ETTC'2003 - SEE

ETTC'2003 - SEE ETTC'2003 - SEE
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BACK F. Mailly et Al. ETTC 2003 MICROMACHINED THERMAL ACCELEROMETER WITHOUT SEISMIC MASS F. Mailly*, A. Martinez, A. Giani, P. Combette et A. Boyer. Centre d’Electronique et de Micro-optoélectronique de Montpellier, Unité mixte de Recherche du CNRS n° 5507, Université Montpellier II, Place E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier - France. * Tel : + 33 04 67 14 37 85, fax : + 33 04 67 54 71 34, E-mail: Abstract : The techniques of micromachining silicon are used for the manufacturing of a thermal accelerometer. This sensor requires no solid proof mass and has a low cost production. A heating resistor creates a symmetrical temperature profile in an hermetic cavity and two temperature detectors are placed on both sides. When an acceleration is applied, the temperature profile becomes asymmetric and the two detectors measure the differential temperature. Platinum resistors deposited by electron beam evaporation on a SiN x membrane are used as heater and temperature sensors. This paper presents sensitivity measurements according to the distance heater-detector, the power supplied, the room temperature, the cavity volume and the gas properties. 1. Introduction Since a few years, the silicon micromachining technology has been widely developed for the market of inertial sensors because of its common base with standard CMOS technology, which permits to achieve low cost, sensor miniaturization, mass manufacturing and monolithic electronic integration. The conventional accelerometers generally measure the displacement or the deformation of a proof mass (or seismic mass), whose mobility is the principal disadvantage and is responsible for their low shock survival rating. Piezoresistive or capacitive detection are the most common used principles to convert the acceleration into output voltage but they have some disadvantages : high temperature dependence and great influence of mounting stress for the piezoresistive accelerometers, electromagnetic interference and parasitic capacitance for the capacitive ones. The first thermal accelerometers have been studied by Dauderstädt and coworkers [1-3] but they have still involved a seismic mass : this one is positioned about a heat source and its displacement under acceleration influences the heat flow between the two elements and therefore the temperature of the source. More recently, thermal accelerometers without proof mass were studied [4-14] and could provide a shock survival up to 50000 g. The principle of these sensors was first described by Dao and coworkers [4]: a suspended heating resistor creates a symmetrical temperature profile and two temperature detectors, placed symmetrically on both sides of the heater, measure a differential temperature ∆Tdet (figure 1). When an acceleration is applied on the sensitive axis x of the sensor, the convection heat transfer and the temperature profile become asymmetric and the differential temperature ∆T det was shown to be proportional to the acceleration. 2. Theory of operation For our sensor, the temperature detectors are platinum resistors which present a linear dependence to their temperatures given by: R ( T° C ) = R0° C ( 1+ α T° C ) (1) with T °C , detector average temperature (°C), R(T °C), electrical resistance, R 0°C , electrical resistance at 0°C and α, temperature coefficient of the resistance. A "push-pull" Wheatstone bridge supplied with a constant current I permits to convert the resistance variations into a voltage output and the sensor sensitivity S is given by: I S R0 C Tdet 4 ∆ = α (2) ° Since the detectors’ differential temperature ∆Tdet is due to free convection, Leung et al. [7, 8] have developed a simple model suggesting that the response of thermal accelerometers is linearly proportional to the Grashof number : 2 3 3 ρ g β ∆Tl g β ∆T l (3) ∆Tdet ∝ Gr = = 2 2 2 µ Pr a with g , acceleration (or earth gravity), ρ , gas density, β , gas coefficient of expansion, ∆T , heater temperature rise, l , linear dimension, µ , gas viscosity, Pr, Prandtl number and a , gas thermal diffusivity. Temperature Without acceleration With acceleration Γ Detector Heater Detector Figure 1 : Principle of the sensor. ∆ T det x 1

