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30 31<br />

Graisse alimentaire<br />

Lubrification des matériels pouvant entrer en contact<br />

accidentel avec les aliments (agrément NSFH1). Re-<br />

commandée partout ou un lubrifiant non salissant est<br />

nécessaire.<br />

Plage d’utilisation : -20°C à +200°C en pointe<br />

food-safe lubricant<br />

This product can be used to lubricate equipment that<br />

may accidentally enter into contact with food (NSF H1<br />

certified). It is recommended anywhere a non-soiling<br />

lubricant is needed. It is colourless.<br />

Range of use: -20°C (-4°F) to +20°C (68°F) at peak<br />

Grasso alimentare<br />

Lubrificazione dei materiali che possono entrare in<br />

contatto accidentale con gli alimenti (autorizzazione<br />

NSFH1). Consigliato ovunque sia necessaria un lubrifi-<br />

cante che non sporchi. Incolore.<br />

Zona di utilizzo: da -2°C a +20°C in punta<br />

Graisse anti grippante<br />

Freine l’usure et l’oxydation des pièces traitées. Permet<br />

d’espacer de 3 à 5 fois les cadences de dégraissage.<br />

Plage d’utilisation : -25°C à +200°C<br />

Penetrating grease<br />

This product helps slow down the wear and oxida-<br />

tion of treated parts. It helps reduce the frequency of<br />

greasing to three to five times less often. This is a green-<br />

coloured, mineral grease.<br />

Range of use: -25°C (-13°F) to +200°C (392°F)<br />

Lubrificante anti-grippante<br />

Frena l’usura e l’ossidazione dei pezzi trattati. Consente<br />

di diradare da 3 a 5 volte i ritmi di lubrificazione. Lubri-<br />

ficante di tipo minerale di colore verde.<br />

Zona di utilizzo: da -25°C a + 200°C<br />

Graisse collante<br />

Graisse hydrofuge et antirouille. Efficace sur tous les<br />

mécanismes en mouvement dont la lubrification ne doit<br />

pas entrainer des projections.<br />

Plage d’utilisation : -20°C à +140°C<br />

Sticky grease<br />

This product repels water and prevents rust. It works<br />

on any moving parts for which lubrication must not<br />

splash. This is an amber-coloured, mineral grease.<br />

Range of use: -20° C (-4°F) to +140°C (294°F)<br />

Lubrificante adesivo<br />

Lubrificante impermeabile e antiruggine. Efficace su tut-<br />

ti i meccanismi in movimento, la cui lubrificazione non<br />

deve provocare schizzi. Lubrificante di tipo minerale di<br />

colore ambrato.<br />

Zona di utilizzo: da -20°C a +140°C.<br />

Huile et graisse<br />

Graisse extrême pression<br />

Insoluble à l’eau bouillante. Tenue exceptionnelle en mi-<br />

lieu salin. Graissage des engrenages, paliers et de toutes<br />

articulations.<br />

Plage d’utilisation : -20°C à +140°C<br />

High pressure grease<br />

It is insoluble in boiling water. It has exceptional stability<br />

in saline environments. It is used to lubricate gears, bea-<br />

rings and all types of joints. This is an amber-coloured,<br />

mineral grease.<br />

Range of use: -20° C (-4°F) to +140°C (294°F)<br />

Lubrificante estrema pressione<br />

Insolubile nell’acqua bollente. Tenuta eccezionale in<br />

ambiente salino. Lubrificazione degli ingranaggi, dei<br />

cuscinetti e di tutte le articolazioni. Lubrificante di tipo<br />

minerale di colore ambrato.<br />

Zona di utilizzo: da -20°C a + 140°C<br />

Graisse semi-synthétique<br />

Graisse longue durée compatible avec les joints et élas-<br />

tomères. Résistante au froid.<br />

Plage d’utilisation : -40°C à +150°C<br />

Semi-synthetic grease<br />

This grease is resistant to low temperatures. It is re-<br />

commended for lubricating outdoor mechanical parts<br />

(such as garage doors, gates, and shutters).<br />

Range of use: -40°C (-40°F) to +150°C (302°F)<br />

Lubrificante semi-sintetico<br />

Lubrificante resistente alle basse temperature. Consi-<br />

gliato per lubrificare i pezzi meccanici esterni (porte di<br />

garage, portoni, persiane...)<br />

Zona di utilizzo: da -40°C a + +150°C<br />

750 g : 3521 750 g : 3656 750 g : 4050<br />

750 g : 3414<br />

750 g : 2690<br />

Huile et graisse

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