Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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296 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 position, taking into account the complementary nature of the Senegal and Mali railway systems. The Project includes : 1. The relaying with 36 kg /m rails of the Khombole-Guinguineo-Kaolack line (approximately 130 kin) ; the completion of the doubling of the Dakar-Thi~s line and the construction of the Dagoudane-Pikine marshalling yard (approximately 18 km) ; and the welding and ballasting of approximately 147 km of other lines. 2. The acquisition and operation of 8 main-line locomotives, 3 shunting locomotives, 5 railcars, 14 trailers, 16 gangcars and 1 breakdown crane; the acquisition of component parts for about 100 freight cars and the assembly of such freight cars; the acquisition of adequate spare parts and of adequate workshop, track maintenance, signalling and other related equipment. 3. The employment of consultants and technicians to assist the Rdgie in improving its operations and administration. LETTERS RELATING TO THE DEVELOPMENT CREDIT AGREEMENT International Development Association 1818 H Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20433 Gentlemen : REPUBLIC OF SENEGAL Re: Credit No. 96 SE (Railway Project) Currency of Payment September 29, 1966 We refer to the Development Credit Agreement (Railway Project) of even date between us and to Section 3.02 of the Regulations referred to therein. Pursuant to such Section, we hereby request your agreement as follows: (i) Except as hereinafter provided, the principal amount of, and service charges on, the Credit provided for in such Agreement shall be payable in the currency of the Republic of France. (ii) If at any time we shall desire that, commencing with a given future payment date, such principal and service charges shall be payable in an eligible currency other than that specified in (i), or than one theretofore designated pursuant to this clause (ii) or selected pursuant to clause (iv), we shall deliver to the Association, not less than three nor more than five months prior to such payment date, a notice in writing to that effect and designating such other eligible currency, whereupon the currency so designated shall, commencing No. 8607

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 297 financi&re saine, le tout compte tenu du caractre complkmentaire des r~seaux de chemins de fer du S~n6gal et du Mali. Les activit6s relevant du Projet sont notamment les suivantes : 1. Pose de nouveaux rails pesant 36 kilogrammes au m~tre sur la ligne Khombole-Guinguineo-Kaolack (environ 130 kilom~tres) ; ach~vement du doublage de la ligne Dakar-Thi~s et construction des voies de classement de Dagoudane- Pikine (environ 18 kilom~tres) ; ballastage et soudage d'environ 147 kilom~tres d'autres voies. 2. Acquisition et mise en service de 8 locomotives de grandes lignes, 3 locomotives de manoeuvre, 5 autorails, 14 remorques, 16 draisines, une grue de d6pannage ; acquisition des 6lments d'une centaine de wagons de marchandises et assemblage desdits wagons ; acquisition des pi~ces ddtachdes correspondantes et du mat6riel n~cessaire pour les reparations, Fentretien des voies, la signalisation et toutes autres activit~s connexes. 3. Emploi d'experts et de techniciens qui devront aider la R~gie L amdliorer son exploitation et sa gestion. LETTRES RELATIVES AU CONTRAT DE CR1RDIT DE DtVELOPPEMENT R1tPUBLIQUE DU SENPEGAL Association internationale de ddveloppement 1818 H Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20433 Messieurs, Objet : Credit no 96 SE (Projet relatif aux chemins defer). Monnaie de remboursement Le 29 septembre 1966 Nous avons l'honneur de nous rdf~rer au Contrat de crddit de ddveloppement (Projet relatif aux chemins de fer) de r~me date, conclu entre le S~ndgal et l'Association internationale de d~veloppement, et au paragraphe 3.02 du R~glement visd dans ledit Contrat. Conformdment aux dispositions de ce paragraphe, nous vous prions de donner votre accord sur les points suivants : i) Sous rdserve des exceptions indiqu~es ci-apr~s, le principal du Credit dans ledit Contrat et les commissions aff6rentes audit Credit seront payables dans la monnaie de la R6publique franqaise. ii) Si, A un moment quelconque, nous souhaitons que, pour un versement donn6 et les versements ultdrieurs, ce principal et ces commissions soient payables dans une monnaie remplissant les conditions requises, autre que celle qui est sp~cifide A l'alin6a i ou autre qu'une monnaie d~signde A cet effet en vertu de la prdsente clause ii, ou choisie conformment h la clause iv, nous ferons tenir l'Association, trois mois au moins et cinq mois au plus avant la date du versement considdr6, une notification 6crite . cet effet dans laquelle nous NO 8607

296 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

position, taking into account the complementary nature of the Senegal and Mali<br />

railway systems. The Project includes :<br />

1. The relaying with 36 kg /m rails of the Khombole-Guinguineo-Kaolack line<br />

(approximately 130 kin) ; the completion of the doubling of the Dakar-Thi~s line<br />

and the construction of the Dagoudane-Pikine marshalling yard (approximately<br />

18 km) ; and the welding and ballasting of approximately 147 km of other lines.<br />

2. The acquisition and operation of 8 main-line locomotives, 3 shunting<br />

locomotives, 5 railcars, 14 trailers, 16 gangcars and 1 breakdown crane; the acquisition<br />

of component parts for about 100 freight cars and the assembly of such freight<br />

cars; the acquisition of adequate spare parts and of adequate workshop, track<br />

maintenance, signalling and other related equipment.<br />

3. The employment of consultants and technicians to assist the Rdgie in<br />

improving its operations and administration.<br />


International Development Association<br />

1818 H Street, N. W.<br />

Washington, D. C. 20433<br />

Gentlemen :<br />


Re: Credit No. 96 SE (Railway Project)<br />

Currency of Payment<br />

September 29, 1966<br />

We refer to the Development Credit Agreement (Railway Project) of even date<br />

between us and to Section 3.02 of the Regulations referred to therein. Pursuant<br />

to such Section, we hereby request your agreement as follows:<br />

(i) Except as hereinafter provided, the principal amount of, and service charges<br />

on, the Credit provided for in such Agreement shall be payable in the currency<br />

of the Republic of France.<br />

(ii) If at any time we shall desire that, commencing with a given future payment<br />

date, such principal and service charges shall be payable in an eligible currency<br />

other than that specified in (i), or than one theretofore designated pursuant<br />

to this clause (ii) or selected pursuant to clause (iv), we shall deliver to the<br />

Association, not less than three nor more than five months prior to such<br />

payment date, a notice in writing to that effect and designating such other<br />

eligible currency, whereupon the currency so designated shall, commencing<br />

No. 8607

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