ETTC'2003 - SEE

ETTC'2003 - SEE ETTC'2003 - SEE
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In order to optimize the phase noise of such a circuit, it is essential to optimize the second term of this equation, which corresponds to the synchronized oscillator residual phase noise. This can be done by optimizing the free running oscillator phase noise and the locking bandwidth. Both parameters are difficult to simulate, but a CAD approach can lead to interesting results providing a precise enough model is available for the oscillator active device. Another efficient approach, which may be used complementarily with CAD, is to implement a device selection procedure using a residual phase noise test bench which will help in choosing the transistor and eventually the resonator. In case of direct injection of the optical signal in the oscillator active device, Kurokawa’s phase noise equations are still valid but the computing of the locking bandwidth is more difficult and requires an electro-optic model of the photo-transistor. The above described modeling approach has been used to design our receivers, and to analyze the phase noise results. However, a prior requirement to design such an optical link is to choose the light source. III. OPTICAL LINK : THE EMITTER The optical source has a strong influence on the overall noise performance, and must be chosen carefully. Because of the large commercial offering in the field of telecommunications laser modules, a laser diode emitting at 1.5 µm is an attractive solution. Moreover, these modules include an optical isolator and a thermal regulation which are both necessary in applications where the link quality is under question. The RF or microwave signal can then be applied directly to the laser diode (direct modulation) or to a Mach-Zehnder modulator (indirect modulation). The direct modulation configuration has been chosen, mainly because it is simpler and cheaper than the indirect modulation. The device manufacturers do not specify the laser 1/f noise, and only the high frequency laser noise is specified through the relative intensity noise parameter (Rin). However, it is this Rin which may determine the phase noise far from the carrier, and a laser featuring a low Rin value should be chosen. This has led us towards a medium power single mode DFB laser : a Mitsubishi 1.55 µm laser module, with an optical output power of 10 dBm and a typical Rin of -155 dBc/Hz (0.5 to 3 GHz). Another laser module, Alcatel 1905 LMI, with an higher maximum output power of 15 dBm, has been chosen by our industry partner (Alcatel Space). IV. OPTICAL LINK : THE RF RECEIVERS The 10 MHz signal of an Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator (OCXO) features very good spectral characteristics. The goal is to transmit such a signal with almost no degradation of its phase noise. The laser Rin already prevent this transmission far from the carrier by creating a noise floor already higher than the OCXO noise floor. The optically synchronized oscillator must filter this noise far from the carrier and thus, should feature an extremely low phase noise floor. Moreover, this oscillator should not be as complex and costly as the reference OCXO. It should be a simple and inexpensive module. Therefore, a low 1/f noise silicon bipolar transistor has been chosen to design the amplifiers used in the oscillator or just after the photodiode. In the oscillator, this transistor is associated with a low cost AT-cut quartz crystal resonator, which is very stable versus temperature near 25°C. These two devices (the Si transistor and the resonator) have been chosen by considering the results of a residual phase noise experiment at 10 MHz. Both feature excellent residual phase noise level, and particularly far from the carrier. Figure 1 The three receiver circuits used at 10 MHz Three circuit configurations have been compared : a classical receiver with an amplified InGaAs photodiode (Thorlabs FGA04), the same receiver followed by the quartz resonator acting as a filter, and finally the optically synchronized oscillator (Figure 1). The result of a phase noise measurement in these three configurations is shown in Figure 2. In this case, the Alcatel laser module has been used, with an optical output power of about 7.3 dBm and an amplitude modulation index of about 0.8. The improvement due to the quartz filter is important compare to the conventional receiver, but the best result is obtained with the synchronized oscillator. Moreover, the phase noise floor of the amplified photodiode link rises with the optical losses in the link. On the contrary, the