Therefore, the sensor response in the linear regime should be proportional to the acceleration, to the heater power or heater temperature rise ∆T, to the square of gas pressure, to the cube of a linear dimension which could be the cavity volume and inversely proportional to the square of the gas thermal diffusivity. 3. Microstructure design and fabrication Heater and thermal detectors are made of platinum thin film on a low stress (σ ~ 0) silicon rich silicon nitride membrane SiNx [15]. The thicknesses of the SiN x and platinum layers are 5000 Å and 3000 Å respectively. To improve adhesion, adhesion-promoting layers such as Ti or Cr are used but they tend to reduce the TCR [16]. Different methods of Pt deposition (AC sputtering, magnetron and electron beam evaporation) and postannealing conditions were tested to improve the TCR and to prevent the layer from pealing off during KOH etching [16, 17]. Best results have been obtained with electron beam evaporation and vacuum annealing : good adhesion is obtained even after 5 hours in KOH etching solution, the electrical resistivity is about 15 µΩ.cm and the TCR is 3.3×10 -3 /°C. After Pt deposition the resistors are patterned by ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) etching. Then, the SiN x is etched by ECR to obtain resistors on SiN x bridges by KOH etching at 85°C. Manufacturing stages are summarized on figure 2, figure 3 shows a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) image of a sensor with 3 pairs of detectors and figure 4 presents its cross section with its different dimensions: the silicon cavity depth is 400 µm, length is 2000 µm and width is also 2000 µm. The heater and detectors widths are 100 and 30 µm respectively and the distance between the detectors and the heater is 100, 300 or 500 µm. Finally, it is packaged with a TO16 to obtain a quasiisothermal hermetic chamber : its height and diameter are about 5 and 10 mm respectively. Figure 2: Manufacturing stages of accelerometer : SiNx deposition by LPCVD (1), Pt deposition (2), ECR etching of Pt (3), ECR etching of SiNx (4), KOH etching (5). F. Mailly et Al. ETTC 2003 Figure 3: SEM image of a sensor with 3 detectors pairs. 4. Experimental results Figure 4: Sensor cross section. 4.1 Sensitivity according to the distance heater/detector Figure 5 presents the sensor sensitivity ∆Tdet. according to the distance heater/detector x for an acce leration of 1g and an heater temperature rise ∆T = 238°C. We assume that the sensitivity is close to zero if the distance from the detector to the heater (or to the substrate) is very low because the thermal resistance of the gas layer between these elements can then be neglected and sensor temperature would always equal the heater’s (or substrate’s) one. The optimum distance x between the sensors and the heater is about 400 µm, in good agreement with the simulated optimum distance which was 300 µm [13] : then, ∆Tdet. is about 3 °C/g for ∆T = 238°C. ∆T det. (°C/g) 4 3 2 1 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 x (µm) Figure 5: Sensor sensitivity ∆Tdet. for a heater temperature rise ∆T = 238°C vs. distance x. 2

Therefore, the sensor response in the linear regime<br />

should be proportional to the acceleration, to the heater<br />

power or heater temperature rise ∆T, to the square of gas<br />

pressure, to the cube of a linear dimension which could<br />

be the cavity volume and inversely proportional to the<br />

square of the gas thermal diffusivity.<br />

3. Microstructure design and fabrication<br />

Heater and thermal detectors are made of platinum<br />

thin film on a low stress (σ ~ 0) silicon rich silicon nitride<br />

membrane SiNx [15]. The thicknesses of the SiN x and<br />

platinum layers are 5000 Å and 3000 Å respectively. To<br />

improve adhesion, adhesion-promoting layers such as Ti<br />

or Cr are used but they tend to reduce the TCR [16].<br />

Different methods of Pt deposition (AC sputtering,<br />

magnetron and electron beam evaporation) and postannealing<br />

conditions were tested to improve the TCR and<br />

to prevent the layer from pealing off during KOH etching<br />

[16, 17]. Best results have been obtained with electron<br />

beam evaporation and vacuum annealing : good adhesion<br />

is obtained even after 5 hours in KOH etching solution,<br />

the electrical resistivity is about 15 µΩ.cm and the TCR<br />

is 3.3×10 -3 /°C. After Pt deposition the resistors are<br />

patterned by ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance)<br />

etching. Then, the SiN x is etched by ECR to obtain<br />

resistors on SiN x bridges by KOH etching at 85°C.<br />

Manufacturing stages are summarized on figure 2,<br />

figure 3 shows a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)<br />

image of a sensor with 3 pairs of detectors and figure 4<br />

presents its cross section with its different dimensions:<br />

the silicon cavity depth is 400 µm, length is 2000 µm and<br />

width is also 2000 µm. The heater and detectors widths<br />

are 100 and 30 µm respectively and the distance between<br />

the detectors and the heater is 100, 300 or 500 µm.<br />

Finally, it is packaged with a TO16 to obtain a quasiisothermal<br />

hermetic chamber : its height and diameter are<br />

about 5 and 10 mm respectively.<br />

Figure<br />

2: Manufacturing stages of accelerometer : SiNx deposition by<br />

LPCVD (1), Pt deposition (2), ECR etching of Pt (3), ECR etching of<br />

SiNx (4), KOH etching (5).<br />

F. Mailly et Al. ETTC 2003<br />

Figure 3: SEM image of a sensor with 3 detectors pairs.<br />

4.<br />

Experimental results<br />

Figure 4: Sensor cross section.<br />

4.1<br />

Sensitivity according to the distance heater/detector<br />

Figure 5 presents the sensor sensitivity ∆Tdet. according<br />

to the distance heater/detector x for an<br />

acce leration of 1g and an heater temperature rise ∆T =<br />

238°C. We assume that the sensitivity is close to zero if<br />

the distance from the detector to the heater (or to the<br />

substrate) is very low because the thermal resistance of<br />

the gas layer between these elements can then be<br />

neglected and sensor temperature would always equal the<br />

heater’s (or substrate’s) one. The optimum distance x<br />

between the sensors and the heater is about 400 µm, in<br />

good agreement with the simulated optimum distance<br />

which was 300 µm [13] : then, ∆Tdet. is about 3 °C/g for<br />

∆T = 238°C.<br />

∆T det. (°C/g)<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

0 200 400 600 800 1000<br />

x (µm)<br />

Figure 5: Sensor sensitivity ∆Tdet. for a heater temperature rise ∆T =<br />

238°C vs. distance x.<br />


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