Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland

Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland

Revue celtique - National Library of Scotland


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. 8.<br />

Etymological Scraps. 191<br />

7. Ystod, 0. Welsh *istot, « an interval <strong>of</strong> time or space; » but when<br />

applied to space it means only « a swath « in mowing, namely in<br />

S. Wales. This I would dérive from the same origin as Germ. stunde,<br />

« an hour, d which Fick can hardly he warranted in deriving from<br />

stingan or in explaining as meaning a point <strong>of</strong> time.<br />

0. Welsh nouiîiou in the Oxford Glosses renders the latin nundins<br />

and the two words seem <strong>of</strong> the same origin as well as signification ; for<br />

the former may safely be taken to stand for "noviddiou from "noven-diou<br />

and the latter for *noven-din£, being composed <strong>of</strong> novem, « nine, » and<br />

plurals meaning « days »; the Welsh *dioa is the plural oî*diu, in Mid.<br />

W. dyw, « day, » plural dieu, which we hère hâve in its older form<br />

-diou in nouiîiou. The latin -din£ admits <strong>of</strong> a similar explanation. In<br />

Mod. Welsh nouiîiou has become newid, « change, exchange » also<br />

« bargain » as when we sayy mae newid arno, « it is cheap, » lit. « there<br />

isa bargain on it. » Ail this would point to a fact <strong>of</strong> history, which I<br />

would leave to Pictet and Fick to discuss,<br />

9. Mod. Welsh mab, 'a son, a boy', 0. W. map, Ir. mac, macc, are<br />

ail represented in Ogam in Wales and Ireland by maqvi, the genitive <strong>of</strong><br />

a base 'maqra =5 "mac-va formed by affixing the suffix va 'see Schleicher's<br />

Compendium^, p. 399; to the Cehic root MAC from which we<br />

bave Mod. W. mag-u, 'to breed, to nurse, to rear', and macwy, 'a boy,<br />

ayouth, a groom', =; 0. Ir. mocu, maccu : corresponding to thèse we<br />

hâve in Ogams, both Welsh and Irish, the genitive mucoi — the hésita-<br />

tion between and a will hâve been already noticed in the case <strong>of</strong> ac<br />

and oc. MAC would, if projected on the common mother-tongue <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Japhetic nations <strong>of</strong> Europe, be MANGH, which Fick treats as a by-form<br />

<strong>of</strong> MAGH, and from which he dérives, among many others, the follow-<br />

ing words : Latin magnus , macîus ; Goth. magu, 'a boy', magaîhisy<br />

Car. magd, Eng. maid; 0. Bulg. ma^zi, 'a man'. With respect to map<br />

and maqvi it may be observed hère that most <strong>of</strong> our Ogams date ante-<br />

rior to the change in Welsh <strong>of</strong> qv into p (as well as <strong>of</strong> s into h), a fact<br />

which hopelessly dissolves the near relation supposed to hâve existed<br />

within the Celtic family between the Cymry and the ancient Gauls <strong>of</strong><br />

France.<br />

10. Lleibjo, « lingere, lambere, » said <strong>of</strong> heat effecting the disappea-<br />

rance <strong>of</strong> water, Breton lippat, « to lick, » par abus as Le Gonidec<br />

thought for lipa : thèse point apparently to a form *lambja-, whence<br />

'labbj- *lepj-, etc. It is worth while mentioning that we hâve in use in<br />

Wales two kindred verbs : llyf-u, « to lick, » <strong>of</strong> the same origin per-<br />

haps as Latin labia, English lip, and lli-o, <strong>of</strong> the same origin and signifi-

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