Panorama de la bibliothèque du MJSN et du - Musée jurassien des ...

Panorama de la bibliothèque du MJSN et du - Musée jurassien des ... Panorama de la bibliothèque du MJSN et du - Musée jurassien des ...


1743 Sheehy, S.J. & Baillie I.F. 1971 Irish Agriculture in a Changing World Oliver & Boy The Code of Agriculture, London, pp. 591, App. B/Agro. 1768 Sinclair J. 1821 pp. Investigations into the Water Requirement of London 1821 B/Agro. 1769 Singh B.N. 1935 Crop Races of Maize in India, Indian Council of Agr. B/Agro. 1842 Singh, B. 1977 Re Tropische und subtropische B/Agro. 1876 Sprecher von Bernegg, A. 1929 Weltwirtschaftspflanzen B/Agro. 1889 Springett, L.E. 1935 Quality Coffee, Spice Mill, New York, pp. 137. Tea and Tea Dealing, Isaac Pitman, London, B/Agro. 1878 Staveacre, F.W.F. 1929 pp. 136 Rice in India, Indian Council of Agr. Res., New B/Agro. 1849 Subrahmanyan, V. et al. 1960 De Tobacco from the Grower to the Smoker, B/Agro. 1879 Tanner, A.E. 1937 Fairweather Handbook on Coconut Palm, Oxford B/Agro. 1922 Thampan, P.K. 1981 Publishing, New D Tomato Culture, Judd, New York, pp. 150, Fig. B/Agro. 2206 Tracy, W.W. 1908 42. Brown Gold, the Amazing Story of Coffee, B/Agro. 1880 Uribe, A. 1954 Random Ho The Agricultural Grasses and Forage Plants of B/Agro. 1767 Vasey G. 1889 the Agricultural Botany, Duckworth, London, pp. B/Agro. 1756 Vear K.C. & Gill N.T. 1958 636, F Grassland and Grassland Products, Arnold, B/Agro. 1765 Watson S.J. 1951 London, The Story of the Maize Plant, Univ. of Chicago, B/Agro. 1844 Weatherwax, P. 1923 pp Sugar-Cane Diseases of the World, Vol. II, B/Agro. 1877 Wismer, C.A. et al. 1964 Elsavie Cocoa-Growing in Venezuela, Colombia and B/Agro. 1882 Wood, G.A.R. Allain, Yves-Marie; 1959 Ecuador w B/Agro. 5433 Hocquard, Joëlle 2008 Nos arbres venus d'ailleurs Rustica/FLER, Paris B/Arb.

1802 Allen W.J. 1918 Pruning, Gullick, Sydney, pp. 183, Fig. 291. B/Arb. 2041 Amann,G. 1956 Bäume und Sträucher des Waldes Lexicon Dendrologicum, De Sikkel, Antwerpen, J. Neumann-Neudamm, Melsungen B/Arb. 1992 Amelickx S. & F. 1955 pp. 5 Lexicon Dendrologicum, De Sikkel, Antwerpen, B/Arb. 1993 Amelinckx F. & S. 1955 pp. 5 B/Arb. 4291 Auteur inconnu 2003 The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University Ornamental Flowering Trees and Shrubs, Royal Harvard College B/Arb. 2378 Auteurs divers 1940 Horti Soc. genevoise d'horticulture, B/Arb. 2015 Auteurs divers 1967 Nos Arbres Genève B/Arb. 2382 Auteurs divers 1970 Arbres et arbustes d'ornement Grange Batelière B/Arb. 4261 Auteurs divers 1981 Bäume der Welt - Oxford-Enzyklopädie I Planted Trees, Lutterworth, London, pp. 262, DRW, Stuttgart B/Arb. 2026 Barbe, Baker, St. R. 1944 Ph. Une relique de la Sapinière Méditerranéenne, B/Arb. 1990 Barbey A. 1934 Le M B/Arb. 2050 Barbey, A. 1942 Le Peuplier, Dép. Féd. de l'Intérieur, Berne, pp. B/Arb. 2043 Barbey, P. 1957 Arboriculture ornementale Spes, Lausanne B/Arb. 2060 Bärtels ,A. 1973 Das grosse Buch der Gartengehölze Je soigne mes arbustes d'ornement, tome 1 - Les arbustes à feuilles vertes, à feuilles colorées, à fruits décoratifs Ulmer,Stuttgart B/Arb. 2044 Basteleus, R. 1974 Les ar Je soigne mes arbustes, tome 2 -Les arbustes Rossel, Paris B/Arb. 2374 Basteleus, R. 1974 à fleurs Larousse des arbres, des arbustes et des Rossel, Paris B/Arb. 2016 Becker, M. et. al. 1982 arbrisseaux Larousse B/Arb. 2049 Boccard Frères Votre jardin à la carte Blütengehölze für Garten und Park. Horticolor, Lyon-Vénissieux B/Arb. 2017 Boerner, F. 1985 Ulmer, Stuttga Ertragreiche Naderwaldgesellschaften im B/Arb. 1999 Campell, E. et al. 1955 Gebiete de Flowering Cherries, Collins, London, pp. 160, B/Arb. 2079 Chadbund, G. 1972 Pl. B/Arb.

