Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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66 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 may make available a portion of the enriched uranium supplied hereunder as material containing more than 20% in the isotope U-235 when there is a technical or economic justification for such a transfer. H. It is understood, unless otherwise agreed, that in order to assure the availability of the entire quantity of enriched uranium allocated hereunder for a particular reactor project described in the Appendix, it will be necessary for the construction of the project to be initiated in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Appendix and for the Government of Switzerland to execute a contract for that quantity in time to allow for the United States Commission to provide the material for the first fuel loading. It is also understood that if the Government of Switzerland desires to contract for less than the entire quantity of enriched uranium allocated for a particular project or terminates the supply contract after execution, the remaining quantity allocated for that project shall cease to be available and the maximum adjusted net quantity of U-235 provided for in paragraph E of this Article shall be reduced accordingly, unless otherwise agreed. I. Within the limitations contained in paragraph E of this Article, the quantity of uranium enriched in the isotope U-235 transferred by the United States Commission under this Article and in the custody of the Government of Switzerland for the fueling of reactors or reactor experiments shall not at any time be in excess of the quantity thereof necessary for the loading of such reactors or reactor experiments, plus such additional quantity as, in the opinion of the Parties, is necessary for the efficient and continuous operation of such reactors or reactor experiments. J. It is agreed that when any special nuclear material received from the United States of America requires reprocessing, such reprocessing shall be performed at the discretion of the Commission in either Commission facilities or facilities acceptable to the Commission, on terms and conditions to be later agreed; and it is understood, except as may be otherwise agreed, that the form and content of any irradiated fuel elements shall not be altered after their removal from the reactor prior to delivery to the Commission or the facilities acceptable to the Commission for reprocessing. K. With respect to any special nuclear material not owned by the Government of the United States of America produced in reactors fueled with materials obtained from the United States of America which is in excess of the need of the Government of Switzerland for such materials in its program for the peaceful uses of atomic energy, the Government of the United States of America shall have and is hereby granted (a) a first option to pur- No. 8594

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 67 Unis peut cependant fournir une partie de l'uranium enrichi c6d6 aux termes du prdsent accord sous forme de mati~re contenant plus de 20% de 1'isotope U-235, si pareille remise se justifie du point de vue technique ou 6conomique. H. I1 est entendu, A, moins qu'il n'en ait W convenu autrement, qu'afin de rendre disponible la quantit6 globale d'uranium enrichi attribu6e aux termes du present accord pour un proj et d~termin6 de rdacteur d6crit dans l'appendice, il sera n~cessaire que les travaux de construction soient entrepris conform6ment au plan fix6 dans l'appendice et que le Gouvernement suisse conclue un contrat portant sur une telle quantit6 suffisamment t6t pour que la Commission des ttats-Unis soit en mesure de fournir les mati~res ndcessaires h la premiere charge de combustible. I1 est 6galement entendu que si le Gouvernement suisse d~sire conclure un contrat portant sur une quantit6 d'uranium enrichi inf~rieure h la quantit6 globale attribude pour un projet ddtermin6, ou s'il entend renoncer h un contrat de livraison apr&s sa conclusion, la quantit6 restante attribute pour ce projet cessera d'6tre disponible et la quantit6 maximum nette ajust~e d'U-235 pr6vue h la lettre E du pr6sent article sera r6duite en consequence, h moins qu'il n'en ait 6t6 convenu autrement. I. Dans les limites pr~vues h la lettre E du pr6sent article, la quantit6 d'uranium enrichi de l'isotope U-235, c~de par la Commission des Etats-Unis en vertu du present article et dont le Gouvernement suisse dispose pour alimenter des rdacteurs ou des installations d'exp~rimentation de rdacteurs, n'exc~dera en aucun moment la quantit6 de mati~res ndcessaire h la charge de tels rdacteurs ou installations d'exp~rimentation de rdacteurs, compte tenu de la quantit6 suppldmentaire qui, de l'avis des Parties, est n~cessaire au fonctionnement efficace et continu de ces r6acteurs et de ces installations d'expdrimentation de r6acteurs. J. Il est entendu que lorsque des mati6res nucldaires sp6ciales reques des Etats-Unis d'Am~rique devront 6tre soumises h un retraitement, celui-ci se fera au gr6 de la Commission, soit dans des 6tablissements de cette Commission, soit dans d'autres 6tablissements agr66s par elle, aux termes et conditions h convenir ultdrieurement. Il est 6galement entendu, sous reserve d'autres arrangements pris d'un commun accord, que tout 6lment de combustible irradi6, apr~s avoir t6 retir6 du r~acteur, ne subira aucune modification de sa forme ni de son contenu jusqu'h ce qu'il ait W remis h la Commission ou aux 6tablissements agr66s par elle en vue du retraitement. K. Pour toute mati~re nucl~aire sp~ciale n'appartenant pas au Gouvernement des Ittats-Unis d'Am~rique et qui est produite par des r~acteurs aliment~s en combustibles provenant de ce pays, dans des quantit~s ddpassant celles dont le Gouvernement suisse a besoin pour l'exdcution de son programme d'utilisation de l'6nergie atomique des fins pacifiques, le Gouvernement des ktats-Unis d'Am6rique aura et se voit octroyer par le present No 8594

