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Now You See Me, Now You Don’t

In April of 2013, Khairullozhon Matanov, a twentyy-twoyyear-old

former cab driver from Quincyy, Massachusetts, went to dinner with

a couple of friends—a pair of brothers, in fact. Among other topics, the

three men talked about events earlier in the dayy that occurred near the finish

line of the Boston Marathon, where someone had planted rice cookers

packed with nails and gunpowder and a timer. The resulting blasts claimed

three lives and left more than two hundred people injured. The brothers at

Matanov’s table, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, would later be

identified as the prime suspects.

Although Matanov said later that he had no prior knowledge of the

bombing, he allegedlyy left an earlyy post-bombing meeting with law

enforcement officers and promptlyy deleted the browser historyy from his

personal computer. That simple act—erasing his laptop’s browser historyy—

resulted in charges against him. 1

Deleting browser historyy was also one of the charges against David

Kernell, the college student who hacked Sarah Palin’s e-mail account.

What’s chilling is that when Kernell cleared his browser, ran a disk

defragmenter, and deleted the Palin photos he had downloaded, he wasn’t

yyet under investigation. The message here is that in the United States yyou

are not allowed to erase anyything yyou do on yyour computer. Prosecutors

want to see yyour entire browser historyy.

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