Violences sexuelles des casques bleus : Défis et réalisations pour ...

Violences sexuelles des casques bleus : Défis et réalisations pour ...

Violences sexuelles des casques bleus : Défis et réalisations pour ...


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P a g e 
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adopte une définition assez large du viol en ne se limitant pas à la pénétration du<br />

vagin par le pénis:<br />

The actus reus of the crime of rape is:<br />

(i) the sexual pen<strong>et</strong>ration, however slight:<br />

(a) of the vagina or anus of the victim by the penis of the perp<strong>et</strong>rator<br />

or any other object used by the perp<strong>et</strong>rator; or<br />

(b) of the mouth of the victim by the penis of the perp<strong>et</strong>rator;<br />

(ii) by coercion or force or threat of force against the victim or a third<br />

person 383 .<br />

En ce qui a trait à la notion du consentement, le Tribunal s'appuie sur le<br />

jugement Furundzija dans lequel il élargissait la notion du consentement. Dans<br />

Furundzija, l'élément consensuel était ainsi défini: « all jurisdictions surveyed by<br />

the Trial Chamber require an element of force, coercion, threat, or acting without<br />

the consent of the victim: force is given a broad interpr<strong>et</strong>ation and inclu<strong>des</strong><br />

rendering the victim helpless 384 ». Le Tribunal a donc r<strong>et</strong>enu, en partie, de<br />

Furudzija, les éléments suivants:<br />

(i) the sexual activity is accompanied by force or threat of force to<br />

the victim or a third party; (ii) the sexual activity is accompanied by<br />

force or a vari<strong>et</strong>y of other specified circumstances which made the<br />

victim particularly vulnerable or negated her ability to make an<br />

informed refusal 385 ; or (iii) the sexual activity occurs without the<br />

consent of the victim 386 .<br />

De plus, Foca a précisé certains éléments du mens rea: « The mens rea is the<br />

intention to effect this sexual pen<strong>et</strong>ration, and the knowledge that it occurs<br />

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383 Prosecutor v. Dragoljub Kunarac Radomir Kovac <strong>et</strong> Zoran Vukovic, (2001), Affaire no IT-96-23-T&<br />

IT-96-23/1-T, Tribunal pénal international <strong>pour</strong> l’ex-Yougoslavie, en ligne :<br />

http://www.un.org/icty/kunarac/trialc2/judgement/kun-tj010222e.pdf , paragraphe 437.<br />

384 Ibid, paragraphe 440.<br />

385 Aussi l’incapacité de refuser <strong>pour</strong> <strong>des</strong> raisons circonstancielles ou physiques ou psychologiques:<br />

The emphasis of such provisions is that the victim, because of an incapacity of an enduring or<br />

qualitative nature (eg mental or physical illness, or the age of minority) or of a temporary or<br />

circumstantial nature (eg being subjected to psychological pressure or otherwise in a state of<br />

inability to resist) was unable to refuse to be subjected to the sexual acts. The key effect of factors<br />

such as surprise, fraud or misrepresentation is that the victim was subjected to the act without the<br />

opportunity for an informed or reasoned refusal. The common denominator underlying these<br />

different circumstances is that they have the effect that the victim’s will was overcome or that her<br />

ability freely to refuse the sexual acts was temporarily or more permanently negated. Ibid,<br />

paragraphe 452.<br />

386 Ibid, paragraphe 447.

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