Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recuei dens Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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126 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 Article 3 When technical co-operation as referred to in paragraph I of Article 2 has been decided upon and, in consequence, experts are made available, fellowships are granted or technical co-operation on a broader scale is initiated, the methods to be employed and the conditions to be observed shall, in each individual case, be decided in joint consultation by administrative arrangements, in accordance with the principles embodied in the present Agreement. Article 4 1. Experts made available by the Government of one country for advisory or executive functions in the other country shall be allowed for a period of six months after their arrival in the other country to import their luggage, personal and household effects, motor-car and other goods intended for their personal use or the personal use of members of their family, without a special import licence or certificate of foreign exchange coverage. The receiving country shall exempt such goods from customs and import duties and other similar impositions. 2. The experts shall be allowed for a period of six months after the termination of their assignment to export the goods imported by them under conditions analogous to those laid down in paragraph I of this Article. The same shall hold good for personal and household effects"that,'within reasonable limits, have been acquired during the period of the assignment. Article 5 The provisions of Article 4 shall likewise be applicable to the importation and exportation of equipment, demonstration material and other goods required by the experts for the performance of their task or forming part of material made available in cases of technical co-operation on a broader scale, it being understood that the importation of such material into the receiving country shall at all time be permitted. Article 6 As regards contingencies for which this Agreement does not provide, the two Governments shall, in each individual case, decide by administrative arrangement which facilities relating to the assignment of experts and the execution of projects which are embodied in the "Model Text of Agreement concerning Assistance from the United Nations Special Fund" that is valid at the moment the administrative arrangement is made, shall be declared operative. No. 8599

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 127 Article 3 Lorsque la cooperation technique d~finie au paragraphe I de P'article 2 a t6 d6cidde et qu'en consequence, des experts sont fournis, des bourses sont accorddes ou une coopdration technique de plus grande envergure est entreprise, les m~thodes k employer et les conditions h respecter seront, dans chaque cas, fix~es h la suite de consultations entre les deux Parties, par des arrangements administratifs conformes aux principes 6nonc6s dans le pr6sent Accord. Article 4 1. Les experts fournis par le Gouvernement d'un pays pour exercer des fonctions de consultation ou d'ex~cution dans l'autre pays pourront, pendant six mois h compter de leur arriv~e, importer leurs bagages, leurs effets et mobiliers personnels, leur automobile et autres articles destin6s h leur usage personnel ou h celui de membres de leur famille, sans licence sp~ciale d'importation ni certificat de change. Le pays d'accueil exon~rera les articles en question de droits de douane et d'importation, et d'autres charges similaires. 2. Pendant une p~riode de six mois apr~s la fin de leur mission, les experts pourront exporter les articles qu'ils auront import~s dans des conditions analogues h celles 6nonc~es au paragraphe I du present article. Cette disposition s'appliquera 6galement aux effets et mobiliers personnels que dans des limites raisonnables, ils auraient acquis pendant la dur~e de la mission. Article 5 Les dispositions de l'article 4 s'appliquent aussi h l'importation et h 1'exportation d'6quipement, de mat6riel de d6monstration et d'autres articles ndcessaires aux experts pour l'accomplissement de leur tache, ou faisant partie du mat6riel fourni h l'occasion d'une coop6ration technique de plus grande envergure, 6tant entendu que l'importation de ce matdriel dans le pays d'accueil sera autoris~e a tout moment. Article 6 En ce qui concerne les cas impr6vus 6chappant aux dispositions du present Accord, les deux Gouvernements ddcideront dans chaque cas, par arrangement administratif, quelles sont les dispositions relatives au d6tachement d'experts et h l'exdcution de projets qui sont 6noncds dans l'Accord type relatif h une assistance du Fonds sp6cial en vigueur au moment ofi l'arrangement administratif est conclu, qui seront applicables. N- 8599

126 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

Article 3<br />

When technical co-operation as referred to in paragraph I of Article 2<br />

has been decided upon and, in consequence, experts are made available,<br />

fellowships are granted or technical co-operation on a broader scale is initiated,<br />

the methods to be employed and the conditions to be observed shall,<br />

in each individual case, be decided in joint consultation by administrative<br />

arrangements, in accordance with the principles embodied in the present<br />

Agreement.<br />

Article 4<br />

1. Experts made available by the Government of one country for<br />

advisory or executive functions in the other country shall be allowed for<br />

a period of six months after their arrival in the other country to import<br />

their luggage, personal and household effects, motor-car and other goods<br />

intended for their personal use or the personal use of members of their family,<br />

without a special import licence or certificate of foreign exchange coverage.<br />

The receiving country shall exempt such goods from customs and import<br />

duties and other similar impositions.<br />

2. The experts shall be allowed for a period of six months after the<br />

termination of their assignment to export the goods imported by them under<br />

conditions analogous to those laid down in paragraph I of this Article. The<br />

same shall hold good for personal and household effects"that,'within reasonable<br />

limits, have been acquired during the period of the assignment.<br />

Article 5<br />

The provisions of Article 4 shall likewise be applicable to the importation<br />

and exportation of equipment, demonstration material and other<br />

goods required by the experts for the performance of their task or forming<br />

part of material made available in cases of technical co-operation on a broader<br />

scale, it being understood that the importation of such material into the<br />

receiving country shall at all time be permitted.<br />

Article 6<br />

As regards contingencies for which this Agreement does not provide,<br />

the two Governments shall, in each individual case, decide by administrative<br />

arrangement which facilities relating to the assignment of experts and the<br />

execution of projects which are embodied in the "Model Text of Agreement<br />

concerning Assistance from the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> Special Fund" that is valid<br />

at the moment the administrative arrangement is made, shall be declared<br />

operative.<br />

No. 8599

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