phase noise floor with the synchronized oscillator approach remains constant and lower than -165 dBc/Hz. Phase Phase Noise Noise (dBc/ (dBc/ Hz) -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 -170 OCXO Photo-oscillator -180 1 10 102 103 -180 1 10 102 103 Filtered photodiode Frequency Offset (Hz) Amplified photodiode 104 105 104 105 106 106 Figure 2 Phase noise at the output of the different 10 MHz optical links, realized with the Alcatel laser module and with 4 dB optical losses in the link ; comparison with the reference OCXO phase noise. In the 800 MHz application, the phase noise requirements are not as stringent as for the last application, and a conventional optical link may be used if the optical losses are not too high. However, the synchronized oscillator is still interesting in order to maintain a constant output power and to filter the spurious signals far from the carrier. Such a circuit is under test today and the results will be presented at the conference. V. OPTICAL LINK : THE MICROWAVE RECEIVERS For many applications at microwave frequencies, a classical optical link [9] will met the phase noise requirements, with the exception of the transmission of very high spectral purity signals, such as signals dedicated to frequency metrology. The optical link will degrade the phase noise of a synthesizer only if the distribution factor (the losses) is very high. Therefore, such as for the 800 MHz application, the other advantages of the photooscillator (constant output power and spurious filtering) should be pointed out. Also, at these frequencies, the circuit compacity is of importance and it is interesting to investigate oscillators involving InP phototransistors. These transistors are certainly noisier than silicon or silicon-germanium transistors for oscillator design, but they may be used at very high frequencies (millimeter waves) and they are able to detect directly the modulated optical signal. Two types of photo-transistors have been used in a preliminary 3.5 GHz experiment. The first one is an InP based photo-HBT [3], the second one a InP based HEMT [4]. Contrarily to the HBT device, for which an optical window has been designed, the HEMT device is not specially designed for optical applications. But it is sensitive to a 1.5 µm radiation through direct illumination of the gate region. Both devices have been measured on a probe station, using optical and microwave probes. The HEMT optical responsivity has been found to be weaker and, above all, much slower than the one of the photo-HBT. The design of a photo-oscillator with this device is possible in the low microwave range (a few gigahertz), but not in the mm-wave region, contrarily to the results of some other researchers [10]. Above 10 GHz, a solution could be in the sub-harmonic synchronization of the oscillator, but the efficiency of such a process has still to be evaluated. Finally, a third experiment using indirect injection locking has been carried out. To this purpose, a commercially available microwave photodiode (Discovery DSC30S) is associated to a 3.5 GHz oscillator which uses a silicon-germanium HBT device (Infineon BFP620). The three synchronized oscillators are realized using discrete elements and the same resonator, a low Q factor resonator (loaded Q of 150). The photo-transistors are maintained on the probe station, and are illuminated as already explained. The oscillators are modeled using an analytical approach of the receiver involving, as an input data, the measured residual phase noise and the electrooptic responsivity of the transistor (or the photo-diode), and the theory described in section II. This approach as proven to be very efficient and most of the characteristics of the optical link can be evaluated with it. The Table 2 gives the synchronization bandwidth and phase noise data measured on these oscillators. The 9 dBm optical signal at the emitter (the Mitsubishi laser) is amplitude modulated by the microwave signal, with a modulation index of about 0.25. In case of the HEMT oscillator, this optical power is used directly to illuminate the transistor. In the two other cases, a 10 dB optical attenuator is added in order to get an observable locking bandwidth. Moreover, if the optical power is too strong, it can modify largely the oscillation, and sometimes cancel it. With respect to the optical sensitivity and the synchronization bandwidth, the Photo-HBT and photodiode solutions lead to similar results.