1743 Sheehy, S.J. & Baillie I.F. 1971<br />

Irish Agriculture in a Changing World Oliver &<br />

Boy<br />

The Co<strong>de</strong> of Agriculture, London, pp. 591, App.<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1768 Sinc<strong>la</strong>ir J. 1821 pp.<br />

Investigations into the Water Requirement of<br />

London 1821 B/Agro.<br />

1769 Singh B.N. 1935 Crop<br />

Races of Maize in India, Indian Council of Agr.<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1842 Singh, B. 1977 Re<br />

Tropische und subtropische<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1876 Sprecher von Bernegg, A. 1929 Weltwirtschaftspf<strong>la</strong>nzen B/Agro.<br />

1889 Spring<strong>et</strong>t, L.E. 1935 Quality Coffee, Spice Mill, New York, pp. 137.<br />

Tea and Tea Dealing, Isaac Pitman, London,<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1878 Staveacre, F.W.F. 1929 pp. 136<br />

Rice in India, Indian Council of Agr. Res., New<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1849 Subrahmanyan, V. <strong>et</strong> al. 1960 De<br />

Tobacco from the Grower to the Smoker,<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1879 Tanner, A.E. 1937 Fairweather<br />

Handbook on Coconut Palm, Oxford<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1922 Thampan, P.K. 1981 Publishing, New D<br />

Tomato Culture, Judd, New York, pp. 150, Fig.<br />

B/Agro.<br />

2206 Tracy, W.W. 1908 42.<br />

Brown Gold, the Amazing Story of Coffee,<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1880 Uribe, A. 1954 Random Ho<br />

The Agricultural Grasses and Forage P<strong>la</strong>nts of<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1767 Vasey G. 1889 the<br />

Agricultural Botany, Duckworth, London, pp.<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1756 Vear K.C. & Gill N.T. 1958 636, F<br />

Grass<strong>la</strong>nd and Grass<strong>la</strong>nd Pro<strong>du</strong>cts, Arnold,<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1765 Watson S.J. 1951 London,<br />

The Story of the Maize P<strong>la</strong>nt, Univ. of Chicago,<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1844 Weatherwax, P. 1923 pp<br />

Sugar-Cane Diseases of the World, Vol. II,<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1877 Wismer, C.A. <strong>et</strong> al. 1964 Elsavie<br />

Cocoa-Growing in Venezue<strong>la</strong>, Colombia and<br />

B/Agro.<br />

1882 Wood, G.A.R.<br />

Al<strong>la</strong>in, Yves-Marie;<br />

1959 Ecuador w B/Agro.<br />

5433 Hocquard, Joëlle 2008 Nos arbres venus d'ailleurs Rustica/FLER, Paris B/Arb.

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