Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland

Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland

Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland


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Bibliographie. 409<br />

No. 2. Ir. ath 'vadum' is non-existent. The word meant is dth. This<br />

is not a misprint.<br />

No. 6. Ir. tuitim 'to fall' {= ' do-fo-inlimhi) is compared with zcTVYjixt,<br />

an obvious clérical error for Tuiivéto. Hère W. might hâve added the<br />

(reduplicated ?) 5-forms taeth, taiîhis, d<strong>of</strong>aethsad (so common in Middle-<br />

Irish) and the noun tuisel 'casus' = "do-fo-pit-tcla.<br />

No. 10. The Ir. adjective il 'multus' (ace. pi. /7m LL. 77. a. 2; 78.<br />

b. 2) is an u-stem, like fila, xoXuç, paru, and not, as W. says, an<br />

/-stem.<br />

No, 1 1. The last syllable <strong>of</strong> Ir. cum-al 1) 'ancilla', Corm. Tr. 42, 2)<br />

'pretium ancillae', is hère connected with Lith. peinas, Skr. pana, Lat.<br />

pretium. It seems to me that W. has hère mistaken the root for a prefix<br />

and the suffix for a root. The root is KAM in v.iix-vM etc., the suffix<br />

-al is ïor -alâ. For the double meaning <strong>of</strong> ciimal compare ancilla in Du-<br />

cange's Glossary.<br />

No. 1 5. Ir. inn-uraid (not asW. wntes in-uraid) , Corm. Tr. 97, means<br />

'last year'.<br />

No. 18. a-îôlam (not as W. séparâtes, at-ôlam) means h Y.xzy.v.'k\)G[j.6q.<br />

The 0. Ir. 61 'potus' hère cited belongs (like pana, tm[xci., pôtas) to the<br />

root PA, rather than to the root PAR.<br />

No. 23. The length <strong>of</strong> the e in the prefix ér- (== pari) is simply due<br />

to its preceding (in the examples cited) two consonants — seeG. C.^ 26,<br />

864, 870 — and is not owing to any « eindringen des ursprùnglich<br />

auslautenden /. »<br />

No. 27. The form foaid 'sopiebat' isjust as regular as the form -foad:<br />

one is the absolute, the other the suffixed, form <strong>of</strong> the 3d sg. 2dy près,<br />

active.<br />

kji.<br />

. 33.<br />

To thèse 30 instances we may add, with more or less certainty:<br />

Ir. aicc 'bond': cf. TT-rj^vuixt, root PAK.<br />

32. Ir. âith, W. od-yn 'fornax', cf. -riéxpa, Trlt-poç (so y.afjMvoç cognate<br />

with açman)<br />

.<br />

Ir. dl 'proies' al-achta 'praegnans',= Ohg.fasal 'foetus', As. f£sl.<br />

34. Ir. alad 'speckled' = Skr. palita, -jreXt-r-vi;.<br />

35. Gaul. anam (gl. paludem) cf. Goth, fani.<br />

36. Ir. as- 'augens sensum' G. G*. 277 = Nhg. fasî.<br />

37. Ir. aue 'nepos', cf. Lat. pu-er,pu-$io.<br />

38. Ir. earc 'speckled' = •^ripxoç.<br />

39. Ir. ith 'fat', cf. -niap, liiéxTiq.<br />

40. Ir. lâth = W. llawd 'subatio', rootTcpa, T:!.[ir.p-(][)x, Trp-rjBo).<br />

41. Ir. luaith, W. lludw 'cinis', Skr. r. pru-sh, plu-sh 'toburn'.

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