66 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

may make available a portion of the enriched uranium supplied hereunder<br />

as material containing more than 20% in the isotope U-235 when there is<br />

a technical or economic justification for such a transfer.<br />

H. It is understood, unless otherwise agreed, that in order to assure<br />

the availability of the entire quantity of enriched uranium allocated hereunder<br />

for a particular reactor project described in the Appendix, it will be necessary<br />

for the construction of the project to be initiated in accordance with the<br />

schedule set forth in the Appendix and for the Government of Switzerland<br />

to execute a contract for that quantity in time to allow for the <strong>United</strong> States<br />

Commission to provide the material for the first fuel loading. It is also understood<br />

that if the Government of Switzerland desires to contract for less<br />

than the entire quantity of enriched uranium allocated for a particular<br />

project or terminates the supply contract after execution, the remaining<br />

quantity allocated for that project shall cease to be available and the maximum<br />

adjusted net quantity of U-235 provided for in paragraph E of this Article<br />

shall be reduced accordingly, unless otherwise agreed.<br />

I. Within the limitations contained in paragraph E of this Article,<br />

the quantity of uranium enriched in the isotope U-235 transferred by the<br />

<strong>United</strong> States Commission under this Article and in the custody of the Government<br />

of Switzerland for the fueling of reactors or reactor experiments shall<br />

not at any time be in excess of the quantity thereof necessary for the loading<br />

of such reactors or reactor experiments, plus such additional quantity as,<br />

in the opinion of the Parties, is necessary for the efficient and continuous<br />

operation of such reactors or reactor experiments.<br />

J. It is agreed that when any special nuclear material received from<br />

the <strong>United</strong> States of America requires reprocessing, such reprocessing shall<br />

be performed at the discretion of the Commission in either Commission<br />

facilities or facilities acceptable to the Commission, on terms and conditions<br />

to be later agreed; and it is understood, except as may be otherwise<br />

agreed, that the form and content of any irradiated fuel elements shall not<br />

be altered after their removal from the reactor prior to delivery to the<br />

Commission or the facilities acceptable to the Commission for reprocessing.<br />

K. With respect to any special nuclear material not owned by the<br />

Government of the <strong>United</strong> States of America produced in reactors fueled<br />

with materials obtained from the <strong>United</strong> States of America which is in excess<br />

of the need of the Government of Switzerland for such materials in its program<br />

for the peaceful uses of atomic energy, the Government of the <strong>United</strong><br />

States of America shall have and is hereby granted (a) a first option to pur-<br />

No. 8594

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