In order to optimize the phase noise of such a circuit, it<br />

is essential to optimize the second term of this equation,<br />

which corresponds to the synchronized oscillator residual<br />

phase noise. This can be done by optimizing the free<br />

running oscillator phase noise and the locking bandwidth.<br />

Both parameters are difficult to simulate, but a CAD<br />

approach can lead to interesting results providing a precise<br />

enough model is available for the oscillator active device.<br />

Another efficient approach, which may be used<br />

complementarily with CAD, is to implement a device<br />

selection procedure using a residual phase noise test bench<br />

which will help in choosing the transistor and eventually<br />

the resonator. In case of direct injection of the optical<br />

signal in the oscillator active device, Kurokawa’s phase<br />

noise equations are still valid but the computing of the<br />

locking bandwidth is more difficult and requires an<br />

electro-optic model of the photo-transistor.<br />

The above described modeling approach has been used<br />

to design our receivers, and to analyze the phase noise<br />

results. However, a prior requirement to design such an<br />

optical link is to choose the light source.<br />


The optical source has a strong influence on the<br />

overall noise performance, and must be chosen carefully.<br />

Because of the large commercial offering in the field of<br />

telecommunications laser modules, a laser diode emitting<br />

at 1.5 µm is an attractive solution. Moreover, these<br />

modules include an optical isolator and a thermal<br />

regulation which are both necessary in applications where<br />

the link quality is under question. The RF or microwave<br />

signal can then be applied directly to the laser diode<br />

(direct modulation) or to a Mach-Zehnder modulator<br />

(indirect modulation). The direct modulation<br />

configuration has been chosen, mainly because it is<br />

simpler and cheaper than the indirect modulation.<br />

The device manufacturers do not specify the laser 1/f<br />

noise, and only the high frequency laser noise is specified<br />

through the relative intensity noise parameter (Rin).<br />

However, it is this Rin which may determine the phase<br />

noise far from the carrier, and a laser featuring a low Rin<br />

value should be chosen. This has led us towards a medium<br />

power single mode DFB laser : a Mitsubishi 1.55 µm laser<br />

module, with an optical output power of 10 dBm and a<br />

typical Rin of -155 dBc/Hz (0.5 to 3 GHz). Another laser<br />

module, Alcatel 1905 LMI, with an higher maximum<br />

output power of 15 dBm, has been chosen by our industry<br />

partner (Alcatel Space).<br />


The 10 MHz signal of an Oven Controlled Crystal<br />

Oscillator (OCXO) features very good spectral<br />

characteristics. The goal is to transmit such a signal with<br />

almost no degradation of its phase noise. The laser Rin<br />

already prevent this transmission far from the carrier by<br />

creating a noise floor already higher than the OCXO noise<br />

floor.<br />

The optically synchronized oscillator must filter this<br />

noise far from the carrier and thus, should feature an<br />

extremely low phase noise floor. Moreover, this oscillator<br />

should not be as complex and costly as the reference<br />

OCXO. It should be a simple and inexpensive module.<br />

Therefore, a low 1/f noise silicon bipolar transistor has<br />

been chosen to design the amplifiers used in the oscillator<br />

or just after the photodiode. In the oscillator, this<br />

transistor is associated with a low cost AT-cut quartz<br />

crystal resonator, which is very stable versus temperature<br />

near 25°C. These two devices (the Si transistor and the<br />

resonator) have been chosen by considering the results of<br />

a residual phase noise experiment at 10 MHz. Both feature<br />

excellent residual phase noise level, and particularly far<br />

from the carrier.<br />

Figure 1<br />

The three receiver circuits used at 10 MHz<br />

Three circuit configurations have been compared : a<br />

classical receiver with an amplified InGaAs photodiode<br />

(Thorlabs FGA04), the same receiver followed by the<br />

quartz resonator acting as a filter, and finally the optically<br />

synchronized oscillator (Figure 1). The result of a phase<br />

noise measurement in these three configurations is shown<br />

in Figure 2. In this case, the Alcatel laser module has been<br />

used, with an optical output power of about 7.3 dBm and<br />

an amplitude modulation index of about 0.8.<br />

The improvement due to the quartz filter is important<br />

compare to the conventional receiver, but the best result is<br />

obtained with the synchronized oscillator. Moreover, the<br />

phase noise floor of the amplified photodiode link rises<br />

with the optical losses in the link. On the contrary, the

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