Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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376 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 4. The term " competent authority " means, in the case of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs; in the case of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health. Article 2 In article 2, paragraph (1), of the Convention, the list of the legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany to which the Convention applies shall be supplemented by the following: (e) old age pensions for farmers " Article 3 (1) Save as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the provisions of the Convention and of the agreements concluded for the purpose of giving effect to it shall apply. (2) Article 3, paragraph (2), of the Convention shall not apply to benefits under the German legislation on old age pensions for farmers. Article 4 Where, under German. legislation, a social insurance benefit or the exercise of an occupation has legal effects on benefits under the old age pension scheme for farmers, similar benefits received under the teins of Netherlands legislation or the exercise of an occupation in the territory of the Netherlands shall, in conformity with German legislation, have the same effects. Article 5 (1) Persons who habitually reside in the territory of the Netherlands shall submit applications for benefits under this Agreement to the "Bureau voor Duitse Zaken van de Vereeniging van Raden van Arbeid " (Office of German Affairs of the Union of Labour Councils) at Nijmegen. The said office shall transmit the applications to the " Gesamtverband der Landwirtschaftlichen Alterskassen " (General Association of Agricultural Old Age Funds) at Kassel, which shall forward them to the agricultural old age fund competent to receive them and take a decision on them. (2) Paragraph (1) shall apply, as appropriate, to declarations concerning the continued payment of premiums. (3) The competent old age fund shall inform the " Bureau voor Duitse Zaken van de Vereeniging van Raden van Arbeid " of all decisions which have been taken. No. 1952

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitgs 377 4. Les mots "(autoritds compdtentes ) s'entendent dans le cas de la R~publique f~ddrale d'Allemagne, du ministre f~dral du travail et de la protection sociale, et dans le cas du Royaume des Pays-Bas, du ministre des affaires sociales et de la sant6 publique (Minister van Sociale Zaken en Volksgezondheid). Article 2 L'6num~ration des dispositions lgislatives de la R~publique f~d6rale d'Allemagne auxquelles s'applique la Convention figure au paragraphe 1 de l'article 2 de la Convention, et sera compl~t~e comme suit: ((e) L'assurance-vieillesse des agriculteurs ,. Article 3 1. Sauf dispositions contraires du present Accord, les dispositions de la Convention et les accords conclus en vue de son application seront applicables. 2. Les dispositions du paragraphe 2 de l'article 3 de la Convention ne seront pas applicables aux prestations octroy~es en vertu des dispositions lgislatives allemandes relatives k l'assurance-vieillesse des agriculteurs. Article 4 Dans la mesure oii, conformment aux dispositions lgislatives allemandes, une prestation per~ue au titre des assurances sociales ou une occupation lucrative a un effet juridique sur les prestations de l'assurance-vieillesse des agriculteurs, les prestations analogues per~ues en vertu des dispositions lgislatives n~erlandaises ou les occupations lucratives exerc~es sur le territoire national des Pays-Bas produiront le mme effet conform~ment auxdites dispositions l~gislatives. Article 5 1. Les demandes de prestations formul~es en vertu du present Accord devront tre adress6es au ((Bureau voor Duitse Zaken van de Vereeniging van Raden van Arbeid A Nim~gue par les personnes qui ont leur domicile habituel sur le territoire national des Pays-Bas. Cet organisme communique les demandes h l'Union des caisses d'assurance-vieillesse des agriculteurs A Kassel, qui les transmet A la caisse d'assurance-vieillesse des agriculteurs ayant competence pour les recevoir et se prononcer. 2. Les dispositions du paragraphe 1 s'appliqueront mutatis mutandis A. la dclaration concernant la transmission des cotisations. 3. La caisse d'assurance-vieillesse comptente informe le ((Bureau voor Duitse Zaken van de Vereeniging van Raden van Arbeid des d~cisions qu'elle a prises. NG 1952

376 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

4. The term " competent authority " means,<br />

in the case of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Minister of Labour<br />

and Social Affairs;<br />

in the case of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Minister of Social Affairs<br />

and Public Health.<br />

Article 2<br />

In article 2, paragraph (1), of the Convention, the list of the legislation of the<br />

Federal Republic of Germany to which the Convention applies shall be supplemented<br />

by the following:<br />

(e) old age pensions for farmers "<br />

Article 3<br />

(1) Save as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the provisions of the<br />

Convention and of the agreements concluded for the purpose of giving effect to<br />

it shall apply.<br />

(2) Article 3, paragraph (2), of the Convention shall not apply to benefits<br />

under the German legislation on old age pensions for farmers.<br />

Article 4<br />

Where, under German. legislation, a social insurance benefit or the exercise<br />

of an occupation has legal effects on benefits under the old age pension scheme<br />

for farmers, similar benefits received under the teins of Netherlands legislation<br />

or the exercise of an occupation in the territory of the Netherlands shall, in conformity<br />

with German legislation, have the same effects.<br />

Article 5<br />

(1) Persons who habitually reside in the territory of the Netherlands shall<br />

submit applications for benefits under this Agreement to the "Bureau voor Duitse<br />

Zaken van de Vereeniging van Raden van Arbeid " (Office of German Affairs of the<br />

Union of Labour Councils) at Nijmegen. The said office shall transmit the applications<br />

to the " Gesamtverband der Landwirtschaftlichen Alterskassen " (General<br />

Association of Agricultural Old Age Funds) at Kassel, which shall forward them to<br />

the agricultural old age fund competent to receive them and take a decision on them.<br />

(2) Paragraph (1) shall apply, as appropriate, to declarations concerning the<br />

continued payment of premiums.<br />

(3) The competent old age fund shall inform the " Bureau voor Duitse Zaken<br />

van de Vereeniging van Raden van Arbeid " of all decisions which have been taken.<br />

No. 1952

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