ETTC'2003 - SEE

ETTC'2003 - SEE ETTC'2003 - SEE
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• Test duration is reduced : for instance, in case of SPOT5, a recovery procedure test case consists in about fifty TC groups (a TC group is a sequence of one to five TC) and several hundreds of TM parameters to check. Automatic simulation requires less than ten minutes to run such a test case. With respect to operability tests, running the same test case is much longer : about half a day and with a larger team. • Reusability : both operational data (FCPs, TC groups) and testing data (test procedures, test scripts, produced log-books) are assets which are (re)usable in different contexts : − Reusability for non-regression testing : upon change of satellite configuration (such as modification of the on-board software ), test cases can be re-run with low effort. Furthermore, test logbooks can be automatically compared for testing non regression. − Reusability for other satellites : Helios2 is the military successor of SPOT5 satellite. Helios2 shares SPOT5 platform and some payload elements. − Use for operator training : Operational et testing data together with the automatic validation technique provide easy and ready to use facilities for operator training. 3 Improve testing coverage : • Procedure coverage can be more complete because testing takes less time. • Additional test cases can be introduced. • Specified/checked TM effects can be more numerous. • Non regression testing can be conducted systematically when satellite configuration changes. Use for SPOT5 qualification Automatic validation was used along SPOT5 qualification and after launch : 1. To start with, many procedures were pre-validated by means of automatic simulation before conducting operability tests. This initial fine tuning using SINUS off line enabled to save time because errors early detection enables to avoid re-running operability tests. Errors were found in TM effect specification. But also errors were detected in TC specification. For instance, several LVC patches used in different procedures were wrong. 2. Secondly, automatic validation enabled to run more test cases and thus to cover procedure paths which were not considered during operability tests. 3. In the last months before launch (operational qualification), the focus has been put then on nonregression testing. This was particularly important in the case of SPOT5 qualification because three different versions of the on-board software were released during the operational qualification. And the last version was issued and tested only three weeks before launch. The automatic simulation technique was intensively used to run non-regression test cases and to compare produced test log-books automatically. Twenty test cases were defined to be run automatically, covering about 70% of the procedures used to recover from anomalies. These test cases were executed for each version of the on-board software. About 10.000 verifications were performed altogether. 4. After launch, validation activities went on, in particular for payload FDIR FCPs ; they were neither defined nor validated before, because of lack of time. By then, automatic validation was systematically used. Concerning these particular FDIR FCPs, the choice has been taken to differ their validation with the control centre in the loop: operability tests may be conducted only when a procedure is really needed for a satellite operation, in order to confirm automatic validation results and more important to train operators just before satellite operation. 7

7. Validation process FCP validation follows several steps. Each of them is required in order to enable FCP execution onboard the satellite: 1. Documentation analysis: FCP specification is derived and checked up on input documents (satellite operation manual, satellite database, onboard SW specification [LVC]). In particular, patch definitions are verified on source code (Ada and processor code). Notice that most FCPS had been pre-validated by satellite contractor Astrium. 2. Automatic validation with SINUS: The automatic validation technique enables to verify two types of properties : a) Liveness or fonctionnal properties : they ensure that “something good” occurs. Expected states are specified by means of TM parameter values. These specifications can be associated either to TC, FCP steps or test cases for contextual verifications. b) Safety properties : they ensure that “nothing bad” happens. They consist on ground monitoring which provide systematic verification of the non-occurrence of predefined unwanted states (expressions based on TM values) or events. SINUS interprets the same ground monitoring as CCS does during real time satellite operations. 3. Review process: periodical technical meetings are organised. They are very useful in the terms of FCPs and test results review. They also contribute to staff training. 4. Satellite Control Center in the loop: Automatic validation is not sufficient to validate because CCS is not in the loop to transmit TC. When ground control facilities (CCS) are in the loop, validation is manual: TC are sent from CCS and TM parameters are displayed and checked up manually on CCS mimics. These tests are more expensive because they involve a larger team. That is why they are only conducted when other verifications are completed. 8. Limitations and future work Limitations of procedure automatic validation are presented in relation with possible improvements: 1. Automatic validation technique does not replace operability /system tests because the satellite control center is not in the loop to transmit TC. This limitation is intrinsic to the approach. 2. For few satellite equipment or sub-systems, SINUS numeric models are not representative. That is the case for Vegetation which is SPOT5 secondary payload. Vegetation operational procedures have to be validated using BSSO and its Vegetation model. But for many procedures (platform ones and most of payload ones) SINUS representativity is sufficient : an important feedback of SPOT5 qualification is that a processor emulator together with an accurate calculator simulation model seem equivalent to hardware equipment for FCP validation. 3. Presently SINUS mimics (when running SINUS offline) differ from the ones used in the control centre. The development of a translator is under progress to generate automatically SINUS 8

7. Validation process<br />

FCP validation follows several steps. Each of them is required in order to enable FCP execution<br />

onboard the satellite:<br />

1. Documentation analysis: FCP specification is derived and checked up on input documents<br />

(satellite operation manual, satellite database, onboard SW specification [LVC]). In particular,<br />

patch definitions are verified on source code (Ada and processor code). Notice that most FCPS<br />

had been pre-validated by satellite contractor Astrium.<br />

2. Automatic validation with SINUS:<br />

The automatic validation technique enables to verify two types of properties :<br />

a) Liveness or fonctionnal properties : they ensure that “something good” occurs. Expected<br />

states are specified by means of TM parameter values. These specifications can be associated<br />

either to TC, FCP steps or test cases for contextual verifications.<br />

b) Safety properties : they ensure that “nothing bad” happens. They consist on ground<br />

monitoring which provide systematic verification of the non-occurrence of predefined unwanted<br />

states (expressions based on TM values) or events. SINUS interprets the same ground<br />

monitoring as CCS does during real time satellite operations.<br />

3. Review process: periodical technical meetings are organised. They are very useful in the terms<br />

of FCPs and test results review. They also contribute to staff training.<br />

4. Satellite Control Center in the loop: Automatic validation is not sufficient to validate because<br />

CCS is not in the loop to transmit TC. When ground control facilities (CCS) are in the loop,<br />

validation is manual: TC are sent from CCS and TM parameters are displayed and checked up<br />

manually on CCS mimics. These tests are more expensive because they involve a larger team.<br />

That is why they are only conducted when other verifications are completed.<br />

8. Limitations and future work<br />

Limitations of procedure automatic validation are presented in relation with possible improvements:<br />

1. Automatic validation technique does not replace operability /system tests because the satellite<br />

control center is not in the loop to transmit TC. This limitation is intrinsic to the approach.<br />

2. For few satellite equipment or sub-systems, SINUS numeric models are not representative. That<br />

is the case for Vegetation which is SPOT5 secondary payload. Vegetation operational<br />

procedures have to be validated using BSSO and its Vegetation model. But for many procedures<br />

(platform ones and most of payload ones) SINUS representativity is sufficient : an important<br />

feedback of SPOT5 qualification is that a processor emulator together with an accurate<br />

calculator simulation model seem equivalent to hardware equipment for FCP validation.<br />

3. Presently SINUS mimics (when running SINUS offline) differ from the ones used in the control<br />

centre. The development of a translator is under progress to generate automatically SINUS<br />


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