enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2

enseignement professionnel et formation modulaires ... - emcet 2


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Sophie Jourdain<br />

4.10. The Resource and Initiative Unit for International Co-operation.<br />

The Center for International Educational Programs, France<br />

Name of the institution<br />

(in native language)<br />

Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques. Centre de<br />

Ressources <strong>et</strong> d’Initiatives pour l’International<br />

Name in English<br />

The Center for International Educational programs<br />

The Resource and Initiative Unit for International Co-operation<br />

Acronym (if any ) CIEP – CR2i<br />

Address 1 avenue Léon Journault, 92318 SEVRES Cedex<br />

Country France<br />

Phone (include international prefi x) 0033 (0)1 45 07 69 28<br />

Fax number 0033 (0)1 45 07 69 33<br />

e-mail contact@ciep.fr<br />

website www.ciep.fr<br />

Type of an institution public organisation<br />

Year of Foundation<br />

President/Chairperson (full name,<br />

titles)<br />

1990 (from 2007, the CR2i is part of the department of technical and<br />

vocational education)<br />

Head of the CIEP: Tristan Lecoq<br />

Head of the the department of technical and vocational education:<br />

Christian Greuin<br />

Is your organization a member of international/national/regional/local n<strong>et</strong>works of institutions?<br />

List them, please<br />

– Member of the French Ministry of Education<br />

– Head of the GRETA N<strong>et</strong>work (vocational education and training, for youth and adults)<br />

– Modular Education N<strong>et</strong>work (ModEN<strong>et</strong>)<br />

Staff<br />

The CIEP is currently employing not far from 240 people and the department for technical and vocational<br />

education counts 8 persons. One part of the activity is to conduct and monitor European and International<br />

projects. It maintains especially close links with the GRETA n<strong>et</strong>work and regional development players.<br />

Besides, the department works in close collaboration with experts, academic staff , consultants and<br />

General inspectors from the Ministry of Education<br />

Mission statement and aims of your organisation<br />

The CR2i is a specifi c department of the Ministry of Education in charge of promoting European and<br />

international programs and funding with the diff erent players and structures of the education system,<br />

both in secondary education and in adult training, and in particular within the GRETA n<strong>et</strong>work<br />

History (describe main stages of the development of your organisation)<br />

The CR2i was the Resource and Initiatives centre specialized in European and international matters of the adult<br />

training n<strong>et</strong>work created by the French ministry of National Education in 1990, the n<strong>et</strong>work of Gr<strong>et</strong>a (Adult<br />

training grouping of schools).<br />


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