ETTC'2003 - SEE

ETTC'2003 - SEE ETTC'2003 - SEE
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2.3 ADC Fig.5 (a) y (t) and its spectrum Fig.5 (b) r (t) and its spectrum It is important to select sample rate of ADC for it greatly determines the performance of the digital receiver. The relationship between SNR and sample rate as well as resolutions of ADC is generalized in Eq.10, where fs is the sample rate, fa is the bandwidth of the signal and N is the resolutions. From the equation, it can be seen that there would be 3dB gain increased for SNR every doubles the sample rate which indicates the sample rate should be selected as large as possible, whereas large sample rate would cause big burden for computation and make the digital receiver difficult to be implemented in real time, so there should be a tradeoff when selecting the sample rate. Besides, the sample rate also should be selected as multiple of symbol rate because it would be convenient to perform decimation and code synchronization. In our model, the ADC samples r (t) at fixed 64Msps. 2.4 DDC SNR 6. 02N + 1. 76dB + 10log10( f s / 2 f a ) r(nT) = (10) sin cos NCO I(nT) Q(nT) Multi-stage decimate CIC FIR Multi-stage decimate CIC FIR Fig.6 Structure of DDC I ( nT ) ' 1 Q ( nT ) The structure of DDC is plotted in fig.6, there are three signal processing stages included: a Frequency Translator, a cascaded integrate comb (CIC) and a shaping FIR filter. Frequency translation is accomplished with a complex Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO) operates at sample rate, which outputs two quadrature local carrier and translates r(nT) from a IF to baseband and separates it into in-phase and quadrature components as I (nT) and Q (nT) , the procedure can 4 ' 1

e depicted in Eq.11~13, where f0 is the local oscillator frequency and supposes to be same with the carrier. I (nT), Q (nT) and their complex spectrum are figured in fig.7. − j2πf 0nT r( nT ) ⋅ e = r( nT ) cos( 2πf 0nT ) − j ⋅ r( nT ) sin( 2πf 0nT ) = I( nT ) + jQ( nT ) I( nT ) = r( nT ) cos( 2πf 0nT ) (12) Q( nT ) = −r( nT ) sin( 2πf 0nT ) (13) Fig.7 I (nT), Q (nT) and their complex spectrum because the data rate of both I (nT) and Q (nT) are relatively high compared with their bandwidth, therefor it is necessary to further reduce the data rate to an extent that succeeded Dsp units could handle in real time. Herein that is implemented with a multistage filtering structure consisting of a CIC and a FIR filter. The CIC filter is put at the first stage, and constructed with two cascaded fourth order CIC filters, it reduces data rate of I (nT) and Q (nT) from 64Msps to 16Msps with a decimate factor of 4. The FIR filter is put at the second stage and it has two functions, one is to counter the passband droop generated by the CIC filter and the other is to shape the required frequency response, the passband is from 0 to 1.5MHz and the stopband is from 2MHz to 8MHz with rejection of –60dB. It further decimates two times of outputs of the CIC filter, so the output rate of I’ (nT1) and Q’ (nT1) is 8Msps, T1 is the sample period of 8Msps. fig 8 plots the impulse and frequency responses of these two filters respectively. I’ (nT1) and Q’ (nT1) and their complex spectrum is plotted in fig.9. Fig.8 The impulse and frequency response of the CIC and FIR filter 5 (11)

e depicted in Eq.11~13, where f0 is the local oscillator frequency and supposes to be same with<br />

the carrier. I (nT), Q (nT) and their complex spectrum are figured in fig.7.<br />

− j2πf<br />

0nT r(<br />

nT ) ⋅ e = r(<br />

nT ) cos( 2πf<br />

0nT<br />

) − j ⋅ r(<br />

nT ) sin( 2πf<br />

0nT<br />

) = I(<br />

nT ) + jQ(<br />

nT )<br />

I( nT ) = r(<br />

nT ) cos( 2πf<br />

0nT ) (12)<br />

Q( nT ) = −r(<br />

nT ) sin( 2πf<br />

0nT ) (13)<br />

Fig.7 I (nT), Q (nT) and their complex spectrum<br />

because the data rate of both I (nT) and Q (nT) are relatively high compared with their<br />

bandwidth, therefor it is necessary to further reduce the data rate to an extent that succeeded Dsp<br />

units could handle in real time. Herein that is implemented with a multistage filtering structure<br />

consisting of a CIC and a FIR filter. The CIC filter is put at the first stage, and constructed with<br />

two cascaded fourth order CIC filters, it reduces data rate of I (nT) and Q (nT) from 64Msps to<br />

16Msps with a decimate factor of 4.<br />

The FIR filter is put at the second stage and it has two functions, one is to counter the<br />

passband droop generated by the CIC filter and the other is to shape the required frequency<br />

response, the passband is from 0 to 1.5MHz and the stopband is from 2MHz to 8MHz with<br />

rejection of –60dB. It further decimates two times of outputs of the CIC filter, so the output rate of<br />

I’ (nT1) and Q’ (nT1) is 8Msps, T1 is the sample period of 8Msps. fig 8 plots the impulse and<br />

frequency responses of these two filters respectively. I’ (nT1) and Q’ (nT1) and their complex<br />

spectrum is plotted in fig.9.<br />

Fig.8 The impulse and frequency response of the CIC and FIR filter<br />

5<br />


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