enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2


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Therefore, it aimed to facilitate the spreading of strong ideas and community programmes, accelerate the<br />

exchanges of experiences, reinforce the implication of the European dimension in the management of the<br />

teams. The CR2i initiated from the year 2000 many transnational projects dealing with the development<br />

of a European benchmark of qualifi cations<br />

Main activities, regular events (conferences, seminars, trainings…)<br />

Inside the Centre for International Educational programs, The CR2i conducted transnational projects<br />

which bring tog<strong>et</strong>her numerous partners: training n<strong>et</strong>works, companies, trade-sector organisations,<br />

associations, social partners nad local government structures. These projects enable the pooling<br />

experiences, the dissemination of innovative practices and the furthering of exchanges and forms of<br />

synergy b<strong>et</strong>ween teams working to tackle common problem-areas in the fi elds of education and lifelong<br />

learning. The CR2i made up the focus on the European or international projects involved by the Gr<strong>et</strong>a or<br />

the academic delegation for in service training. So it allowed to mutualize the knowledge and to favour<br />

the me<strong>et</strong>ings b<strong>et</strong>ween teams working on common problematic. CR2i took care of: Gathering of the data<br />

about educational needs – Defi nition of the standards for the database – Defi nition of the criterions for<br />

the development of the learning course – Development of the model of learning courses – Planning<br />

of models for the certifi cation of comp<strong>et</strong>encies – Defi nition of the standards for e-learning processes<br />

– Spotting of sample groups for testing – Validation of the models of certifi cation of comp<strong>et</strong>ence –<br />

Organization of one workshop – Dissemination and diff usion of the project results.<br />

Publications<br />

The Resources Department of the CR2i functions as a documentation and in<strong>formation</strong> centre, to help<br />

with the s<strong>et</strong>tings up, the conduct, the assessment and the dissemination of European and international<br />

projects involving players and structures connected with the Ministry of Education. The Resources<br />

Department conducts systematic in<strong>formation</strong> monitoring activities, constantly collecting, analysing,<br />

processing and updating data which is then disseminated mainly in the direction of the GRETA N<strong>et</strong>work,<br />

to help the Adult Training Counsellors to take an active part in European Union training policy and<br />

programs<br />

Various in<strong>formation</strong> aids are produced on regular basis:<br />

– A bimonthly newsl<strong>et</strong>ter „Euro-briefi ng”.<br />

– The documentary digests „In<strong>formation</strong>-Watch” on each new European program, tog<strong>et</strong>her with<br />

Summaries of essential documents.<br />

– Topic-fi les on training in Europe as part of the „CR2i Memo” series.<br />

–<br />

–<br />

222<br />

A practical guide entitled „European fundings and Lifelong Training” about European programs and<br />

funding, presented in the shape of a binder containing 250 in<strong>formation</strong> cards which is also available on<br />

CD-ROM and regularly updated on the CR2i website.<br />

A glossary on European project management dedicated to education and training.<br />

Special fi eld of interest for transnational (international) projects<br />

All the thematic fi elds developed for the EQUAL national programmes:<br />

– Access and r<strong>et</strong>urn to the labour mark<strong>et</strong><br />

– Combating racism<br />

– Social Economy<br />

– Adaptability<br />

– Life long learning<br />

– Adaptation to structural and economic change, especially learning supported by in<strong>formation</strong> and<br />

communication technologies (ICT)<br />

– Reducing the gender gaps and supporting job desegregation.<br />

Stakeout, evaluation and identifi cation of comp<strong>et</strong>encies (comp<strong>et</strong>ency review, Validation of acquired<br />

experiences, European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training). Development related to the<br />

European pathway on vocational training.<br />

Ongoing and past (last 2–3 years) transnational or international projects and initiatives (please<br />

give the title, duration and few lines description of each project/initiative)

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