Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland

Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland

Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland


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^28<br />

The Loss <strong>of</strong> Indo-European p<br />

with rhi- corne from this root and how many from the same origin aj<br />

Latin rex it is not always easy to décide.<br />

50. Welsh erîhyl, 'any animal born before its time'^ would seem te<br />

point to a diminutive * partïla-or partûla- from a base to be comparée<br />

witli Lat. parlas.<br />

1 . Sahattos in Ogam on the Killeen Cormac stone has been supposée<br />

5<br />

by Stokes to stand for * Sapantos <strong>of</strong> the same origin as Latin sapere.<br />

Similarly it is possible that sei in SEIMETIACO on an early inscribec<br />

stone at Llanaelhaiarn in Carnarvonshire stands for sapja to be comparée<br />

with Lat. sapiens, and ne-sapins. One must not confound with the fore-<br />

going a name Soe in Llan Soe (Myv. Arch. p. 749), now written Llanso)\<br />

in Monmouthshire, and Soy in the Camhro-Brit. SS. p. 89. The samt<br />

name seems to be Seii, which occurs two pages earlier in the lasi<br />

mentioned compilation, as a genitive in a paragraph which betrays<br />

bad readings. A word , by the way, respecting Soy: it woulc<br />

seem to stand in the same relation to syw as aswy , 'left', does<br />

to aseu 'left' (cf. Sansk. savya) ; as to syw Davies observes :<br />

'Nunc significat elegantem, elegantulum. Antiquis videtur significasse<br />

sapientem, doctum, peritum.' He adds to it sywed-ydd, 'Astronomus,<br />

astrologus, sapiens.' The 0. Irish forms quoted by Stokes in his Irish<br />

Glosses, p. 37, are sai and sui, 'a learned man, a sage,' sûithe,<br />

'science;' — rather I should say, looking at the passages quoted by<br />

Stokes in the Ir. Glosses and in the Goidelica- p. 162, that 0. Irish had<br />

a sùithe, masc. corresponding letter for letter tothe Welsh sywedydd and<br />

a sùithe, neuter, meaning 'science,' to which we hâve no exact counter-<br />

part, the nearest being Pughe's sywydd : thus I would suggest that Ba\<br />

sùithe in cach dindsenchas be rendered : He was a sage in every hill-<br />

science, without supplying sab as Stokes suggests. As the Welsh forms<br />

'<br />

do not change s into h it is not improbable that the s stands for st and<br />

that the bases may hâve been "stavja- and * stavetja- (cf. Welsh serch, Ir.<br />

sercc 'love', Gr.

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