Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland

Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland

Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland


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28o<br />

Périodiques.<br />

by Mr. Brash (pp. 197-200). The number closes with an instalment <strong>of</strong> 'Oi<br />

ginal documents '.<br />

July, 1873. This number besides many able articles on archaeologii<br />

subjects contains one by Boyd Dawkins.<br />

South Lancashire by the English '<br />

' On the date <strong>of</strong> the conquest<br />

: according to him they fought t<br />

battie <strong>of</strong> Chester in 607, and having beaten the Welsh they must hi<br />

soon added to their dominions the flat country inciuding South Lancashii<br />

thus the Welsh were permanently divided from their cousins <strong>of</strong> the north in t<br />

beginning <strong>of</strong>the 7th century (pp. 236-9).— Chevalier Lloyd continues his 'H'<br />

tory <strong>of</strong>the Lordship <strong>of</strong> Maelor Gymraeg' (pp. 240-258). — A list by Mr. Rh<br />

<strong>of</strong> « Welsh words borrowed from Latin, Greek and Hebrew » (pp. 258-271<br />

it is merely tentative.— Mr. Brash maintains in the 'correspondence' (pp. 28$<br />

the Irish claim to the old inscriptions : his philology is <strong>of</strong> the Vallancey tyf<br />

The number fmishes with « Original documents » to which is added the fi-<br />

instalment <strong>of</strong> Lewis Morris' unpublished « Celtic Remains'» consisting <strong>of</strong> a S(<br />

<strong>of</strong> dictionary <strong>of</strong> names <strong>of</strong> men and places and highly interesting in many r<br />

pects to ail concerned with Wales and the Welsh.<br />

Oct. 1873. This number is mostly archasological excepting Mr. Rhys' 'Wei<br />

words borrowed from Latin, Greek and Hebrew' continued(pp. 355-365). Inlj<br />

correspondence he défends his position against Mr. Brash and gives the readij<br />

<strong>of</strong> two new Oghams which hediscovered last summer, one in Denbighshire a<br />

one in Pembrokeshire ; the former is the only one known in North Wa<br />

(pp. 386-8).— Mr. Howel W. Lloyd enters a protest against Rhys' derivingj<br />

many Welsh words from Latin, alleging that only pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> a common orij<br />

is given — his own instances <strong>of</strong> etymologizing rob his protest <strong>of</strong>the weighl!<br />

should carry (pp. 390-1). The 'Celtic Remains' are continued.<br />

January 1874. This number is also mostly archaeological — 'Welsh woij<br />

borrowed from Latin etc.' are continued (pp. 52-59). Mr. Rhys has also a sh'j<br />

article 'On some <strong>of</strong> our British Inscriptions' (pp. 17-21) : he reads the Pi^<br />

Park stone near Ruthin svmilini tovisagi and in Ogham suu^h-n» and i<br />

re-discovered stone <strong>of</strong> Vitalianus vitaliani emereto and in Ogh<br />

viTALiANi : the Bridell Ogham he would read Nettas.\.gru maqi Mm;<br />

Breci, and the Ogham on the Cilgeran stone he reads for the first time Tre><br />

Gusu MAQI Maqitreni. In the 'correspondence' he invites Mr. Howell ^<br />

Lloyd to help instead <strong>of</strong> protesting, and deals very tenderly with his ideas<br />

philology. Pp. 91-3 we hâve a short account from the Irish Bidldcr <strong>of</strong> a Soij<br />

British Ogham examined by Dr. S. Ferguson at Tavistock, Devonshire readij<br />

... NABARR... The Roman inscription accompanying it reads Dobunni fai'<br />

FiLi Enabarri. The 'Celtic Remains' are continued.<br />

C.ARNARVON and Denbigii Herald, numéros des 29 novembre et 6 décemlj<br />

1873. The Early Imcribed stones <strong>of</strong> Wales, by John Rhys. L'auteur a tiré à pi<br />

en brochure ces deux articles dont la vraie place eût été VArchœolo^<br />

Cambrensis plutôt qu'un journal. M. Rhys a employé ses vacances de 187-

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