOSE<br />

project aims to develop transferable and adaptable m<strong>et</strong>hodological tools for the companies and the<br />

trainers involved and thus contribute to the production of m<strong>et</strong>hodology fi les created on the basis of the<br />

cases of fi eld experimentation under way.<br />


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