Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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172 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 Section 2.06. The Borrower shall repay the principal amount of the Credit in semi-annual instalments payable on each April 15 and October 15 commencing October 15, 1977 and ending April 15, 2017 each instalment to and including the instalment payable on April 15, 1987 to be one-half of one per cent (Y2 of 1%) of such principal amount, and each instalment thereafter to be one and one-half per cent (I Y %) of such principal amount. A rticle III USE OF PROCEEDS OF CREDIT Section 3.01. The goods to be financed out of the proceeds of the Credit, the methods and procedures for procurement of such goods, and the industries from which Specified Enterprises will be selected, shall be determined by agreement between the Borrower and the Association, subject to modification by further agreement between them. Section 3.02. Except as the Borrower and the Association shall otherwise agree, the Borrower shall cause all goods financed out of the proceeds of the Credit to be imported into the territories of the Borrower and to be used in the carrying out of the Project described in the Schedule to this Agreement. Article IV PARTICULAR COVENANTS Section 4.01. (a) The Borrower shall carry out the Project, or cause it to be carried out, with due diligence and efficiency. (b) The Borrower shall: (i) promptly upon receipt of appropriate applications issue, or cause to be issued, such import licenses as shall be required to carry out the Project; (ii) make available, or cause to be made available, promptly as needed all foreign exchange which shall be required to carry out the Project ; and (iii) with respect to locally produced materials which are subject to allocation make, or cause to be made, allocations of such materials promptly and in such quantities as shall be required to carry out the Project. (c) Upon request from time to time by the Association, the Borrower shall promptly furnish to the Association the programs and plans for the Project and any material modifications subsequently made therein, in such detail as the Association shall request. (d) The Borrower shall: (i) maintain or cause to be maintained records adequate to identify the goods financed out of the proceeds of the Credit, to disclose the use thereof in the Project and to record the progress of the Project ; (ii) enable the Association's representatives to inspect the relevant No. 8603

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 173 Paragraphe 2.06. L'Emprunteur remboursera le principal du Credit par versements semestriels effectu~s le 15 avril et le 15 octobre de chaque annde, h partir du 15 octobre 1977 et jusqu'au 15 avril 2017 ; les versements h effectuer jusqu'au 15 avril 1987 inclus correspondront h un demi pour cent (Y2 p. 100) du principal pr~lev6 et les versements ult~rieurs correspondront un et demi pour cent (1 / 2 p. 100) dudit principal. Article III UTILISATION DES FONDS PROVENANT DU CRfDIT Paragraphe 3.01. Les marchandises qui devront 8tre achetes h l'aide des fonds provenant du Cr6dit, les m6thodes et modalit~s de leur achat, ainsi que les industries parmi lesquelles seront choisies les Entreprises agr6es, seront sp~cifi~es par convention entre l'Emprunteur et l'Association, qui pourront par convention ult~rieure, modifier la liste desdites marchandises et industries ainsi que lesdites m6thodes et modalit6s. Paragraphe 3.02. Sauf convention contraire entre l'Emprunteur et l'Association, l'Emprunteur veillera h ce que toutes les marchandises achet~es i l'aide des fonds provenant du Credit soient import~es sur ses territoires et utilis6es exclusivement pour l'ex~cution du Projet d~crit h l'annexe du present Contrat. Article IV ENGAGEMENTS PARTICULIERS Paragraphe 4.01. a) L'Emprunteur ex~cutera ou fera ex~cuter le Projet avec la diligence et l'efficacit6 voulues. b) L'Emprunteur devra : i) d~livrer ou faire d~livrer sans retard, lorsqu'il sera saisi des demandes voulues, les licences d'importation n~cessaires h l'ex~cution du Projet ; ii) fournir ou faire fournir sans retard, au fur et h mesure des besoins, toutes les devises 6trang~res n~cessaires h 1'ex~cution du Projet ; et iii) autoriser ou faire autoriser sans retard le d~blocage des mati~res ou mat~riaux de production locale qui sont contingent6s, en quantit~s suffisantes pour permettre l'ex~cution du Projet, c) L'Emprunteur remettra sans retard h l'Association, h sa demande, les programmes et plans concernant le Projet, et il lui communiquera les modifications importantes qui pourraient y 6tre apport~es, avec tous les d~tails que l'Association voudra connaitre. d) L'Emprunteur devra: i) tenir ou faire tenir des livres permettant d'identifier les marchandises achetes h l'aide des fonds provenant du Credit, de connaitre leur utilisation dans le cadre du Projet et de suivre la marche des travaux d'ex6cution du Projet ; ii) donner aux repr~sentants de l'Asso- No 8603

172 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

Section 2.06. The Borrower shall repay the principal amount of the<br />

Credit in semi-annual instalments payable on each April 15 and October 15<br />

commencing October 15, 1977 and ending April 15, 2017 each instalment<br />

to and including the instalment payable on April 15, 1987 to be one-half<br />

of one per cent (Y2 of 1%) of such principal amount, and each instalment<br />

thereafter to be one and one-half per cent (I Y %) of such principal amount.<br />

A rticle III<br />


Section 3.01. The goods to be financed out of the proceeds of the Credit,<br />

the methods and procedures for procurement of such goods, and the industries<br />

from which Specified Enterprises will be selected, shall be determined<br />

by agreement between the Borrower and the Association, subject to modification<br />

by further agreement between them.<br />

Section 3.02. Except as the Borrower and the Association shall otherwise<br />

agree, the Borrower shall cause all goods financed out of the proceeds<br />

of the Credit to be imported into the territories of the Borrower and to be<br />

used in the carrying out of the Project described in the Schedule to this<br />

Agreement.<br />

Article IV<br />


Section 4.01. (a) The Borrower shall carry out the Project, or cause<br />

it to be carried out, with due diligence and efficiency.<br />

(b) The Borrower shall: (i) promptly upon receipt of appropriate applications<br />

issue, or cause to be issued, such import licenses as shall be required<br />

to carry out the Project; (ii) make available, or cause to be made available,<br />

promptly as needed all foreign exchange which shall be required to carry<br />

out the Project ; and (iii) with respect to locally produced materials which<br />

are subject to allocation make, or cause to be made, allocations of such<br />

materials promptly and in such quantities as shall be required to carry out<br />

the Project.<br />

(c) Upon request from time to time by the Association, the Borrower<br />

shall promptly furnish to the Association the programs and plans for the<br />

Project and any material modifications subsequently made therein, in such<br />

detail as the Association shall request.<br />

(d) The Borrower shall: (i) maintain or cause to be maintained records<br />

adequate to identify the goods financed out of the proceeds of the Credit,<br />

to disclose the use thereof in the Project and to record the progress of the<br />

Project ; (ii) enable the Association's representatives to inspect the relevant<br />

No. 8603

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