1957 - United Nations Statistics Division

1957 - United Nations Statistics Division

1957 - United Nations Statistics Division


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Continent and country Code I<br />

AFRICA<br />

23. Divorces and crude divorce rates 1948-1956<br />

[Rates are the number af final decrees per 1 000 papulation. For discussion, see page 39.]<br />

Number- Nombre<br />

1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956<br />

Algeria [Fr.]:<br />

Moslem population••••••••••••••• U 6434 7753 11 223 13549 13719 14229 13578 ... ...<br />

European population•••••••••••••• C 1 197 1 078 978 932 910 820 824 772 ...<br />

Angola [Port.]:<br />

Non-indigenous population 2•••••••• U 22 25 22 25 24 23 26 29 11<br />

Bechuanaland [UK]:<br />

Non-indigenous population 3•••••••• .. . 4 ... 2 ... ... ... .. , ... ...<br />

Cape Verde Islands [Port.]:<br />

Non-indigenous population 2•••••••• C .. . ... - 2 8 ... 3 ... ...<br />

Egypt 4••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. . 76154 73827 74881 75277 69538 62296 59580 ... ...<br />

Mauritius ex. dep. [UK] •••••••••....••. C 59 63 82 84 129 147 167 209 192<br />

Morocco:<br />

Former French Zone<br />

Non-indigenous population 5•••••••• C 454 415 355 375 448 396 *480 ... ...<br />

Former Spanish Zone<br />

Northern Zone 6•••••••••••••••••• U 2214 1 857 1 601 1 699 1577 1714 2037 3054 ...<br />

Tangier•••••••••••••••••••...••...<br />

Non-indigenous population 7•••••••• .. . 19 12 8 .. . ... ... .. , .. . ...<br />

Mozambique [Port.]:<br />

Non-indigenous population 2•••••••• C 61 42 45 45 44 36 45 68 ...<br />

Reunion [Fr.] ••••••••••••••••••.••.•.• ... ·.. ... ... *6 *12 *18 * 20 * 30 ...<br />

Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Fed. of [UK]:<br />

European population••••••.......• ... ·.. ... ... ... ... 319 365 350 366<br />

Southern Rhodesia<br />

European population••••••••.••••• C 212 212 204 248 264 283 318 299 301<br />

Ruanda-Urundi [8elg. Adm.]:<br />

European population•••••••••••.•. .. . 1 - 5 12 5 2 7 .. . ...<br />

St. Helena ex. dep. [UK] ••••••••••••••• .. . 3 4 1 2 1 3 2 2 ...<br />

Sao Tome and Principe [Port.]:<br />

Non-indigenous population 2•••••••• C 2 - - - 1 - ... ... ...<br />

Seychelles [UK] •••••••••••••••••••••• ... 4 1 - - 1 5 6 ... ...<br />

Swaziland [UK]:<br />

European population•••••••••••••• ... 1 4 ... ... .. . ... ... .. . ...<br />

Tunisia:<br />

European population•••••••••••••• C 202 223 192 197 182 179 163 176 199<br />

Union of South Africa:<br />

White population................. C 3764 3431 3700 3951 3541 3950 4011 3782 3950<br />

Coloured population•••••••••••••• C ... ... ... ... 351 351 320 368 375<br />

Asiatic population•••••••••••••••• C .. . ... ... ... 26 25 23 22 32<br />

Zanzibar and Pemba [UK] .•••••••••••• U 1 606 1 913 1 807 1 977 1 950 1 520 1755 1 566 1 803<br />


Alaska [US] ••••••••••••..•••••.•.••• C 8350 8412 8451 479 447 555 537 551 ...<br />

Bahama Islands 9 [UK] •••.••••••.••.•.• ... 7 13 10 19 15 13 4 10 7<br />

Barbados 10 [UK] •••••••..•.•....•.•.. C 12 31 24 32 50 43 74 36 62<br />

Bermuda 11 [UK] •.•••••.•...•....•.•.. C 48 31 35 39 47 47 67 41 58<br />

British Honduras••••••.............••• C 1 1 3 3 3 6 6 13 7<br />

Canada ex. Yukon and Northwest<br />

Territories 12••••••••••••••••••• C 6881 5934 5373 5263 5634 6110 5922 *5890 6031<br />

Canal Zone 9•••••••••••••••••••••••• C 101 60 41 77 58 60 50 49 52<br />

Costa Rica •••••••••••.•.••••.••.•... C 121 192 165 222 157 146 184 190 187<br />

Dominican Republic •••••••.•.•......•. C 1 030 923 824 818 841 914 1091 999 ...<br />

EI Salvador•••••••••••••••.•.••.•••• C 321 323 322 379 338 380 459 395 442<br />

Guadeloupe and dependencies [Fr.] .•... .. . ·.. ... ... * 61 * 52 * 35 * 57 * 51 ...<br />

Guatemala••••••••••••••...••••.•.•• C 272 281 252 325 385 371 321 392 466<br />

* Provisional.<br />

1 Data stated to be complete or virtually complete are coded "C";<br />

those stated to be affected by irregularities in registration or incomplete<br />

coverage are coded "U".<br />

2 "Civilized" population only.<br />

3 European, Indian and Coloured (mixed) population, together comprising<br />

about one per cent of the total.<br />

4 Data include revocable divorces and annulments among Moslem<br />

population, which constitutes about 95 per cent of total.<br />

5 "Non-Moroccan" population. Rates computed on population excluding<br />

personnel in military establishments.<br />

552<br />

* Donnees provisoires.<br />

1 La lettre "C" designe des donnees considerees comme completes ou<br />

pratiquement completes; la lettre "U", les donnees considerees comme<br />

incompletes ou faussees par des irregularites d'enregistrement.<br />

2 Population "civilisee" seulement.<br />

3 Europeens, personnes d'origine indienne et personnes de couleur<br />

(metis), representant ensemble 1 pour cent environ de la population<br />

totale.<br />

4 Les donnees comprennent les divorces revocables et les annulations<br />

dans la population musulmane qui represente 95 pour cent environ<br />

de la population totale.<br />

5 Population "non marocainel/. Pour Ie calcul des faux, iI n'est pas<br />

tenu compte des personnes vivant dans des locaux de I'armee.

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