Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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210 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 International Development Association 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 Gentlemen : REPUBLIC OF MALI REGIE DU CHEMIN DE FER DU MALI REPUBLIC OF SENEGAL REGIE DES CHEMINS DE FER DU StENEGAL Re: Credit No. 95 MLI (Railway Project) Credit No. 96 SE (Railway Project) Railway Convention: Tariffs for International Traffic September 29, 1966 With reference to the Development Credit Agreements (Railway Projects) between the Republic of Mali and the International Development Association 1 (the Association) and between the Republic of Senegal and the Association, 2 as well as to the Project Agreements (Railway Projects) between the Association and the R6gie du Chemin de Fer du Mali and between the Association and the R~gie des Chemins de Fer du S6n~gal, all of even date herewith, we wish to inform you of the agreement reached between ourselves with respect to the tariffs applicable to international traffic, and which we hereby confirm as follows : 1. As we informed you during the negotiations, the question of the tariffs applicable to international traffic is dealt with in Article 88 of the Railway Convention dated June 8, 1963 (hereinafter called the Railway Convention) between the R6gie du Chemin de Fer du Mali and the R6gie des Chemins de Fer du S*n~gal (hereinafter collectively called the R6gies). Pursuant to such Article 88, the tariffs applicable to international traffic are those set forth in Annex 2 to the Railway Convention. Such tariffs are the same per ton/km and per passenger/km for both R~gies and can only be modified by mutual agreement. 2. We agree, however, that: (a) tariffs should be established on sound traffic costing principles. To achieve this end, the R~gies, pursuant to the recommendations of the Association, will appoint traffic costing consultants and for the sake of uniformity, will appoint the same consultants. (b) changes in costs applying to the individual items which make up international traffic may occur; and (c) costs may not be the same for both R~gies. As a consequence, the tariffs applicable to international traffic (i) may have to be I See p. 188 of this volume. 2 See p. 277 of this volume. No. 8604

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 211 Rf-PUBLIQUE DU MALI REGIE DU CHEMIN DE FER DU MALI REPUBLIQUE DU SENEGAL REGIE DES CHEMINS DE FER DU SfNEGAL Association internationale de d~veloppement 1818 H Street, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20433 Messieurs, Le 29 septembre 1966 Objet : Cridit no 95 MLI (Projet relatif aux chemins defer) Crddit no 96 SE (Projet relatif aux chemins defer) Convention ferroviaire : tarifs des transports internationaux Nous r~f~rant aux Contrats de cr~dits de d~veloppement (Projets relatifs aux chemins de fer) entre la R~publique du Mali et l'Association internationale de d6veloppement, ((( 'Association )) et entre la R~publique du S~n6gal et l'Association 2, de m~me qu'aux Contrats relatifs aux projets (Projets relatifs aux chernins de fer) entre l'Association et la R~gie du chemin de fer du Mali et entre 'Association et la R~gie des chemins de fer du S6n~gal, tous de m~me date que la pr~sente lettre, nous avons l'honneur de porter A votre connaissance l'accord auquel nous sommes parvenus touchant les tarifs applicables aux transports internationaux et que nous confirmons ci-apr~s : 1. Ainsi que nous vous en avons inform~s au cours des n6gociations, la question des tarifs applicables aux transports internationaux est trait6e dans l'article 88 de la Convention ferroviaire, en date du 8 juin 1963 (ci-apr~s d~nomm~e ((la Convention ferroviaire )), entre la R~gie du chemin de fer du Mali et la R4gie des chemins de fer du S~n~gal (ci-apr~s d~nomm~es ales R~gies ). Conformment aux dispositions dudit article 88, les tarifs applicables aux transports internationaux sont ceux qui sont indiqu~s i l'annexe 2 de la Convention ferroviaire. Ces tarifs sont les mmes par tonne au kilomtre et par passager au kilom~tre pour les deux R~gies et ne peuvent 6tre modifies que d'un commun accord. 2. Nous convenons cependant que: a) Les tarifs doivent 6tre fondus sur des m~thodes rationnelles d'6tablissement des prix de revient du transport. A cet effet, les R6gies, conform~ment aux recommandations de l'Association, d~signeront des experts en mati~re d'6tablissement des prix de revient du transport et, pour plus d'uniformit6, nommeront les m~mes experts. b) Des modifications peuvent se produire en ce qui concerne le prix de revient des divers 6lments du prix de revient des transports internationaux ; et c) Les prix de revient peuvent ne pas 6tre les mmes pour les deux R~gies. I s'ensuit que les tarifs applicables aux transports intemationaux i) peuvent 6tre 'Voir p. 189 de ce volume. 2 Voir p. 277 de ce volume. No 8604

210 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

International Development Association<br />

1818 H Street, N.W.<br />

Washington, D.C. 20433<br />

Gentlemen :<br />





Re: Credit No. 95 MLI (Railway Project)<br />

Credit No. 96 SE (Railway Project)<br />

Railway Convention: Tariffs for International Traffic<br />

September 29, 1966<br />

With reference to the Development Credit Agreements (Railway Projects)<br />

between the Republic of Mali and the International Development Association 1<br />

(the Association) and between the Republic of Senegal and the Association, 2<br />

as well as to the Project Agreements (Railway Projects) between the Association<br />

and the R6gie du Chemin de Fer du Mali and between the Association and the<br />

R~gie des Chemins de Fer du S6n~gal, all of even date herewith, we wish to inform<br />

you of the agreement reached between ourselves with respect to the tariffs applicable<br />

to international traffic, and which we hereby confirm as follows :<br />

1. As we informed you during the negotiations, the question of the tariffs<br />

applicable to international traffic is dealt with in Article 88 of the Railway Convention<br />

dated June 8, 1963 (hereinafter called the Railway Convention) between<br />

the R6gie du Chemin de Fer du Mali and the R6gie des Chemins de Fer du S*n~gal<br />

(hereinafter collectively called the R6gies). Pursuant to such Article 88, the tariffs<br />

applicable to international traffic are those set forth in Annex 2 to the Railway<br />

Convention. Such tariffs are the same per ton/km and per passenger/km for both<br />

R~gies and can only be modified by mutual agreement.<br />

2. We agree, however, that:<br />

(a) tariffs should be established on sound traffic costing principles. To achieve<br />

this end, the R~gies, pursuant to the recommendations of the Association,<br />

will appoint traffic costing consultants and for the sake of uniformity,<br />

will appoint the same consultants.<br />

(b) changes in costs applying to the individual items which make up international<br />

traffic may occur; and<br />

(c) costs may not be the same for both R~gies.<br />

As a consequence, the tariffs applicable to international traffic (i) may have to be<br />

I See p. 188 of this volume.<br />

2 See p. 277 of this volume.<br />

No. 8604

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