Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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312 United Nations - Treaty Series No. 8608. GUARANTEE AGREEMENTI (TELECOMMUNI- CATIONS PROJECT) BETWEEN JAMAICA AND THE INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT. SIGNED AT WASHINGTON, ON 23 JANUARY 1967 AGREEMENT, dated January 23, 1967, between JAMAICA (hereinafter called the Guarantor) and INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT (hereinafter called the Bank). WHEREAS by an agreement of even date herewith between the Bank and Jamaica Telephone Company Limited (hereinafter called the Borrower), which agreement and the schedules therein referred to are hereinafter called the Loan Agreement, 2 the Bank has agreed to make to the Borrower a loan in various currencies equivalent to eleven million two hundred thousand dollars ($11,200,000), on the terms and conditions set forth in the Loan Agreement, but only on condition that the Guarantor agree to guarantee the obligations of the Borrower in respect of such loans as hereinafter provided; and WHEREAS the Guarantor, in consideration of the Bank's entering into the Loan Agreement with the Borrower, has agreed so to guarantee such obligations of the Borrower; Now THEREFORE the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: Article I Section 1.01. The parties to this Guarantee Agreement accept all the provisions of Loan Regulations No. 4 of the Bank dated February 15, 1961, 2 subject, however, to the modifications thereof set forth in Schedule 3 to the Loan Agreement (said Loan Regulations No. 4 as so modified being hereinafter called the Loan Regulations), with the same force and effect as if they were fully set forth herein. The terms defined in said Loan Agreement shall have the same meaning as if such definitions were fully set forth herein. I Came into force on 17 February 1967, upon notification by the Bank to the Government of Jamaica. 3 See p. 322 of this volume.

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 313 [TRADUCTION - TRANSLATION] No 8608. CONTRAT DE GARANTIE 1 (PRO JET RELA TIF AUX TfLtCOMMUNICA TIONS) ENTRE LA JAMAIQUE ET LA BANQUE INTERNATIONALE POUR LA RECON- STRUCTION ET LE D]tVELOPPEMENT. SIGNIt A WA- SHINGTON, LE 23 JANVIER 1967 CONTRAT, en date du 23 janvier 1967, entre la JAMAIQUE (ci-apr~s d~nomm6e ele Garant e) et la BANQUE INTERNATIONALE POUR LA RECON- STRUCTION ET LE D£VELOPPEMENT (ci-apr~s d~nomm~e ela Banque ))). CONSIDERANT que, aux termes d'un contrat de m~me date conclu entre la Jamaica Telephone Company Limited (ci-apr~s d6nomm6e (( l'Emprunteur ))) et la Banque, ledit Contrat et les annexes qui y sont vis6es 6tant ci-apres d~nomm~s (le Contrat d'emprunt ) 2, la Banque a consenti h l'Emprunteur un pr~t en diverses monnaies d'un montant global en principal 6quivalant h onze millions deux cent mille (11 200 000) dollars, aux clauses et conditions stipul6es dans le Contrat d'emprunt, mais seulement h condition que le Garant consente . garantir les obligations de l'Emprunteur en ce qui concerne ledit Emprunt, conform~ment aux dispositions ci-apr~s; CONSIDf-RANT que, du fait que la Banque a conclu le Contrat d'emprunt avec l'Emprunteur, le Garant a accept6 de garantir lesdites obligations de 'Emprunteur; Les parties aux pr6sentes sont convenues de ce qui suit: Article premier Paragraphe 1.01. Les parties au present Contrat de garantie acceptent toutes les dispositions du R~glement nO 4 de la Banque sur les emprunts, en date du 15 f6vrier 1961 2, sous r6serve toutefois des modifications qui lui sont apport6es par l'annexe 3 du Contrat d'emprunt (ledit R~glement nO 4, ainsi modifi6, 6tant ci-apr~s d~nomm6 ele R~glement sur les emprunts )) et leur reconnaissent la m~me force obligatoire et les m~mes effets que si elles figuraient int~gralement dans le present Contrat. Les termes d6finis dans le Contrat d'emprunt auront le m~me sens que si leurs definitions figuraient int~gralement dans le pr6sent Contrat. I Entr6 en vigueur le 17 fdvrier 1967, d~s notification par la Banque au Gouvernement jamalquain. 2 Voir p. 323 de ce volume.

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<strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong><br />





JANUARY 1967<br />

AGREEMENT, dated January 23, 1967, between JAMAICA (hereinafter<br />


DEVELOPMENT (hereinafter called the Bank).<br />

WHEREAS by an agreement of even date herewith between the Bank<br />

and Jamaica Telephone Company Limited (hereinafter called the Borrower),<br />

which agreement and the schedules therein referred to are hereinafter called<br />

the Loan Agreement, 2 the Bank has agreed to make to the Borrower a loan<br />

in various currencies equivalent to eleven million two hundred thousand<br />

dollars ($11,200,000), on the terms and conditions set forth in the Loan Agreement,<br />

but only on condition that the Guarantor agree to guarantee the<br />

obligations of the Borrower in respect of such loans as hereinafter provided;<br />

and<br />

WHEREAS the Guarantor, in consideration of the Bank's entering into<br />

the Loan Agreement with the Borrower, has agreed so to guarantee such obligations<br />

of the Borrower;<br />

Now THEREFORE the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:<br />

Article I<br />

Section 1.01. The parties to this Guarantee Agreement accept all the<br />

provisions of Loan Regulations No. 4 of the Bank dated February 15, 1961, 2<br />

subject, however, to the modifications thereof set forth in Schedule 3 to<br />

the Loan Agreement (said Loan Regulations No. 4 as so modified being<br />

hereinafter called the Loan Regulations), with the same force and effect<br />

as if they were fully set forth herein. The terms defined in said Loan Agreement<br />

shall have the same meaning as if such definitions were fully set forth<br />

herein.<br />

I Came into force on 17 February 1967, upon notification by the Bank to the Government<br />

of Jamaica.<br />

3 See p. 322 of this volume.

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